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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen あれ? ルリアちゃんは? 美味しそうなケーキ屋さん見つけたから声かけようと思ったんだけど… Hm? Where's Lyria? I found a delicious cake shop so I thought of inviting her with me...
フフ…♪ 私の目すごいでしょう♪ …でも、皆と同じ景色が見られないのはやっぱり少し寂しいかな Hehe, aren't my eyes incredible? ...But not being able to see the same scenery as everyone else, it's really a bit lonely, you know.
ねぇ団長、私ルーマシー群島の景色が好きなの。次の目的地にどぉ? ウフフ♪ You know, Captain, I like the scenery of Lumacie Archipelago. How about the next destination? Hehehe♪
Add to Party 準備万端♪ Preparations complete
頑張るわ I'll do my best
まかせて! Leave it to me!
Uncap 無駄だよ、獲物を逃したことはないわ It's futile, my prey cannot escape me
Journal 動きは読めたわ I see through all of your movements
十天衆ソーン、あなたの旅にご一緒するわ… お友達としてね、ウフフ♪ Tweyen of the Eternals, will be accompanying you in your journey... Let's be good friends okay, hehehe♪
私の目はどこまでも見渡すの My eyes can survey even the furthest place
EM Lvl Up 凄い… もっと強くなれそう Amazing... I can be stronger
EM Perk Lvl Up うふふ♪ Hehehe♪
やった♪ Hurray♪
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 逃がさない You can't escape
遅いわ Too slow
見えた I see you
Enemy Defeated 仕留めたわ I've shot them down
Skill 1 息を潜めて、研ぎ澄ます Conceal your breath, sharpen the senses
Skill 2 追い詰めるわ I'll hunt it down.
Skill 3 逃げられないわよ You can't escape from me
C.A. Ready 私は天性の狩人、この一撃は外さない I am a hunter by nature; this shot will not miss
Charge Attack この眼で捉えた!射抜いてみせる、アストラルハウザー! I've caught you in my sight! I'll shoot you down, Astral Howser!
Skip Charge Attack アストラルハウザー! Astral Howser!
Damage Taken
Red HP まだまだ Not yet!
Knocked Out 私より… 早い… Someone faster... than I am...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
How insolent...!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 元気出たかも♪ I think I feel a bit better♪
Join Battle よくもやってくれたわね
Victory フフ…♪ 私の目からは逃れられないわ Hehe…♪ You can't escape from my eyes
Turn Start 動きは読めたわ I see through all of your movements Same as one of her journal entries
MC Defeats Enemy 終わりね It's over now
MC C.A. Ready 準備運動はおしまいね Warm-up exercises are over
MC Knocked Out あとは私が片付けわ Leave the rest to me

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 余計なお節介で人を傷つけたことって…何年たっても忘れられないね I hurt people because I wouldn't mind my own business... I won't forget it, no matter how many years pass.
シルヴァは、私の目を凄いっていってくれたの。島の反対側にいる人の話をしたりして、気味悪るがられることのほうが多かったから、驚いちゃった Silva told me that my eyes are amazing. When I talk about someone all the way on the other side of the island, people usually get freaked out, so I was really surprised.
私…普通ってなんだろうって、ずっと考えてた…。 村の普通…街の普通…そこから何かが外れていたら、何処にも居られないのかなって…。 でも十天衆と団長さんの騎空団は、私を全部受け止めてくれた、嬉しかったなぁ I... I've always wondered what it is to be "normal." What's normal in a village... what's normal in a town... and then, I thought that if something doesn't fit in there, then it can't really be anywhere, can it? But the Eternals, and your crew, Captain, have accepted me totally; I'm so happy.
Add to Party 準備出来てるから Everything's ready.
出かけるの?お弁当作ろうか Are we going out? I should make some boxed lunches, then.
狩りなら私に任せて Leave the hunt to me
Uncap この眼に映ったものは、全て射抜いてみせるわ I'll shoot down everything that's reflected in these eyes.
Journal 十天衆ソーン、あなたの旅にご一緒するわ… お友達としてね、ウフフ♪ Tweyen of the Eternals, will be accompanying you in your journey... Let's be good friends okay, hehehe♪ This entry is the same as her pre-5★ uncap.
不思議。団長さんと出違ってから、他の十天衆との距離も縮まったみたいに思うの How curious. Ever since I've changed alongside you, it seems like the distance between myself and the other Eternals may have narrowed.
さてと…次の島でどんなお店があるのか、ちゃんと調べておかないと Okay... I wonder what kind of shops are there on the next island. I must do some research.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 見えた! I see you!
逃がさない! You can't escape!
そこっ! Over there!
Enemy Defeated はい、おしまい Okay, the end
Skill 1 私の目は、千里をも射抜く With my eyes, I can shoot something even a thousand leagues away.
Skill 2 大丈夫、逃がさないから It's alright, I won't let it escape.
Skill 3 狩人に失敗はないわ There's no room for failure in being a hunter
Skill 4 東西を瞬く間に横断せし二王の炎、眼前の敵を焼き貫け Two-Crown Flame which traverses the East and West in an instant, burn and pierce the enemy who is before my eyes.
C.A. Ready 次で終わりにしてあげる I'll end this with the next one
Charge Attack 響け、殲滅の鏑矢よ!アステロイド・イェーガー! Ring out, Arrow of Annihilation! Asteroid Jaeger!
Skip Charge Attack アステロイド・イェーガー! Asteroid Jaeger!
Damage Taken
Red HP 嘘でしょ… You can't be serious...
Knocked Out こんなの… 信じられない… This is... unbelievable...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle 此処から先は任せてちょうだい Now, you can leave the rest to me.
Victory はあ…狩りはこれでおしまいね Sigh... With this, the hunt ends.
Turn Start 逃れられないって言ったでしょ I told you, you can't escape.
MC Defeats Enemy 終わりね Ah, you finished it.
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen
Add to Party
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack
Enemy Defeated
Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
Skill 4 東西を瞬く間に横断せし二王の炎、眼前の敵を焼き貫け Two-Crown Flame which traverses the East and West in an instant, burn and pierce the enemy who is before my eyes. Same as before transcendence.
C.A. Ready
Charge Attack
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken
Red HP
Knocked Out
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Character Banter


Applies to all versions except Silva.

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ソーン「私にあってられる人はそういないわよ」 シルヴァ「こっちを見て言わないでくれ....」 Tweyen: Hehe. There aren't many people who could have me alongside them, you know. Silva: Please don't look at me like that... Unsure about the JP transcription.
Skill 2 Tweyen: Hunt them down. Silva: Let me take care of them from here.
Tweyen: They've been caught in the trap, it seems. Silva: We don't need to show them any mercy. Let's go, Tweyen.
Skill 3 Silva: Now, Tweyen! Tweyen: Right. I won't let you escape!
C.A. Ready Tweyen: I can read you like a book! Silva: You've always been so skilled. Tweyen is addressing the enemy.
Red HP シルヴァ「しっかりするんだ、ソーン!」
Silva: I need you to hang in there, Tweyen! Tweyen: You're right...
Knocked Out シルヴァ「ソーン!」
Silva: Tweyen!! Tweyen: I'm sorry... I'll—leave this one to you...
Join Battle Silva: Tweyen, I'm relying on you. Tweyen: Yes, leave it to me!
Victory Tweyen: Hey, Silva. I found a really wonderful place the other day! Want to go together? Silva: Yeah, let's go. Your recommendations are always on point, after all.
Silva: Target's been eliminated. Good job for today. Tweyen: Ehehe, they can't run away from our sniper rifles!


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Happy Birthday!!

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
新年おめでとう、団長。 Happy new year, Captain.
私、団長やルリアちゃんと出会えてよかった。 今年もよろしくね。 I'm grateful to have been able to meet you and Lyria. I'll be relying on you two in the next year, as well.

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
今日はバレンタインでしょう?ふふ、張り切ってチョコレート作らないと。団員全員に配るのは大変だな! Today's Valentine, right? Fufu, I'll have to do my best and make some chocolates. It will be hard to give them to everyone in the crew!
私のチョコレート、どうだった? ふふふっ♪ How was my chocolate? Fufufu

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Eh? Sweets? In return for Valentine's day? Is it alright for me to accept them?
Ehehe, I got return chocolates from Lyria. They're wonderful.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Hehehe, hey, Captain. Would you like a trick or a treat? Here, your candy!
Did you see where Lyria went? I have tons of sweets for her...

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Cap-tain! Do you want to be the first to exchange Christmas presents? Let's do it, please?


Eternal's Summer Vacation

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 楽しい……、海に連れてきてくれてありがとう、団長さん
この水着ね? 十天衆らしさを出すために、白を選んだの。黒とも迷ったんだけど……うふふ、似合う?
Add to Party うふふっ、誰にも邪魔なんてさせないんだから
団長? どこに連れていってくれるの?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ
Enemy Defeated 悪いわね
Skill 1 泳いで、日光浴して、バーベキューして
Skill 2 海で遊ぶ時間を、これ以上奪わせない
Skill 3 ここを凌いだら、少し休憩ね
C.A. Ready バカンスへの道を切り開くわよ!
Charge Attack イヤな思い出なんて消し飛ばすわ! アストラルハウザー!
Skip Charge Attack アストラルハウザー!
Damage Taken 痛いじゃない……!
Red HP まだ……まだよ
Knocked Out もう帰る
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ありがとう、リフレッシュできたわ
Join Battle 逃がすつもりはないわ
Victory ふう……ついでに魚も獲っていく?
Turn Start バカンスの邪魔しないでもらえる?
MC Defeats Enemy さすがね団長!
MC C.A. Ready 行きましょ、私たちのバカンスのために
MC Red HP しっかり、まだ終わらせたくないの
MC Knocked Out ……あなたたち、どうしても水を差したいみたいね