And you/Story

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Event Story Gallery

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

…and you. - Opening

Vyrn and an unfamiliar figure watch over a bedridden (Captain) in a dreamlike world. Back in reality, (Captain) is similarly bedridden while being watched over by Vyrn and Lyria.

Vyrn: (Captain)! You're awake!
A young (Captain) awakens with a terrible cough at home in Zinkenstill.
Vyrn places a paw on the youngster's forehead to check for a fever.
Vyrn: Logia! (Captain)'s up, but still runnin' hot...
The figure that Vyrn addresses comes to the side of the bed, face colored with concern.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: I thought for sure the fever had gone away after all that sweat, but I guess that was just wishful thinking...
Gran is the Main Character

???: I thought for sure the fever had gone away after all that sweat, but I guess that was just wishful thinking...
Logia checks for illness too, placing a hand on the crest of (Captain)'s neck.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: It's gone down a smidge or two, but a change of clothes and more rest would certainly help.
Gran is the Main Character

???: It's gone down a smidge or two, but a change of clothes and more rest would certainly help.
Vyrn: Yeah, I'm worried about that cough...
???: Vyrn? Logia? How is (Captain) feeling?
Vyrn: I thought I told you not to come in here, Xing! Fevers are infectious, remember?
Young Xing: Sorry... I was just really worried.
Young Xing: I brought some fresh clothes for (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: How awfully considerate, Xing! Well, (Captain)? Think you can prop yourself up just enough to change?
Gran is the Main Character

???: How awfully considerate, Xing! Well, (Captain)? Think you can prop yourself up just enough to change?
With Logia's assistance, (Captain)'s body shifts upward.
Vyrn: All right, keep those arms raised! I'm gonna take off the clothes you're wearin' now.
Young Xing: Give them here. I'll take the old clothes to the washing basin.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: Now where's that medicine from the doctor... Ah, here it is. But you should eat something first...
???: Care for some porridge, (Captain)? We have some in the kitchen. But I wouldn't want to push you if you're not feeling it.
Gran is the Main Character

???: Now where's that medicine from the doctor... Ah, here it is. But you should eat something first...
???: Care for some porridge, (Captain)? We have some in the kitchen. But I wouldn't want to push you if you're not feeling it.
After changing into a fresh set of clothes with Vyrn's help, (Captain) considers the offer and refuses.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: No problem. Let's just go with a radish syrup remedy mixed with hot water then. I'll be right back.
Gran is the Main Character

???: No problem. Let's just go with a radish syrup remedy mixed with hot water then. I'll be right back.
Vyrn remains in the room while Logia and Xing head out.
Vyrn: Sigh... Shoulda known that playin' with Aaron in the snow for so long yesterday would lead to this...
Vyrn: I know you were havin' a blast, but the least I could've done was have you come in before dark. I'm sorry, (Captain)...
With a head wag, the child absolves Vyrn of any guilt and accepts the blame for having pressed everyone to stay outside longer the day prior.
Vyrn: Except your dad trusted me to take care of ya, you know?
Vyrn: I can't help but feel responsible...
Hoping to cheer him up a bit, the child asks for some bodily warmth.
Vyrn: You got it, buddy! But wait, if I get under the covers with you now, won't you end up fallin' asleep before you take your medicine?
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: The syrup and medicine are ready! Luckily for you, the pill is coated in sugar, so it's not bitter in the least.
???: The syrup-water mixture is still hot, so let me blow on it for you.
???: Fwoo, fwoo...
Gran is the Main Character

???: The syrup and medicine are ready! Luckily for you, the pill is coated in sugar, so it's not bitter in the least.
???: The syrup-water mixture is still hot, so let me blow on it for you.
???: Fwoo, fwoo...
(Captain) takes the slightly cooled mug and ingests the remedy along with the medicine before lying back down.
Vyrn: I'm gonna be your personal heatin' pad tonight, (Captain)!
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: Ooh, you get to sleep here, Vyrn? I'm almost jealous...
Gran is the Main Character

???: Ooh, you get to sleep here, Vyrn? I'm almost jealous...
Vyrn: Hehe, not like you'd fit in (Captain)'s bed anyway, Logia.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: True...
???: But hey, at least I get to chat with Xing until I fall asleep!
???: Good night, (Captain). Hope you feel better in the morning.
Gran is the Main Character

???: True...
???: But hey, at least I get to chat with Xing until I fall asleep!
???: Good night, (Captain). Hope you feel better in the morning.
After patting the child's head, Logia leaves the room to go wash the mug.
Vyrn: Nighty-night and sweet dreams, (Captain)...
Vyrn gives (Captain) a gentle pat on the shoulder as he murmurs those words.
Lulled into sleep by the rhythm of the dragon's paw, (Captain) closes both eyes.
In the captain's quarters aboard the Grandcypher...
(Captain) has remained bedridden for days now, recovering from a high fever under the watch of Vyrn and Lyria.
Vyrn: The fever's not goin' down at all...
Lyria: (Captain)'s face is still flush red, and the medicine from the doctor doesn't seem to be working...
Vyrn: Pretty sure it's not a disease particular to the island we came from either...
Lyria: Maybe we should visit another doctor... Or we can have Fif take a look at (Captain).
Trading worried glances, Lyria and Vyrn nod in unison.
The captain, still in deep slumber, does not hear a word of this exchange.

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 1: ・|・・|・・・ - Episode 1

In testing out all sorts of simulations to avoid world ruin, the time wedge Orologia discovers that (Captain) will always be born no matter which route is taken and is destined to become the singularity. Pitying (Captain), Orologia vows to lighten this great burden as much as possible.

In Zinkenstill, one of the Phantagrande Skydom's many islands, a man walks around a forest with a baby in his arms.
Upon arriving at the entrance to his village, he stops his weary legs at the sight of someone who appears to be waiting for him.
???: Good evening.
???: Good evening.
Seeing the worried expression on the man's face as he pulls his child in close, the visitor smiles in an effort to show that there is no ill will.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. You're the mortal who has gained god's favor yet stands in his way, and your child is destined to become the singularity.
Gran is the Main Character

???: My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. You're the mortal who has gained god's favor yet stands in his way, and your child is destined to become the singularity.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I mean you no harm. My name is Orologia, and I am the wedge that controls causality and the flow of time.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I mean you no harm. My name is Orologia, and I am the wedge that controls causality and the flow of time.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The term "wedge" puzzles you? We wedges constitute the pressure that preserves the world's shape; in a way, we form the basis of the world's foundation.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The term "wedge" puzzles you? We wedges constitute the pressure that preserves the world's shape; in a way, we form the basis of the world's foundation.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And I am the physical manifestation of one of—
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And I am the physical manifestation of one of—
(Captain): Wah...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Whoops! Really sorry about that! I swear I didn't mean to upset or frighten you!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Whoops! Really sorry about that! I swear I didn't mean to upset or frighten you!
Shaking his head at Orologia's reaction, the man expresses his wish to return home.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, right! I probably should've waited for you there! Woo-hoo—onward to your abode then!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, right! I probably should've waited for you there! Woo-hoo—onward to your abode then!
Almost as if being ushered by Orologia, the man returns home after a long absence, while the baby enters its home for the first time ever.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
After taking a moment to settle down, the man returns to his newborn baby only to see Orologia watching it with great curiosity.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: So soft and squishy... Yet this is a living, breathing thing we're talking about...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: So soft and squishy... Yet this is a living, breathing thing we're talking about...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: How adorable... Are all babies this adorable? Or just this one?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: How adorable... Are all babies this adorable? Or just this one?
The man asks if Orologia would like to hold the child.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Erm...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Erm...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: M-maybe you can ask me that again once you're positive that I'm not an enemy! I mean, I already know I'm not, but I'd prefer you to be convinced of the fact too!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: M-maybe you can ask me that again once you're positive that I'm not an enemy! I mean, I already know I'm not, but I'd prefer you to be convinced of the fact too!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I already mentioned I'm a wedge in charge of defining the direction in which causality and time flow, yes?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I already mentioned I'm a wedge in charge of defining the direction in which causality and time flow, yes?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I suppose the next thing I should tell you... is that this world is not reality.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I suppose the next thing I should tell you... is that this world is not reality.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: In the real world, the War hasn't begun yet, and even the Astral invasion is still quite a ways off.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: In the real world, the War hasn't begun yet, and even the Astral invasion is still quite a ways off.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: So what of the world we're in right now? It is, in effect, a permutation of what could be—a simulated world I have created.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: So what of the world we're in right now? It is, in effect, a permutation of what could be—a simulated world I have created.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You tinker this, add that into the equation, so on and so forth, and the world ends up as such...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You tinker this, add that into the equation, so on and so forth, and the world ends up as such...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: What we have here is remarkably close to reality. Though I am the only one in it who is cognizant of the real world.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: What we have here is remarkably close to reality. Though I am the only one in it who is cognizant of the real world.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm explaining all this to you right now as a test, to see what sort of changes might occur.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm explaining all this to you right now as a test, to see what sort of changes might occur.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Not very surprised, are you? Then again, you are the mortal who stood toe to toe with the god of destruction.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Not very surprised, are you? Then again, you are the mortal who stood toe to toe with the god of destruction.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Extraordinary situations are a damascus pinch a dozen for you, aren't they? That's also why I'm sharing all of this with you specifically.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Extraordinary situations are a damascus pinch a dozen for you, aren't they? That's also why I'm sharing all of this with you specifically.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Anyhow, your child will come to be known as the singularity, an existence deeply tied to the Sky Realm's roots.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Anyhow, your child will come to be known as the singularity, an existence deeply tied to the Sky Realm's roots.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Meaning that the world's very existence will hinge on the will of this little one.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Meaning that the world's very existence will hinge on the will of this little one.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: As a wedge, it goes without saying that I'd like to avoid the Sky Realm's ruin. Which is precisely why I do all these calculations to predict the future as best I can.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: As a wedge, it goes without saying that I'd like to avoid the Sky Realm's ruin. Which is precisely why I do all these calculations to predict the future as best I can.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I use every little tidbit gleaned from these simulations to take miniscule actions in the real world that usher it toward prolonged existence.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I use every little tidbit gleaned from these simulations to take miniscule actions in the real world that usher it toward prolonged existence.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Why your child, you ask? A perfectly fair question coming from a parent.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Why your child, you ask? A perfectly fair question coming from a parent.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Based on my observations thus far, I've learned that this child is always born no matter what route the Sky Realm takes.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Based on my observations thus far, I've learned that this child is always born no matter what route the Sky Realm takes.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: No other being out there is more fitting than this one to take on the role of the singularity.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: No other being out there is more fitting than this one to take on the role of the singularity.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I realize how cruel I must sound for forcing such an awful fate on your newborn.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I realize how cruel I must sound for forcing such an awful fate on your newborn.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Forgive me, (Captain)...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Forgive me, (Captain)...
Seeing the downcast expression on Orologia's face, (Captain) extends a hand.
The father notices this and lifts the baby up for Orologia to hold.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: So small... So lightweight... And impossibly adorable...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: So small... So lightweight... And impossibly adorable...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: At the very least, (Captain), I'm going to do my best to ensure that you have as happy and fulfilling a life as possible in the real world.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: At the very least, (Captain), I'm going to do my best to ensure that you have as happy and fulfilling a life as possible in the real world.

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 1: ・|・・|・・・ - Episode 2

In a simulation of a future yet to come, Orologia joins (Captain)'s father and Vyrn in rearing (Captain). Through much trial and error, the wedge finds it impossible to find a route where father and child are not separated—to much chagrin.

Vyrn: Mng... Zzz...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Rise and shine, Vyrn. It's morning.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Rise and shine, Vyrn. It's morning.
Vyrn: Yawn... Mornin', Logia...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Breakfast is on the kitchen table. (Captain)'s dad is out at a village gathering and won't be back until noon.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Breakfast is on the kitchen table. (Captain)'s dad is out at a village gathering and won't be back until noon.
Vyrn: Oh yeah? Guess it's up to us two to watch over (Captain) then!
Vyrn stretches his arms, then flies over to the crib.
The baby has been growing steadily under the watchful eyes of the father, Vyrn, and—since that one particular night—Logia.
Vyrn: Ooh! These pancakes look right up my alley! Let's dig in!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Help yourself to the apple jam too. I made that last week.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Help yourself to the apple jam too. I made that last week.
Vyrn: Thanks!
Vyrn: ...
Vyrn: Logia, you're supposed to be some crazy powerful dragon, right?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: That's right! I pack a real whopper of a punch! I try to keep it packed, though.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: That's right! I pack a real whopper of a punch! I try to keep it packed, though.
Vyrn: Then couldn't you spend your time doin' something huge instead of fryin' these little pancakes?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I certainly could... For instance, I could dump all the raw ingredients for a simmered dish into a boiling hot pot...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I certainly could... For instance, I could dump all the raw ingredients for a simmered dish into a boiling hot pot...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And I'd still end up with a halfway-decent meal! That's one way to think of my tweaks to causality.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And I'd still end up with a halfway-decent meal! That's one way to think of my tweaks to causality.
Vyrn: That's impressive, but not what I'd expect from a crazy powerful dragon...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Well, I can't do anything too drastic, unless I want an impossibly difficult time dealing with the aftermath...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Well, I can't do anything too drastic, unless I want an impossibly difficult time dealing with the aftermath...
Vyrn: Um... So you do what you do to prevent the Sky Realm's ruin, right?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yep! That's exactly it!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yep! That's exactly it!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (It's probably best I don't tell Vyrn that this is a simulation... What a coward I am...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (It's probably best I don't tell Vyrn that this is a simulation... What a coward I am...)
Vyrn: Since you tend to think of things on a massive scale, it's kinda hard for me to get.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: All right, let's say we have an apple here, Vyrn!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: All right, let's say we have an apple here, Vyrn!
Vyrn: Yeah?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You could eat it as is, or you could peel off the skin and slice it into smaller pieces first.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You could eat it as is, or you could peel off the skin and slice it into smaller pieces first.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You could eat it alone or share it with me. All of that is within the realm of your free will!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You could eat it alone or share it with me. All of that is within the realm of your free will!
Vyrn: Mm-hm...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: My power allows me to decide whether to place an apple here to begin with... or whether I should place an orange instead.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: My power allows me to decide whether to place an apple here to begin with... or whether I should place an orange instead.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I can set all sorts of specific parameters and test your reaction in each case.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I can set all sorts of specific parameters and test your reaction in each case.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I believe there are primal beasts who do a similar thing by likening a battlefield to a chessboard.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I believe there are primal beasts who do a similar thing by likening a battlefield to a chessboard.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The biggest difference with me is I can apply that logic to entire worlds.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The biggest difference with me is I can apply that logic to entire worlds.
Vyrn: I'm not sure I get it... Wish you could just lay things out in black and white...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ultimately, what matters is the actions taken by those with free will—such as yourself, Vyrn.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ultimately, what matters is the actions taken by those with free will—such as yourself, Vyrn.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Because at the end of the day, that is not something I can interfere with.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Because at the end of the day, that is not something I can interfere with.
Vyrn: It's still kinda fuzzy to me, but I get that you're not some all-powerful being who can do anything you want.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yep. We're just wedges, after all.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yep. We're just wedges, after all.
(Captain): Hng...
Vyrn: Ah! (Captain), you awake?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Would you like milk? Or a change of diapers? Milk, huh? I'll heat some up right away!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Would you like milk? Or a change of diapers? Milk, huh? I'll heat some up right away!
Vyrn: I'll keep you warm with some snuggles until the milk comes, (Captain)!
Orologia soon returns with a milk bottle in hand and lightly presses the tip against (Captain)'s mouth.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Wow, you really love this stuff, huh!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Wow, you really love this stuff, huh!
Vyrn: Milk does a body good!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Would be a shame if the milk makes (Captain) grow up too much for you to hold anymore.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Would be a shame if the milk makes (Captain) grow up too much for you to hold anymore.
Vyrn: Urk! You're right... That would suck...
Vyrn: Sigh... I hope I can grow up to be a giant dragon soon myself...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Good luck with that... Ah, feeling full, (Captain)?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Good luck with that... Ah, feeling full, (Captain)?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Up you go for pats then! Let's get you burped.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Up you go for pats then! Let's get you burped.
(Captain): Burp...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Look at that, Vyrn! (Captain) even burped out some of the milk! Buuurp!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Look at that, Vyrn! (Captain) even burped out some of the milk! Buuurp!
Vyrn: Shirt's all sticky now. We'll need to do something about that.
The two are attempting to put the sleepy (Captain) back in bed after a change of clothes.
Vyrn: Gently now. Gently...
(Captain): Hrg...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Eek! (Captain)'s up again!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Eek! (Captain)'s up again!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: What's wrong, little one? Your bed's as fluffy as can be.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: What's wrong, little one? Your bed's as fluffy as can be.
(Captain): Waaaah!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yikes! There, there, sweetie! Vyrn and I are here for you!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yikes! There, there, sweetie! Vyrn and I are here for you!
Vyrn: You want your dad? I think he'll be back in just a bit.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You like being cradled, don't you? Well, here goes. La-di-doo...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You like being cradled, don't you? Well, here goes. La-di-doo...
(Captain): Goo-gah...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew, finally calmed down...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew, finally calmed down...
Vyrn: (Captain) cheers up and happily goes to sleep when in our arms...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: But goes into tantrum mode on contact with the bed...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: But goes into tantrum mode on contact with the bed...
Vyrn: Which means we're gonna have to stay up taking turns on cradle duty, huh?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: For such a precious baby, I don't mind in the least!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: For such a precious baby, I don't mind in the least!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: It would just be nice if (Captain) would stay in nap mode for a bit... Just since all that laundry needs doing, you know?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: It would just be nice if (Captain) would stay in nap mode for a bit... Just since all that laundry needs doing, you know?
Vyrn: Tell (Captain) that...
(Captain): Goo-gah!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ah, this cuteness is too much to handle!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ah, this cuteness is too much to handle!
Vyrn: Make a precious face like that, and we'll let you get away with anything...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: My thoughts exactly...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: My thoughts exactly...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Must I watch such an adorable child be torn from family?)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Must I watch such an adorable child be torn from family?)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (But that has to come to pass, or else...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (But that has to come to pass, or else...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Actually, am I being honest with myself? Could there be some other possible family route I haven't looked into yet?)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Actually, am I being honest with myself? Could there be some other possible family route I haven't looked into yet?)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: No, there isn't...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: No, there isn't...
(Captain): Mng?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Forgive me...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Forgive me...

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 1: ・|・・|・・・ - Episode 3

Years later, (Captain), Vyrn, and Orologia wait for the master of the house to return. A boy named Xing shows up at their door one day, having been sent there by (Captain)'s father to live with them. It isn't long before Xing begins training (Captain) so that they can go out in search of the father.

Years later...
For ineluctable reasons, (Captain) is forced to part with family at a very young age.
Even as the father is no longer visible on the horizon, (Captain) remains standing at the village's entrance.
Vyrn: (Captain)...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Feeling hungry, (Captain)?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Feeling hungry, (Captain)?
Vyrn: Yeah, let's head back for some grub!
(Captain) says no with a headshake. Orologia crouches down to meet the child's gaze.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Too big for cradling now...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Too big for cradling now...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, I know! Hey, how about a piggyback ride!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, I know! Hey, how about a piggyback ride!
A downcast (Captain) timidly shifts all body weight onto Orologia's back.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Hngh...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Hngh...
Vyrn: You're wobblin' a bit! You gonna be all right?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Y-yeah... I've got this!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Y-yeah... I've got this!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: How you've grown, (Captain)...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: How you've grown, (Captain)...
Vyrn: All righty, back for grub it is! Whatcha in the mood for, (Captain)? Logia's gonna make ya anything you want!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Whoa! I didn't see that coming! Not that I mind though.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Whoa! I didn't see that coming! Not that I mind though.
(Captain) grins at the exchange between Vyrn and Orologia.
From that day onward, the child has continued to live with them...
All while waiting for the father's return.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain), Vyrn! Sorry, but I can't stop what I'm doing! Can one of you answer the door?
  1. Okay!

Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain), Vyrn! Sorry, but I can't stop what I'm doing! Can one of you answer the door?
Choose: Okay!
(Captain) opens the door to find an unfamiliar figure standing there.
???: Um...
Vyrn: Huh? Who are you? You're not from this village.
Young Xing: My name's Xing... Here...
A look inside the contents of the letter reveals that it is written by (Captain)'s father.
Vyrn: Let's see here... "He's a friend's son." Okay, and then... "Due to unforeseen circumstances, he's going to be living with us now."
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: What the...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: What the...
Young Xing: He said it's better if I didn't stay with the Karm...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Karm! Ah, so you're with the Karm Clan.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Karm! Ah, so you're with the Karm Clan.
Vyrn: You know them, Logia?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: They're a clan famous for passing down their martial arts, renowned throughout all the Sky Realm.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: They're a clan famous for passing down their martial arts, renowned throughout all the Sky Realm.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (It's probably best if I leave out the part about them being assassins...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (It's probably best if I leave out the part about them being assassins...)
Young Xing: ...
Vyrn: What an outta-the-blue thing for (Captain)'s dad to do, huh...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Well, maybe he sent an earlier letter that just didn't reach us.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Well, maybe he sent an earlier letter that just didn't reach us.
Noticing that Xing feels out of place in the situation, (Captain) calls out to him and invites him inside.
  1. Tell me about my dad!

Choose: Tell me about my dad!
Young Xing: Ah, of course. I can talk about the time he spent at my hamlet...
From this day forward, the four of them begin to live together in the house in Zinkenstill.
Vyrn: Xing, (Captain), you guys done hangin' the laundry yet?
Vyrn: I'm done washin' the dishes. So let's head out!
Young Xing: Wait. I just need to put up these bedsheets first...
Having finished their morning chores, (Captain), Xing, and Vyrn invite their neighbor Aaron out for a day of fun in the forest.
Vyrn: Whether he's "it" or not, Xing's a real pro at hide-and-seek!
Xing shifts awkwardly as (Captain) and Aaron stare in awe.
Young Xing: I just... know where you are. I can sense your presence, you know?
Young Xing: You want to mask your presence as much as possible when hiding.
Vyrn: Sweet. Must be somethin' the Karm Clan teaches, huh?
Rather than because of his seniority, Xing's extraordinary physical capabilities—evident in the way he plays tag and climbs trees—are what garner him respect.
Young Xing: Urgh...
Vyrn: (Captain), Aaron. Xing can be a pretty shy guy, so let's try not to stare at him.
In this forest that's only a stone's throw away from the village, time passes all too quickly for the children.
Aaron's Mother: Aaron?
Vyrn: Heya! Aaron's Mom!
Aaron's Mother: There you children are! We should head back soon.
Young Xing: Is it that late already?
Aaron's Mother: It gets dark fairly quickly after sunset. And you definitely don't want to be in the forest when it's dark.
Aaron's Mother: Why, you're all covered in mud, Aaron! Haha... You'll need to have a bath before dinner.
Led by Aaron's mother, the children return to the village.
Vyrn: Thanks for comin' out, Aaron! See ya tomorrow!
Aaron waves goodbye to everyone, then continues on by his mother's side.
(Captain) can't help but look away from the sight of Aaron holding onto his mother's hand.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Welcome back! Did you have fun?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Welcome back! Did you have fun?
Young Xing: Yes. Back in Karm, I never got to play with the other children...
Vyrn: We've got plenty more games to teach you, Xing! Hope you're lookin' forward to tomorrow too!
Vyrn: Right, (Captain)?
Vyrn: (Captain)...
Vyrn goes up to (Captain), who is still looking in the direction Aaron went off to.
Young Xing: Everything okay?
Sensing hesitation, Orologia pats (Captain) on the head.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain)... About your dad...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain)... About your dad...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: He went off to find your mom, so that the three of you can live together as a family.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: He went off to find your mom, so that the three of you can live together as a family.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: But that's that, and this is this. You feeling lonely right now isn't necessarily a bad thing, (Captain).
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: But that's that, and this is this. You feeling lonely right now isn't necessarily a bad thing, (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Not a bad thing at all...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Not a bad thing at all...
Young Xing: ...
Young Xing: If you want to see your dad, why not just go look for him?
Vyrn: Xing?
Young Xing: I'll come along too. We can find your dad together.
(Captain)'s eyes widen in surprise.
Vyrn: But (Captain)'s dad said it's dangerous where he went...
Young Xing: As we are now, he's probably right. So we just have to get stronger.
Young Xing: I'll teach you how to defend yourself. You'll want to be strong enough to be able to search for your father without fear of danger.
Young Xing: And you won't be lonely either. Because I'll be right beside you, (Captain). Let's do this.
Seeing the huge grin on (Captain)'s face, Vyrn thumps his own chest in solidarity.
Vyrn: If you guys are all in, then you can count me in too!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And I'll teach you how to use magic, (Captain)!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And I'll teach you how to use magic, (Captain)!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (I'd planned on teaching you someday anyway, so this timing couldn't be better! Probably...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (I'd planned on teaching you someday anyway, so this timing couldn't be better! Probably...)
Vyrn: We'll catch up to your dad, (Captain)! You can count on it!
(Captain) begins training the next day.
The months seem to fly by from that point forward.

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 1: ・|・・|・・・ - Episode 4

At midnight on (Captain)'s fifteenth birthday, the group heads outside to investigate a loud sound and finds a skyskimmer crashed in the plains. A lone woman lies unconscious beside it.

Xing: Kiieee!
Xing: Nice reaction, (Captain). You're getting better at evading attacks.
Vyrn: You're definitely gettin' stronger, (Captain). The monsters around here don't hold a candle to you anymore!
Vyrn: With no small thanks to Xing!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain) has really taken to both physical and magical combat, impressively so.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain) has really taken to both physical and magical combat, impressively so.
Vyrn: I bet (Captain)'s got what it takes to make it as a skyfarer on other islands too!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Maybe you can try asking any visiting skyfarers if you can tag along.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Maybe you can try asking any visiting skyfarers if you can tag along.
Xing: We hardly ever get skyfarers in Zinkenstill though...
Although training continues to go well, the chance to embark on an adventure never quite comes...
That is, until (Captain)'s fifteenth birthday.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Happy birthday to you!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Happy birthday to you!
Vyrn: Happy birthday to you!
Despite the great storm brewing outside, everyone is more than happy to celebrate (Captain)'s birthday.
Xing: Happy birthday, (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: It feels like only yesterday when you were still a toddler about yea big.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: It feels like only yesterday when you were still a toddler about yea big.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: But you're fifteen now. That's considered an adult on some islands.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: But you're fifteen now. That's considered an adult on some islands.
Vyrn: Wow. Can't believe that much time's passed since you and I first met, Logia.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yes, time flies, as they say. As for how long Xing's been with us, maybe seven... eight years? Not ten yet, I'm pretty sure.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yes, time flies, as they say. As for how long Xing's been with us, maybe seven... eight years? Not ten yet, I'm pretty sure.
Xing: It's gone by so fast...
Djeeta is the Main Character

While reflecting on how much time has passed, (Captain) makes a firm decision.
  1. I'm ready to leave this island.

Gran is the Main Character

While reflecting on how much time has passed, (Captain) makes a firm decision.
  1. I'm ready to leave this island.

Choose: I'm ready to leave this island.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: So you've made up your mind, (Captain)...
Choose: I'm ready to leave this island.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: So you've made up your mind, (Captain)...
Vyrn: Hehe, you didn't work your butt off all these years for nothin'! And you can bet I'll be comin' with ya!
Xing: As will I, as promised.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Who should we ask to watch over the house?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Who should we ask to watch over the house?
Vyrn: You comin' along too, Logia?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course I am! Who else is going to be cooking your meals every day!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course I am! Who else is going to be cooking your meals every day!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Besides, I might not look it, but I'm actually pretty knowledgeable about the skies. Trust me on that.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Besides, I might not look it, but I'm actually pretty knowledgeable about the skies. Trust me on that.
While enjoying the birthday feast, they continue discussing their plans for this adventure.
Later that night...
Vyrn: What's wrong, Xing?
Xing: I just heard something heavy fall onto the ground outside. Somewhere on the fields, I think...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I imagine it was something big if you could hear it on a stormy night like this.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I imagine it was something big if you could hear it on a stormy night like this.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (This must be...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (This must be...)
Vyrn: Whaddya think it is?
  1. Let's go take a look!

Choose: Let's go take a look!
Struck by a sense of foreboding, the group heads out to confirm the source of the sound.
Though the storm has abated somewhat, the torrential rain remains an obstacle for (Captain) and company as they press on toward the plains.
Vyrn: Whoa...
Xing: That's... rather small for an airship.
Thin wafts of smoke billow out from the skyskimmer. (Captain) notices someone inside and rushes ahead.
???: ...
Vyrn: Uh-oh! Someone's hurt!
Xing: It looks like she might be stuck. We should be careful trying to pull her out.
They rescue the woman from the skyskimmer and bring her back home.

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 1: ・|・・|・・・ - Episode 5

Katalina, the woman who crash-landed in Zinkenstill, explains that she is an Erste Empire soldier who was trying to save a girl named Lyria from being experimented on but could only manage to escape alone. (Captain) sees this as the perfect chance for adventure and offers to help—which comes as no surprise to Orologia.

???: Ngh...
Vyrn: Ah! You awake, miss?
???: Where... am I?
Vyrn: You're on an island called Zinkenstill! Looks like you crash-landed here on your little airship!
Xing: We didn't find anyone else onboard...
???: Yes... It's just me...
Vyrn: Well, that's a relief at least!
Vyrn: This is our home here, so take as much time as you need to rest up.
???: Thank you... You have my gratitude.
The rescued woman doesn't awaken until slightly past noon of the following day.
Katalina: Thank you again for saving me. I am Katalina Aryze, an ex-lieutenant of the Erste Empire.
Xing: Ex-lieutenant?
Katalina: Yes, my mission was to protect... Officially, to monitor a particular girl.
Katalina: The empire kept her caged in a research facility for her special abilities. She was barred from ever seeing the pristine blue skies above.
Katalina: How I wanted to show her the outside world. Alas...
Katalina: I'm ashamed to admit that in my powerlessness, I could do little more than flee by myself.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (The girl in blue... As expected, her fate tends towards intersecting with (Captain)'s.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (The girl in blue... As expected, her fate tends towards intersecting with (Captain)'s.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Just like the red dragon's...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Just like the red dragon's...)
Xing: Captured simply for having special powers, huh...
Vyrn: She's never gotten to see the skies? You mean they don't even let her out for a bit of fresh air? Now that's just cruel!
(Captain) ponders over Katalina's words.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain), if you'd like to get involved, then go for it.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain), if you'd like to get involved, then go for it.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course, you can count on my help.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course, you can count on my help.
Vyrn: Logia, don't go actin' all cool while leaving us out!
Vyrn: Cause if (Captain)'s goin', there's no way I'm not comin' with ya!
Xing: I suppose I should say it's best not to overextend ourselves...
Xing: But if you intend on saving her, you can count on my help. Do what you feel is best.
With everyone's encouragement, (Captain) agrees to help Katalina.
Katalina: That's... Well... I couldn't possibly involve civilians...
Vyrn: Except aren't you a civilian too since you fled the empire?
Katalina: Ah... That's a fair point...
To allay Katalina's fears, (Captain) boasts about all the years spent training in hopes of becoming a skyfarer.
Vyrn: And Xing here's from the Karm Clan!
Katalina: ...!
The Karm Clan!
Xing: Though I left home from a young age, so I can't be certain I've mastered everything that Karm has to teach...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, believe me when I say Xing was already quite the powerhouse when he arrived here.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, believe me when I say Xing was already quite the powerhouse when he arrived here.
Katalina: Hm, you must be quite skilled in the Karm Clan's martial arts.
Katalina: Truth be told, I wasn't sure I could do this alone. To have your assistance would be a tremendous boon.
Katalina: But... are you really okay with this? Her—Lyria's very existence is considered highly classified by the empire.
Katalina: There's no doubt that they will come after us if we make off with Lyria. Are you prepared for that to happen?
  1. Bring it on!

Choose: Bring it on!
Katalina: In that case, I have nothing else to say. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Vyrn: We were just about to leave the island in search of (Captain)'s dad anyway. So this works out perfectly timing-wise.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Might be a cliche way of putting it, but this may very well be fate...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Might be a cliche way of putting it, but this may very well be fate...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ((Captain) is meant to become the singularity after all.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ((Captain) is meant to become the singularity after all.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Now then, we just need to come up with a plan for saving Lyria.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Now then, we just need to come up with a plan for saving Lyria.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Preparation is essential! For every effect, there is an cause!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Preparation is essential! For every effect, there is a cause!
A meeting about how they're going to rescue the girl commences.
The next morning, a skyskimmer quietly takes off from a corner of Zinkenstill.

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・|・・|||| - Episode 1

After a failed attempt at getting the crew to reach the research facility holding Lyria alive, Orologia rewinds time a bit and manages a successful rescue of Lyria. And so begins the journey of (Captain) and company.

(Captain) and company have decided to sneak into the Erste Empire research facility holding Lyria captive.
They are headed there now on Katalina's skyskimmer.
Vyrn: Didn't know you could pilot a ship, Logia!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I slice, I dice, I pilot ships nice! No home should be without a Logia!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I slice, I dice, I pilot ships nice! No home should be without a Logia!
Katalina: Your piloting skills are impressive. I had trouble steering through the storm, which is why I crashed on Zinkenstill...
Vyrn: You and the ship are still in one piece thankfully, so all's well that ends well! Nothin' to be ashamed of.
Katalina: True... Not to mention it did lead to me becoming acquainted with you all.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: According to the map, the small island we'll be landing on should be coming into view soon.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: According to the map, the small island we're headed for should be coming into view soon.
Katalina: There it is on the right! Make for the south side.
Katalina: Of course, we'll want to avoid the docks so as not to draw attention, but there should be a rock outcropping on the south side that's perfect for a skyskimmer landing.
Xing: What's that sound!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ah... A heat signature's been detected!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ah... A heat signature's been detected!
Vyrn: You mean...
Katalina: We've been discovered? Cannon fire will be coming any moment now!
Xing: A ship this size won't last...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm going to make a sharp turn! Hang on, everyo—
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm going to make a sharp turn! Hang on, everyo—
Vyrn: Gwaaaah!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Too close!)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Too close!)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Every last one of us buys the farm on this route! I need to find another way onto the island...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Every last one of us buys the farm on this route! I need to find another way onto the island...)
Vyrn: Didn't know you could pilot a ship, Logia!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Katalina: Your piloting skills are impressive. I had trouble steering through the storm, which is why I crashed on Zinkenstill...
Vyrn: You and the ship are still in one piece thankfully, so all's well that ends well! Nothin' to be ashamed of.
Xing: Everything okay, Logia? You seem lost in thought...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I thought it might be better to circle around a bit more before going in.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I thought it might be better to circle around a bit more before going in.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I mean, they could be on alert since Katalina's escaped.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I mean, they could be on alert since Katalina's escaped.
Katalina: A fair point... Perhaps you could shift to the west side while gradually lowering altitude?
Katalina: In addition to the steep mountainous terrain, the west side is quite a distance away from the research facility, meaning security should be light.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Okay! From there, I'll fly stealthily toward the rocky stretch in the south and dock around there!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Okay! From there, I'll fly stealthily toward the rocky stretch in the south and dock around there!
Katalina: Ah yes, I mentioned the south side during yesterday's meeting. That sounds good, Logia.
Relying on Katalina's memory, they plot out a course for the skyskimmer to take.
The group successfully infiltrates the facility and gets close to the area where Lyria is located.
Vyrn: Phew, made it all the way here without gettin' spotted.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The Karm Clan's stealth techniques are sure something!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The Karm Clan's stealth techniques are sure something!
Xing: Well, we have Katalina to thank for remembering the facility's layout.
Katalina: Quiet! Guards are approaching. We're almost there.
They successfully mask their presence and make it through unnoticed, making it outside the room where Lyria is held.
Katalina: It appears a magical lock has been added on top of the physical lock since I was last here.
Katalina: Truly, I could not have done this alone...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Not a problem for Logia! A bit of hocus pocus should do the trick!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Not a problem for Logia! A bit of hocus pocus should do the trick!
Vyrn: Wow... You're a real pro with that magic, Logia!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Hehe, buy one while supplies last!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Hehe, buy one while supplies last!
Xing: Can we save the talk for later? Guards will be here any moment.
Vyrn: Ah, good point!
???: ...
Who's there?
Katalina: Lyria! It's me, Katalina.
Lyria: Katalina?
Katalina: I came for you! We'll leave together this time!
Lyria: ...
No, I won't go.
Katalina: Lyria?
Lyria: My leaving here would just cause trouble. Even trying already caused you to get hurt, Katalina.
Lyria: Thank you for coming, but... I'm going to stay.
Katalina: Lyria!
(Captain) grips Lyria's hand as she listlessly drops it.
Gran is the Main Character

Lyria: You're... Katalina's friend?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Lyria: You're... Katalina's friend?
Lyria: You saved her? Thank you. Please take her back outside with you one more time.
Gran is the Main Character

Lyria: I'll be fine here. Katalina, the memory of your kindness will always keep me warm, so please...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Lyria: I'll be fine here. Katalina, the memory of your kindness will always keep me warm, so please...
Lyria: ...!
(Captain) forcefully pulls her by the arm to take her with them.
Vyrn: Hehe, we're practically already on the empire's wanted list now that we've come this far!
Vyrn: And it'd be all for nothin' if you don't come with us! Right, (Captain)?
Xing: Give it up, Lyria. Once (Captain)'s mind is made up, there's no changing course.
Lyria: ...!
Katalina: Come with us, Lyria... For our sakes too.
Katalina: You have just as much a right as anyone else to enjoy the beautiful blue skies and all the wonders beneath it.
Lyria: Mm...
Lyria: I would like to see the skies, the world... all of it.
Lyria: Okay then... Please take me, (Captain)!
(Captain) smiles at Lyria and runs down the hallway with her, their hands joined.
Katalina: Let's take the shortest route this time, even if it risks being found!
Xing: Yeah, we're stuck here anyway if they snatch our skyskimmer.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Phoo! Looks like you jinxed it! Here they come!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Phoo! Looks like you jinxed it! Here they come!
Xing: That was fast!
Lyria: Wow...
Katalina: Impressive... That hardly seemed like your first battle.
Vyrn: Xing worked (Captain) hard for situations like this!
Guard: Waaargh!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Eek!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Eek!
Katalina: Watch out!
Katalina: To the skyskimmer!
Vyrn: On it!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Get in, everyone! Time to hightail it!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Get in, everyone! Time to hightail it!
Xing: Just as I figured, it's going to be a tight fit...
Katalina: Haha, I suppose securing an airship will be our next course of action.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: All on? Good, we're lifting off!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: All on? Good, we're lifting off!
Lyria: ...!
They evade their pursuers by blending in with the clouds, forging ahead into the night sky.
Lyria: Those shiny objects... Are they stars?
Katalina: That's right, Lyria. That big one is the moon.
Vyrn: And get a load of that! Way down there is the sun comin' up!
Lyria: Ah...
Lyria stares wide-eyed at the rising sun, its rays caressing her cheeks.
Lyria: Black... Blue... Pink... And that's... the color of the sky!
Lyria: So this is the sky!
With the exulted Lyria in tow, the group makes for the Port Breeze Archipelago.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (And thus the threads of fate with the girl in blue are tied.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (And thus the threads of fate with the girl in blue are tied.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Now there's the option of using the life link, if it comes to it, to bring (Captain) back to life once.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Now there's the option of using the life link, if it comes to it, to bring (Captain) back to life once.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (That would make summoning possible too, though that might put us on the fast track to world ruin. Hard to say for sure...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (That would make summoning possible too, though that might put us on the fast track to world ruin. Hard to say for sure...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (In any case, this should most likely be a net positive for (Captain)'s journey.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (In any case, this should most likely be a net positive for (Captain)'s journey.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・|・・|||| - Episode 2

With the seasoned skyfarer Apollonia and hotshot helmsman Rackam in tow, the crew makes for the Lumacie Archipelago to find Rosetta—a primal beast friend of (Captain)'s father. But because she is currently in core form, a little girl named Io—whom Rosetta once saved—suggests they seek the assistance of a death-snatching primal beast on a certain misty island.

At the Port Breeze Archipelago, (Captain) and friends become acquainted with experienced skyfarer Apollonia.
Vyrn: You've helped us in more ways than I can count, introducin' us to a merchant, a helmsman, and so much more...
Apollonia: Don't worry about it. I'm just following my father's advice of showing kindness to rookies.
Apollonia: What's more, as Rackam's childhood friend I just couldn't stand watching him being stuck here anymore.
Rackam: Heh, you're not gonna get an argument from me about that...
Xing: That giant airship... Did you really repair it all by yourself?
Rackam: Yep. I made a promise to a friend that I'd fix the thing up one day and use it to go see him.
Rackam: I've kept him waiting long enough, so I'm glad I finally get to fulfill that promise.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew... I guess that means I can finally move on from my job of makeshift helmsman!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew... I guess that means I can finally move on from my job of makeshift helmsman!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Honestly, my heart was beating double time whenever I had to take the controls, so having a professional around is a real load off.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Honestly, my heart was beating double time whenever I had to take the controls, so having a professional around is a real load off.
Katalina: Considering the best I could do was crash-land, you've done far better than me, Logia.
Katalina: Thank you for piloting the skyskimmer all this time.
Rackam: On longer voyages, I can't possibly be manning the controls the entire way, so I'll still need you to back me up every now and then.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ugwaah! Well, I suppose it wouldn't be fair to expect you to steer us for days on end without sleep...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ugwaah! Well, I suppose it wouldn't be fair to expect you to steer us for days on end without sleep...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I don't know if I should be glad that I'm still going to be just as useful, or upset that my heart is still going to skip plenty of beats...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I don't know if I should be glad that I'm still going to be just as useful, or upset that my heart is still going to skip plenty of beats...
Lyria: Teehee...
Though still struggling to show emotion, Lyria is beginning to smile more and more as things grow increasingly lively.
Everyone now has more leeway to focus on gathering info about the whereabouts of (Captain)'s father.
Vyrn: Shucks, no one seems to know anything about your dad...
Xing: Is it possible he might have contacted someone he traveled with a long time ago?
Xing: Any idea, (Captain)?
Recalling childhood memories, (Captain) mentions the names of a few possible acquaintances.
Katalina: ...
Rackam: You're kidding! Isn't he the captain of the Crew of Enforcers and one of the seven Luminary Knights?
Apollonia: If we're lucky, we may be able to get in contact through one of the Crew of Enforcers' bases.
Apollonia: But as I recall, he's moved his main operations to another skydom.
Xing: Meeting him face to face won't be easy, huh...
Katalina: We could try sending a letter. That way, he might get back to us when he's free.
Vyrn: Then in the meantime... Oh, yeah! (Captain)'s dad mentioned a primal beast friend before!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I recall hearing that too. I believe she's returned to the Lumacie Archipelago?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I recall hearing that too. I believe she's returned to the Lumacie Archipelago?
Xing: Sounds like we have our next destination.
Lyria: I can speak to primal beasts... I think I'll be able to help you, (Captain).
Lyria: You've done so much for me. I couldn't be happier to finally have this chance to repay the favor.
Katalina: Lyria...
Katalina: (She's changed so much since we first met her at the research facility. Getting her out of there was definitely the right call...)
The crew sets a course for Lumacie Archipelago in search of leads on (Captain)'s father.
Yggdrasil: ...
Vyrn: You the primal beast we're lookin' for by any chance?
Lyria: She says the one (Captain)'s father traveled with was called Rosetta, who happens to be her friend.
Lyria: Years ago, there was an incident involving an airship crash in Lumacie...
Lyria: Rosetta suffered grave injuries in trying to protect the forest from the resulting fire and reverted to her core form.
Xing: I see...
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: (Captain). Yggdrasil would like us to bring Rosetta back from her core form.
Lyria: In return, she'll give us a piece of the Sky Map, which we'll need to traverse through the Grim Basin.
Rackam: Sky Map pieces, huh... Yeah, we're probably gonna need those to get to other skydoms and find (Captain)'s dad.
Katalina: But I've never heard of any way of resurrecting a primal beast. Can we really pay the cost Yggdrasil is expecting?
Xing: Wait.
Vyrn: Yeah, Xing?
Xing: You there. Stop sneaking around and come on out.
???: Urk...
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: That's Io, Yggdrasil's friend.
Io: You understand Yggdrasil! I wish I could too...
Io: But more importantly! Can you save Rosetta?
Apollonia: We'd certainly like to, but we don't know how yet.
Io: Um! About that... I just might have an idea!
Io: I'll tell you... if you bring me along.
Katalina: That's... For starters, we would need the approval of your parents.
Io: Mom and Dad are gone. Our airship coming out of Valtz had an accident...
Io: Just when I thought it was all over, Rosetta pulled me out of the burning wreckage.
Rackam: So that's what happened...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Why not bring her along?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Why not bring her along?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: She's quite talented and a good fit for a skyfarer, if you ask me.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: She's quite talented and a good fit for a skyfarer, if you ask me.
Io: Thanks! Glad to be part of the crew!
Vyrn: Uh, talk about pushy...
Rackam: To be fair, it's not like we have any other clues on how to resurrect a primal beast from a core anyway.
Rackam: Go ahead and tell us what you have in mind, Io.
Io: Waaay east of the Lumacie Archipelago is an island shrouded in fog.
Io: I heard the primal beast there can "snatch away death."
Apollonia: "Snatch away death," you say...
Apollonia: If it can interact with the dead, then even if resurrection is impossible, perhaps it could allow us to communicate with Rosetta.
Xing: The realm of primal beasts is truly something else entirely...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: They operate by the rules of the Astrals rather than those of the skies after all.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: They operate by the rules of the Astrals rather than those of the skies after all.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: That's why to us, it seems like they can make the impossible possible.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: That's why to us, it seems like they can make the impossible possible.
Katalina: We'll have to gather the Sky Map pieces anyhow if we ever hope to cross the Grim Basin.
Katalina: So either way, meeting the primal beast of the misty island may not be such a bad idea.
Lyria: It would be nice if we can be friends with it, like Yggdrasil.
Xing: I suppose we'll just have to go and find out.
Yggdrasil: ...
Io: Leave it to me, Yggdrasil! Even if the death-snatching primal beast can't do it...
Io: I'll find a way to bring Rosetta back no matter what!
Vyrn: All righty! Off to the misty island then!
Researcher: ...
The stench of death permeates a research facility covered in heavy snowfall. Bodies devoid of breath and pulse are scattered all over.
???: ...
With fumbling movements, the one "thing" moving in this place where light never reaches struggles to get outside.
???: Give me...
???: Give me back my...

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・|・・|||| - Episode 3

On the misty island, a slimy mass taking the shape of a girl attacks the crew. Orologia realizes that within her is the corpse of Kamuzumi. She is trying to use the death-snatching primal's power to overturn the death of Kamuzumi—who himself is the wedge of life and death. Orologia panics at the apocalypse this will lead to.

Apollonia: So this is Tramont Island. The mist really does cover up the entire island and surrounding area.
Rackam: No thanks to that, I had my work cut out for me getting the airship close enough to land.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: But the Grandcypher didn't shake at all! Nice work, Rackam!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: But the Grandcypher didn't shake at all! Nice work, Rackam!
Rackam: Now that's what I like to hear! Go on, heap the praise on me!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You da man!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You da man!
Io: Hey! This is no time to be goofing around!
Io: For Rosetta's sake, we need to find the island's primal beast, stat!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Sigh...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Sigh...
Katalina: Lyria, can you sense its presence?
Lyria: It's all over the place. Maybe the mist itself comes from its power.
Xing: Just making our way across this fog without getting lost is no easy feat.
Apollonia: How much simpler it'd be if the primal beast would take initiative in contacting us...
Lyria: Wait!
Lyria: Some... Something doesn't feel quite right...
Katalina: What do you mean? Something other than the primal beast?
Lyria: Uh-huh... It's... mushy...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (No, it couldn't be...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (No, it couldn't be...)
Xing: ...!
Xing, being the first to sense the approach of the "thing," leaps at it almost as if by reflex.
???: ...
Xing: ...!
What the...
Rackam: A girl?
Io: Here, of all places!
Lyria: The feeling I was getting is from her!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (No way...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (No way...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Oh crap, crap, crap! This is really, really bad!)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Oh crap, crap, crap! This is really, really bad!)
???: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (She has it inside her... And between the corpse of a failed wedge and all the power from the boundary that's pouring in... Oh geez!)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (She has it inside her... And between the corpse of a failed wedge and all the power from the boundary that's pouring in... Oh geez!)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (What sort of error is this going to lead to! If I'm understanding this right, the world could collapse at any moment now!)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (What sort of error is this going to lead to! If I'm understanding this right, the world could collapse at any moment now!)
???: Give me...
Katalina: ...?
What's she saying?
???: Give me back... my friends!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Friends? I'm guessing one of them is Kamuzumi?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Friends? I'm guessing one of them is Kamuzumi?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Holy crap, crap, crap! "Snatching death" away from one who watches over life and death is going to lead to disaster!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Holy crap, crap, crap! "Snatching death" away from one who watches over life and death is going to lead to disaster!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The world's over if we don't do something!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The world's over if we don't do something!
Vyrn: Wha? Logia, whatcha goin' on about?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Whatever happens, we have to stop her from making contact with the death-snatching primal beast at all costs!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Whatever happens, we have to stop her from making contact with the death-snatching primal beast at all costs!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Seeing (Captain) hesitate despite Orologia's warning, Xing offers another reason to fight.
Gran is the Main Character

Seeing (Captain) hesitate despite Orologia's warning, Xing offers another reason to fight.
Xing: Either way, I don't think we're getting out of here peacefully!
???: Out of... my way!

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・|・・|||| - Episode 4

(Captain), sensing the great pain that this foe must be in, refuses to deliver the final blow and dies in battle as a result. Orologia rewinds to a much earlier time.

Xing: (Captain)! Finish her!
The captain is in position to land the finishing blow on the "thing" taking the shape of a girl.
???: ...
???: Give me back... my friends!
A faint yet torturous cry dulls (Captain)'s blade.
???: ...!
Lyria: ...!
An attack from the body of indistinct shape pierces through (Captain)'s chest.
Lyria: Noooo!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (This is a lost cause...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (This is a lost cause...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Even if Lyria uses the life link to bring (Captain) back...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Even if Lyria uses the life link to bring (Captain) back...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Or if I rewind time just a bit for a retry...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Or if I rewind time just a bit for a retry...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (The result is the same—(Captain) refuses to off her.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (The result is the same—(Captain) refuses to off her.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ((Captain)'s far too kind to do that, which is why...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ((Captain)'s far too kind to do that, which is why...)
Vyrn: (Captain)! Pull yourself together, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Open up your eyes! Please... I'm beggin' ya!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (I need to go way back to set things right.)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (I need to go way back to set things right.)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Changing what happens to Kamuzumi is a must. And then...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Changing what happens to Kamuzumi is a must. And then...)

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 3: ・|・|・||| - Episode 1

No matter which route Orologia tests, each results in (Captain) eventually falling to one powerful enemy or another. Ensuring the singularity's survival is proving to be extraordinarily difficult.

After having gone through a simulation where (Captain)'s death is inevitable...
Orologia rewinds time to find a route where the captain survives.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (I need to do more than just rewind. The whole situation with Kamuzumi may need some adjustments...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (I need to do more than just rewind. The whole situation with Kamuzumi may need some adjustments...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Of course, that goes for (Captain)'s journey too...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Of course, that goes for (Captain)'s journey too...)
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (I also can't forget...)
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (I also can't forget...)
Xing: ...
Vyrn: Darn it, what's his problem! What did we ever do to the old gramps!
As allies fall one by one, (Captain) withstands the pain and fights on.
???: Gwahahaha! What a joy it is to clash blades with others of remarkable strength!
???: Instill that bloodlust in your eyes into your sword thrusts and you may just stand a chance, child!
???: En garde!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ack! The entire crew's wiped out!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ack! The entire crew's wiped out!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: No, no, no, no, no! (Captain)'s fame spread far and wide too soon and brought on these deadly challengers...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: No, no, no, no, no! (Captain)'s fame spread far and wide too soon and brought on these deadly challengers...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I'll have to make (Captain) stand out less somehow...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I'll have to make (Captain) stand out less somehow...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Having fewer friends around sure is going to be lonely though... Hrm...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Having fewer friends around sure is going to be lonely though... Hrm...
(Captain) is on a walk with an acquaintance to meet some friends. It is already too late by the time the spear sticking out of the captain's chest gets noticed.
???: Forgive me... Truthfully, I would rather not resort to such a cowardly method...
???: But I wasn't sure I could have won in a fair fight. And I could not let my own emotions interfere with what is best for the world.
???: Extending a helping hand to all in your travels with no regard for the power balance in the Sky Realm...
???: I realize you had no malice in your heart, yet you presented far too great of a threat.
???: Thus I had no choice but to take your life and end your journey, (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: My baby is not a threat!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: My baby is not a threat!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Okay, I suppose that's not entirely true... It depends on how you interpret the massive influence (Captain) exerts over the Sky Realm.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Okay, I suppose that's not entirely true... It depends on how you interpret the massive influence (Captain) exerts over the Sky Realm.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: But that's to be expected of the singularity. It's what makes (Captain)'s role so important...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: But that's to be expected of the singularity. It's what makes (Captain)'s role so important...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Then again, acting in the shadows so often may have looked awfully suspicious from an outsider's perspective.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Then again, acting in the shadows so often may have looked awfully suspicious from an outsider's perspective.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Maybe if (Captain) could join a massive organization to ensure protection...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Maybe if (Captain) could join a massive organization to ensure protection...
Rackam: Rgh...
???: "Just a small gathering of orphans," you must be thinking.
???: Easy pickings for the Crew of Enforcers, eh?
???: But even rats will put up a hell of a fight when backed into a corner!
Katalina: Wait, we're—
???: Keep the pretty words to yourself! We're not here to listen to land sharks justify themselves!
???: This is the only place for us to live! If we have to die protecting it, then so be it!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Gah! Another situation where (Captain) refuses to kill even if it's the only means to survival! Guess I was right about joining a big organization being too restrictive...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Gah! Another situation where (Captain) refuses to kill even if it's the only means to survival! Guess I was right about joining a big organization being too restrictive...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Or maybe using commonly traveled routes is the problem?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Or maybe using commonly traveled routes is the problem?
Orologia: All right, let's have (Captain) travel through more backwater regions then! After all, there are plenty of primal beasts with Sky Map pieces in lesser-known places too!
Orologia: All right, let's have (Captain) travel through more backwater regions then! After all, there are plenty of primal beasts with Sky Map pieces in lesser-known places too!
Vyrn: Logia... You're lookin' kinda pale.
Xing: Must be tired from all this traveling. Logia never did sport a strong constitution to begin with.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Haha... Thanks for the concern...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Haha... Thanks for the concern...
(Captain) urges Orologia to get some rest in bed.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Well then...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Well then...
Vyrn: Ngh!
Catching fire from a sudden attack, the Grandcypher quickly loses buoyancy and plunges into the depths of the skies.
???: ...?
???: Eh.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: What in the holy hell was that!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: What in the holy hell was that!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: That came from a nearby island...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: That came from a nearby island...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: She was hunting... and mistook the Grandcypher for some giant bird or dragon?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: She was hunting... and mistook the Grandcypher for some giant bird or dragon?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Give! Me! A! Break!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Give! Me! A! Break!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I can't believe that just happened!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I can't believe that just happened!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Why doesn't anything ever go right for (Captain)...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Why doesn't anything ever go right for (Captain)...

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 3: ・|・|・||| - Episode 2

Rewinding time back to (Captain)'s childhood, Orologia strives to teach the singularity everything there is to know about magic while leaving the physical training to Xing. Yet (Captain)'s kindness and mercy still shine through in battle against powerful foes and eventually leads to death.

Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: A quality education is key!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: A quality education is key!
Vyrn: Huh? Somethin' on your mind, Logia?
Having no idea what Orologia is going through, Vyrn shoots the wedge a puzzled look.
Between the two is a young child napping soundly in the cradle.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain) is brimming with talent, and I need to make sure that doesn't go wasted!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: (Captain) is brimming with talent, and I need to make sure that doesn't go wasted!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: An extraordinarily high level of competence will ensure that (Captain) doesn't die or give up on the mission!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: An extraordinarily high level of competence will ensure that (Captain) doesn't die or give up on the mission!
Vyrn: What an ominous thing to say outta the blue... You wake up from a nightmare or somethin'?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You could say that! But no worries—those "nightmares" can definitely be avoided. So I'll continue to leave the physical training to Xing...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You could say that! But no worries—those "nightmares" can definitely be avoided. So I'll continue to leave the physical training to Xing...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: While I double down on the magical training!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: While I double down on the magical training!
Vyrn: Xing?
Well, I guess it's all good as long as (Captain) is up for it.
Vyrn: And (Captain)'s always goin' on about takin' after the old man as a skyfarer, so magic would come in handy too!
Thanks to both Orologia and Xing...
The child receives an exceptional education all while undergoing harsh training in both the physical and magical combat arts, far removed from what is standard for a child raised in the countryside.
???: So noisy...
???: Gah, I can't stand it anymore!
Vyrn: Oh crud! We do not wanna see her power unleashed in this town!
???: Enough is enough... Silence!
While the crew is on a request to investigate a dangerous figure...
That figure unleashes a magical melody, attempting to stop the heartbeats of (Captain) and everyone in the vicinity.
Xing: Tch!
(Captain) and Xing have no choice but to fight her.
???: ...!
Orologia: (Captain)!
Orologia: (Captain)!
(Captain) hesitates at the last moment, giving the terrified woman just enough time to unleash another tune, cutting off the remainder of the captain's pulse.
Orologia: Oh no...
Orologia: Oh no...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Why... Why do things keep turning out this way!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Why... Why do things keep turning out this way!

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 3: ・|・|・||| - Episode 3

After countless simulations, Orologia is struck by a realization: acting as a surrogate parent and blunting the loneliness left in the wake of (Captain)'s father's departure has left the singularity without the strength of purpose necessary to survive. For the sake of the world, Orologia cannot stay by (Captain)'s side.

Orologia: Wait, wait, wait!
Orologia: Just how messed up is this!
Orologia: (Captain) is faced with an impossible ordeal before fate even gets to converge!
Orologia: As much as I'd love to try more simulations, my resources are limited!
Orologia: What is it that's lacking? What am I not seeing?
Orologia: (Captain)'s capabilities are certainly not the issue after all that training...
Orologia: Yet an impossible foe keeps popping up! Is that simply fate converging?
Orologia: An impossible foe...
Orologia: Is that really the case?
Orologia: Surely at least some of those battles were winnable.
Orologia: It's (Captain) who keeps letting the other party win...
Orologia: Just out of kindness? The same as when sharing a piece of candy with me?
Orologia: Wait, what's wrong with me! Why am I talking like kindness is a bad thing!
Orologia: Something's missing... An objective perhaps?
Orologia: Nuh-uh, the objective exists. (Captain) wants to find Dad so badly alre—
Orologia: Wait.
Orologia: At what age did (Captain) stop crying for Dad?
Orologia: There was Vyrn, me, Xing, and then... So...
Orologia: Could not being lonely be the problem?
Orologia: Ugh, do I really want to go there!
Orologia: I just can't imagine leaving that precious little baby all alone...
Orologia: Surely that can't be it—
Orologia: Surely?
Orologia: I really, really, really don't want to admit this, but...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Surely?
Orologia: I really, really, really don't want to admit this, but...
Orologia: Could I... be the problem?
Orologia: As long as I'm around, (Captain) doesn't become strong-willed.
Orologia: Could that... be a thing?
Orologia: No, I can't be sure either way.
Orologia: Discomfort, pain, sadness... I wanted to keep dearest (Captain) away from all of that as much as possible.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Discomfort, pain, sadness... I wanted to keep dearest (Captain) away from all of that as much as possible.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And there you have it, Orologia.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And there you have it, Orologia.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Everything that's happened... is all my fault.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Everything that's happened... is all my fault.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Then that's a condition: I can't be beside (Captain)...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Then that's a condition: I can't be beside (Captain)...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Beside the singularity...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Beside the singularity...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The world may need (Captain), but (Captain) doesn't need me...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The world may need (Captain), but (Captain) doesn't need me...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And that's the truth of it...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And that's the truth of it...

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 3: ・|・|・||| - Episode 4

In one simulation, (Captain) and Vyrn come across a mysterious traveler one day and exchange casual greetings before continuing on their way home. The traveler—Orologia—watches them until they disappear into the horizon, a wave of sadness welling up from within.

Vyrn: Morning, (Captain)! Time to wake up and smell the roses!
Vyrn: We promised Aaron we'd help milk the cows today!
With a yawn, (Captain) begins changing out of pajamas.
Vyrn: Don't forget to wash your face! I'll heat up the bread that the granny next door gave us!
Aaron's Mother: Appreciate the help, you two! I poured the milk into bottles, so be sure to take one or two on your way back.
Vyrn: Whoo! Thanks a ton!
Vyrn: You got it okay, (Captain)? Want me to hold it for ya?
With a headshake, (Captain) clutches the large bottle of milk.
After promising to play with Aaron later, the two return home for now, holding hands all the way.
Vyrn: Huh? What's wrong, (Captain)?
Tilting his head quizzically, Vyrn traces the child's line of sight.
Gran is the Main Character

???: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: ...
Vyrn: Who's that? A visitor to the village?
Vyrn: Ah! (Captain)!
(Captain) places the milk bottle on the ground and approaches the stranger.
  1. Hello.

Choose: Hello.
Gran is the Main Character

???: Hello there.
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: Hello there.
(Captain) asks if everything is okay, to which the traveler responds with a hearty nod.
Gran is the Main Character

???: Why, aren't you a sweet kid...
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: Why, aren't you a sweet kid...
Vyrn: (Captain)? Let's head back!
(Captain) returns to Vyrn without looking back at the traveler.
The traveler watches the family of two go on their way until they are no longer visible.
Gran is the Main Character

???: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: ...
Gran is the Main Character

???: Goodbye, (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

???: Goodbye, (Captain).

…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Intermission I - Episode 1

Back in reality, (Captain) is still plagued by a high fever. After a thorough checkup by various crew members, it is determined that an inordinate amount of mana is pouring into (Captain)'s body from the boundary. Galleon and Wamdus explain that not only (Captain), but the wedge of causality Orologia and the Sky Realm itself are in grave danger as well.

Back in the real world, the crew is journeying through the Phantagrande Skydom.
(Captain) has been bedridden with a terrible fever, eventually losing consciousness.
Seox: ...
Mugen: Seox?
Seox: Hweah!
Seox: Oh, it's you, Mugen...
Mugen: (Captain) fever, Mugen hear. Seox not watch (Captain)?
Seox: Not like I'd be of much help in there anyway...
Seox: I thought I'd ask Nehan to take a look at (Captain) and prescribe some medicine, but...
Seox: (This would be my first time facing Nehan ever since he's woken up... Honestly, it feels awkward.)
Seox: (What now...)
Mugen: Ah! But Nehan... promise not leave Stardust Town.
Seox: Ah, right. Feower did mention an agreement with the Suo family.
Feower: We just took care of that actually.
Tien: Rei also expressed concern about (Captain) and gave Nehan permission to go do a checkup.
Feower: Wait, Seox, when we left here to go look for Rei, you were already pacing around in the hallway... And you still haven't spoken to Nehan?
Feower: Way to drag things on, huh...
Seox: Urk...
Nehan: Would you stop making a fuss in front of my office? You're not exactly children anymore.
Mugen: Ah! Nehan, Seox here...
Nehan: I know. I'll be looking at a fever, right? I packed the usual medicines into this bag. The sooner we get to (Captain), the better.
Seox: R-right!
Mugen: Mugen carry bag!
Nehan: Appreciate it.
Seox: Um, Nehan... Thanks...
Nehan: We're going.
Leaving Feower and Tien behind in Stardust Town, Nehan and Mugen follow Seox to the Grandcypher.
Lyria: Nehan! It's good to see you too, Mugen!
Nehan: I don't know how helpful I'll be, but let me take a look.
Nehan: Mugen, prop up the patient's body, will you?
Mugen: Okay! Leave to Mugen.
No version of Tikoh in crew

Go to "Continue 1"

Any version of Tikoh is a crew member

Go to "Continue 2"

Continue 1
Continue 2
Nehan: What's the diagnosis of the medical staff on the ship?
Lyria: Um... They said (Captain) doesn't seem to be suffering from any injuries, either internal or external.
Nehan: I see...
Continue 3
Vyrn: Thanks for bringin' 'em here, Seox!
Seox: Sure... Has Fif already taken a look?
Fif not in crew

Vyrn: We got in touch with her yesterday. Said she's on her way here now!
Fif is a crew member

Vyrn: She went back home to see her parents two days ago... Should be back soon.
Fif: Hello, hello!
Fif: I'm back!
Lyria: Ah! We were just talking about you, Fif!
Fif: Sorry I'm late!
Fif: (Captain)... doesn't look too well.
Nehan: A high fever accompanied by dilated blood vessels and an increased heart rate.
Nehan: Based on the symptoms, one might assume that the body is simply fighting off foreign substances...
Fif: But in this case... I think the cause might be the flow of magic in (Captain)'s body going all haywire.
Lyria: Flow of magic gone haywire? Why would that happen?
Fif: Wait, that's just a guess still. I'm gonna take a proper look now.
Nehan, done taking (Captain)'s pulse, trades places with Fif to let her check for magic flow.
Fif: Hm... Hrmm...
Fif: Strange... It's like a different kind of magic is mixed in with (Captain)'s.
Lyria: Erm... Does that mean (Captain)'s been cursed? Or something similar?
Fif: I think it's more like... the amount of magic flowing is simply massive.
Fif: You know how a water balloon explodes if you put in too much water? What I'm sensing here is the moment before the balloon explodes.
Vyrn: That doesn't sound too good...
Mugen: Mugen know that power.
Nehan: Can you elaborate, Mugen?
Mugen: When Mugen mad, same power.
Fif: Ah!
Fif: Now that you mention it, Mugen, I get the same feeling from you when your hair turns blue!
Vyrn: Well then, how'd that power end up in (Captain)!
Nehan: A fever resulting from magical overload? That's a symptom occasionally seen in small children.
Fif: It's happened to me before too! Except this time the magic is coming from elsewhere, not the self...
Fif: Well, I suppose the next thing we need to do is pinpoint the source of all this extra mana in (Captain).
Galleon: Unnecessary.
(That won't be necessary, child who wields a staff linked to the boundary.)
Lyria: Ah! Galleon!
Wamdus: Hi, I'm here too.
Fif: Of course it's necessary! We can't fix (Captain) unless we know what's wrong!
Galleon: Correct.
(There is truth in your words, but we already know the cause.)
Wamdus: The extra magic pouring into (Captain) comes from the boundary.
Lyria: The boundary?
Wamdus: Mm-hm. I'm not a hundred-percent sure how it works in the skies, but...
Wamdus: All lives have imprints that connect them to the god of their world.
Galleon: Correspondence.
(Lives in the Sky Realm link to the sky god, while lives in the Astral Realm link to the Astral god.)
Galleon: Exception.
(However... Before the Sky Realm existed, there was the Omnipotent.)
Wamdus: Those with imprints allowing a strong link to the Omnipotent can draw power from the boundary.
Wamdus: It's super rare, but the singularity pulled it off.
Galleon: Skies.
(Do you recall (Captain)'s hair turning blue during Lu Woh's trial?)
Vyrn: Oh yeah!
Lyria: So at the time... (Captain) was drawing power from this boundary?
Vyrn: 'Cept (Captain)'s hair isn't blue right now, and there's no need for all that extra firepower anyway...
Galleon: Vacuity.
(To find a cause for (Captain)'s current condition is meaningless.)
Galleon: Immeasurable.
(Because the wedge governing causality is no longer functioning.)
Lyria: The wedge governing causality...
Arulumaya (Light) is a crew member

Lyria: Ah! You must be referring to the Orologia that Fediel mentioned before!
Wamdus: Mm. Orologia is just Logia to me.
Wamdus: So what's in hot water right now is Logia, the singularity, and the Sky Realm.
Wamdus: Basically everything is about to get cooked.
Seox: E-everything?
Cat: Meow...
Amid the shock of everyone else, the cat curled up by (Captain)'s feet—who knows a little more than she lets on—yawns with her mouth wide open.
(Captain)'s fever is but one part of what is transpiring in the Sky Realm.

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 4: ・│・・・・・│ - Episode 1

Turning to routes with less impact on (Captain)'s life, Orologia first looks at influential technologies: even things that are widely beneficial can't be allowed to spread if they pave the road to world ruin.

What exactly does the Sky Realm's "ruin" imply?
It is much more than simply the loss of lives from this world.
Ruin so great that neither the god of destruction, nor even the god of creation, can undo the damage done.
That is exactly the type of thing I am trying to avoid.
I lost my mother close to twenty years ago.
A terrible illness had befallen her, with no known cure—well, in Auguste, at least.
But thanks to the effects of an old pain-dulling remedy, she was able to spend her final years in relative peace.
Mom and I talked so much—about my future, about how she and Dad met, about living a good life—all while cracking the occasional joke.
It was incredibly painful saying goodbye to her, but I was able to shed my tears and get past it because of all the precious time we got to spend together.
Eugen: You're becoming more and more like Artemisia with every passing day.
Glancing over at Dad's profile as he utters those words, for the first time I notice how much he's aged.
I know full well that he wanted to follow his heart as a skyfarer and go out looking for a cure to Mom's sickness.
But for my sake, he chose to stay home so that the three of us could spend this precious time together as a family.
Apollonia: You think so? I get told pretty often that I'm a lot like you, Dad.
Eugen: Haha, I guess spendin' so much time with me at the neighborhood watch has rubbed off on ya.
Eugen: But what with you being a big reader and all, you take after your mom in more than just looks, Apollonia.
Apollonia: Well, if it's coming from you, maybe that's true...
Eugen: Hey, Apollonia?
Eugen: You don't have to follow our tracks and stay in Auguste your whole life, you know?
Apollonia: Dad?
Eugen: I will never stop missing your mother. She was the love of my life.
Eugen: But it'd be wrong of me to hold you back from doing what you want because of my own burdens.
Apollonia: Dad, I...
Eugen: You were doing well as an exchange student, even getting to be on good terms with the princess. Yet you came all the way back to Auguste for my sake.
Apollonia: That's... Well, home is where the heart is. Otherwise I wouldn't have returned.
Eugen: I ain't so arrogant as to think I was the only reason you came back, but it was definitely one of them, yeah?
Apollonia: ...
Eugen: You've got a good head on your shoulders, Apollonia. And that's exactly why I've been so worried about you ever since your mother passed.
Eugen: Tell me, can you really say there's nothin' you wanna see and no place you wanna visit outside of Auguste?
Eugen: Not to mention all the stuff ya probably had planned to do by the princess of Erste's side.
Apollonia: Dad...
Eugen: Phew, sure took me guts to get that out. Talk about pathetic, huh.
Apollonia: Don't say that, Dad... Mom and I have been extremely lucky to have you in our lives.
Apollonia: But you're right—I can't be the sweet little girl who's under her father's protection forever.
Eugen: Not that you needed that protection anyway. But now you can go anywhere you want and be anything you wanna be.
Eugen: Know that your mom and I will always be proud of ya!
Apollonia: Hehe...
Eugen: Hahaha, I can already tell I'm gonna enjoy the drinks tonight. Join me for a bit, Apollonia!
The advancements which led to the remedy that dulled the pain of her mother's terminal illness would eventually go on to create the most ruthless soldiers.
My permutations show that this becomes one of the primary reasons for the world's destruction.
Technology left behind from the time of the War leading to the formation of entire armies fearless even in the face of death, completely overturning the natural circulation of souls...
I am forced to interfere to prevent the world from going down this path.

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 4: ・│・・・・・│ - Episode 2

Weapons of mass destruction such as island razers only breed more conflict, giving Otherworlders greater opportunity to invade. While intervening to remove such weapons from existence, Orologia must accept the fact that countless hours of tireless research across many generations of mankind are also being wiped away.

We mercenaries are nothing more than pawns with a pulse, acting in accordance with our employer's wishes to eliminate the enemy.
Once we've accepted an assignment, the mission is everything. Even if successful completion of the mission results in terrible injustice, the mercenary can never blame the employer.
As long as the payment justifies the job, we do it. Otherwise we go onto the next battlefield.
In other words, we'll fight your fights, but we're not sticking around for the dust to settle.
That's how a mercenary operates.
Milleore: Lao. What's this about you getting discharged?
Sahli Lao: They agreed to shortening my contract period, so my job's officially over now.
Milleore: I'm not talking about the paperwork. I'm asking why you decided to leave this army.
Sahli Lao: To put it bluntly, I don't agree with the direction they're taking things.
Sahli Lao: The word is our employer's considering the deployment of island razers. And that's a deal breaker for me.
Milleore: Island razers? Oh no...
Sahli Lao: Giant weapons of mass destruction, created by skydwellers during the time of the War, that require sacrifices to operate and are strong enough to eliminate even the Astrals...
Sahli Lao: I don't even want to think about how many lives have already been sacrificed just to activate those things.
Milleore: ...!
Sahli Lao: Milleore. We don't stand a chance against what's coming.
Milleore: But...
Sahli Lao: Being discharged is practically the only option we have.
Milleore: ...
Sahli Lao: What should have been a small-scale conflict is going to turn into a major war involving multiple skydoms should those things be deployed.
Milleore: Whatever we do, we have no choice but to wait and see how things play out.
Sahli Lao: If worst comes to worst, I definitely don't want to be on the front lines when the time comes.
Milleore: No kidding...
Milleore: I have a bit of time left on my contract. But I'll follow you out as soon as it's over.
The Crystal of Beginnings—a venerated divination device created by those who feared for the future of mankind.
When combined with prayer, the crystal and its fragments show the path forward.
People visit the great hall housing the Crystal of Beginnings for all sorts of reasons.
Using its fragments, otherwise known as amethysts, to point people in the right direction is my job.
Granny: Please, I ask this for my grandson...
Salria: Not a problem, miss. The amethysts will surely show us the way.
Salria: We only need to ask them where your grandson might have dropped the doll.
Granny: Thank you so very much, Maiden... I couldn't bear to see my grandson cry anymore.
Salria: Let us hold our hands up to the amethysts together... Now try to visualize the doll.
Salria: ...
Salria: Its location has been made clear: behind the shelf in the hut by the water's edge.
Granny: Ah! We all went there on vacation as a family not too long ago!
Granny: So that's where it was... Once again, I cannot thank you enough, Maiden!
Salria: We owe it all to the Crystal of Beginnings. Please save your thanks as prayer to it.
Salria: I'm glad that the doll was left behind somewhere clean and safe!
Granny: Yes, thank goodness. My, what a forgetful child that boy can be...
Searching for missing items or lost children is the extent of my divination powers.
Divination of the island's future is the job of the chief priests, like Uncle Ezzy.
But because life is a series of small events taken together, my job is just as important in many ways.
My role as shrine maiden in this holy land housing the Crystal of Beginnings at its center helps to sustain the bustling town.
O Crystal of Beginnings, may your shine bring everlasting peace to the Sky Realm.
With a prayer in my heart, I continue my divinations in the sanctuary.
Technology created in opposition to the Astrals. And technology brought in from their world.
Skydwellers, hoping to free themselves of Astral oppression, have performed countless cruel and unusual experiments to make such technology their own.
The amount of sacrifice and effort it took to make such monumental achievements is immeasurable, and most certainly deserving of praise.
As with many things, these new technologies are both a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately, they eventually prove to be too much of the latter.
They will one day lead to the islands plunging into the Crimson Horizon, allowing Otherworlders to invade at will.
Any possibility that leads to the Sky Realm's ruin must be removed... at all costs...

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 4: ・│・・・・・│ - Episode 3

There are some simulations where subspecies like vampires intermingle freely with everyone. But in removing War-era technology that posed a threat to world stability, the means to break the barrier between different peoples is also lost. As unfortunate as it is, Orologia must prioritize the choices that lead to the Sky Realm's prolonged existence.

Vampire Woman: Hello, mister! I was wondering if you have any bread left!
Pastry Chef: Good evening as always, miss! We're just about to take out today's last batch from the oven.
Vampire Woman: Perfect! My hubby tends to get into a sour mood without a bit of your bread to munch on.
Pastry Chef: Haha, that's high praise. Isn't he taking advantage of your kindness by lettin' you be the daily breadrunner though?
Vampire Woman: I don't mind. It just means more chances for me to be a loving wife.
Pastry Chef: Welp, I certainly appreciate the patronage. You okay with the usual assortment?
Vampire Woman: Yes! One baguette and six bread rolls, please.
Pastry Chef: All freshly baked! Best eat them while they're still hot.
Vampire Woman: Thank you!
Humans, Harvins, Erunes, Draphs—the four main types of people in the Sky Realm.
In addition, there are also many types of subspecies such as vampires, Crystalia, Souval, and werewolves.
There were potential routes where all such beings intermingled together out in the open, under the yoke of the Astrals and after.
But that's all they were—potential routes.
Amid all atrocities committed in the name of research to combat Astrals...
The subspecies proved to be especially useful for both skydwellers and Astrals. Though it is not something for the skies to be proud of.
Maybe if certain convenient technologies were never created and used by the masses... Just maybe...
Vania: ...
Vania: No one's out here, I think...
Vania: Why do we have to tiptoe around when all we want to do is play outside?
Vania: Everyone else in Medvecia should come out to play too instead of staying away from the rest of the world.
Vampire Woman: Your Highness!
Vania: Eep!
Vania: Sheesh, are you trying to scare me to death!
Vania: Oh, urk... You found me...
Vampire Woman: Where do you plan on sneaking off to by your lonesome! Please don't tell me you were going to a town of people...
Vania: That's right! I'm sick and tired of staying cooped up on this island!
Vampire Woman: Your Highness, no! Medvecia's rules must not be broken. What's more...
Vampire Woman: People are extremely dangerous and do not hesitate to do harm to vampires.
Vania: Really?
Vampire Woman: It's true. I'll tell you all the scary stories about mankind that my grandmother used to tell me. Just come back with me.
Vania: Not much point resisting since you've already found me anyway.
Vampire Woman: Phew... Thank goodness.
Vampire Woman: Your Highness, please understand that it is far too dangerous outside of Medvecia for us vampires.
Vania: Meh...
Eliminating the existence of various War-era technologies causes a big shift across the board.
Unfortunately, technology which allowed the subspecies to live openly with everyone was also lost in the process.
I had no choice, for the damage dealt by such technology far outweighed any good it did.
Anything I notice in my simulations that greatly contributes to the Sky Realm's ruin must be removed...
It is the only recourse available to me...

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 4: ・│・・・・・│ - Episode 4

The most effective way to prevent the spread of ruinous technology is for Orologia to stir animosity toward it, forcing it to the fringes of society. A group of outcasts known as the Jorha keep up with the research and bring out numerous tragedies, but because those tragedies do not contribute to world ruin, Orologia must leave them be.

I continue my permutations to avoid potentially disastrous fates to the Sky Realm.
In some simulations, I participate in the War myself.
Even ruling over entire skydoms in some cases.
But I realized using so much power to effect change only heightened the possibility of the Sky Realm's ruin.
So I changed my approach. I became one of the citizenry and did minor things like spread rumors or adjust the distribution of goods...
Of course, I pushed for the hatred of technology resulting from inhumane research.
Already considered somewhat taboo before, such research came to be classified as a grave crime deserving of the harshest of punishments.
Of course, there remained some mortals who refused to completely discard it.
Cast out from society, they went underground and took on a new name.
The Jorha—those shunned, hated, cursed.
They were persecuted and kept out of the light for so long that the term "Jorha" came to be an antiquated term.
This change led to a significant boost to the Sky Realm's longevity—or so my permutations told me.
I was a blessed man, serving the community as a doctor in the countryside with my dearest wife beside me.
I had planned to happily grow old with her and be buried together when the time came.
Until that day I was taken to the research facility.
It was hell in there.
The place was filled with so much resentment and sorrow that I forgot what it meant to weep.
All manner of animals, monsters, and even primal beasts were shot up with every combination of drugs, forced to endure endless torture.
Different creatures would be cut up only to have their body parts sewn back together in the form of some grotesque chimera and unleashed on primal beasts...
It was absolute madness.
Putting a stop to it all became my life's purpose.
After all, I could never find it in myself to abandon all those children constantly crying out in pain. Even if it means I'll never get another chance to see my dearest wife.
Rose, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
I make this choice with the belief it's the one a man worthy of your love would make.
I can only pray that there'll come a day when this is all resolved, and I'll be able to return to your side.
The repressed Jorha fall deeper into their research, and their experiments and breed countless new tragedies.
But because those new tragedies have no bearing on the Sky Realm's status, they do not concern me.
I cannot let them concern me...

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 5: ・│・│・・│・ - Episode 1

Orologia continues on with simulations while the War happens in the real world. Having to overlook so much pain and suffering simply because it's what's best for the Sky Realm takes a great toll on the wedge. Although a new personality will arise if an existing one should collapse, there is no guarantee that new personalities will favor the Sky Realm. Knowing this, Orologia tries to remain sane.

Orologia: No matter how much I injected myself into events before the War's end, I had little effect on what came after.
Orologia: It's something I'm nearly a 100 percent certain of after going through countless simulations.
Orologia: There were some routes where civil strife immediately following the War led to the Sky Realm's destruction.
Orologia: Though that was avoidable as long as I intervened and manipulated the flow of information—another thing that's nearly guaranteed.
Orologia: Currently, in reality, Astrals are still observing the Sky Realm and just beginning plans to dominate it.
Orologia: Knowing all the tragedy that would come to pass yet paying it no heed, I simply wait for the War to come and go as I continue my simulations.
Orologia: I must always think of when and how to best intervene in order to optimize chances of the world's survival.
Orologia: Honestly, to be me is suffering.
Orologia: I have a personality just like anyone else, meaning I can feel sad or happy in the same manner that mortals do.
Orologia: Why do I have a personality to begin with? Well, just as wedges influence the world, the world influences them back.
Orologia: Of course, that's not the only reason. The cycle of destruction and rebirth applies to wedges equally.
Orologia: Wedges who've lost their personalities from that cycle are given new ones.
Orologia: And there is no guarantee that those personalities are merciful toward mortal lives.
Orologia: If I truly wish to reduce the total amount of suffering in the skies, I must first try to avoid my own mental exhaustion.
Orologia: Can I get a mulligan?
Orologia: I keep thinking back to those simulations where I traveled with the child destined to become the singularity.
Orologia: Despite the fact that'll never happen in the real world.
Orologia: As I pray for the Sky Realm to not be too hard on the child...
Orologia: I continue my permutations, searching for ways to prevent the world's ruin.
Orologia: How should I intervene next?
  1. Increase the number of monsters.
  2. Decrease the number of monsters.

Choose: Increase the number of monsters.
Orologia: Given that I can affect the circulation of souls to some degree, perhaps I can affect monster occurrences as well.
Orologia: This is really Kamuzumi's territory, but causality does play a small role...
Orologia: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
Monster: Gwaaar!
Lancelot: Push onward! We're going to cut down every last monster in this nest!
Knight: Haah!
Monster: Gwoo...
Lancelot: All monsters are treacherous creatures that must be put down—even the ones that don't resist.
Lancelot: ...
Knight: Captain...
Lancelot: Even a harmless child can do untold harm upon reaching maturity.
Knight: Yes... Forgive me!
Lancelot: Do not let a single monster survive, including the ones who've escaped into the forest!
Lancelot: Yes, not even a single one. Adult or newborn monster—it makes no difference.
Lancelot: We must purge them from this nation, from this island, or better yet from the entirety of the skies!
Lancelot: That has been my wish, ever since that day...
Lancelot: An upbeat, resourceful little boy went into the forest to test his mettle, only to be attacked by a monster.
Lancelot: A typical story. Just deserts, some might argue.
Lancelot: Except in this case, the child died.
Lancelot: He was a crybaby but a good kid. Because I was his elder by a few years, he trusted me completely to protect us both from harm as he followed me into the forest.
Lancelot: Monsters make no distinction between child and adult—to them, all people are prey.
Lancelot: I am just doing the same in kind.
Monster: Gwaaah!
Lancelot: Diiieeee!
Lancelot: No matter how many of them I kill, my childhood friend will never return.
Lancelot: Nor will forgiveness for my sin that day ever come. But still I fight.

Choose: Decrease the number of monsters.
Orologia: Given that I can affect the circulation of souls to some degree, perhaps I can affect monster occurrences as well.
Orologia: This is really Kamuzumi's territory, but causality does play a small role...
Orologia: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
Albert: People fight for riches—a fact of life. Even after being freed of Astral rule, the Sky Realm's history is littered with various wars.
Albert: My nation of Levin is a poor one, lacking in natural resources. To cope, we've attacked other islands for what they have.
Albert: Those on nearby islands may have thought it an inevitable consequence immediately following the War, but...
Albert: Now that hundreds of years have passed, the consensus among other nations is that Levin is a land of barbarians.
Albert: Thus we needed power. Power enough to silence the surrounding nations and force them into obedience—or so our king thought.
Albert: Was there anything I could have done before my friend drove himself to the brink for the king's sake?
Albert: He gives me a knowing look, as we both realize it is too late.
Yurius: Al... bert...
Albert: Yurius!
Albert: He had pushed himself to the extreme in his research, hoping to come up with something useful for the king, only to eventually have his body be overtaken by a monster.
Albert: Even in the final moments that my friend is able to remain himself, I pray for some alternative method to saving him.
Albert: But I've acted too slowly.
Yurius: K-kill me... Thunderswift Lord...
Albert: You still call me by that name despite my delay in judgment, Yurius?
Yurius: ...
Albert: Gwaaaah!
Albert: I realize that I have no other choice. Yet...
Albert: I know I will regret this for the rest of my life.
Continue 1

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 5: ・│・│・・│・ - Episode 2

Orologia struggles greatly in the various efforts to reduce suffering—largely because every solution comes with its own set of problems. In searching for ways to ease (Captain)'s journey, Orologia encounters the same issue.

Orologia: Dark!
Orologia: Yeah, let's take back what I just did.
Orologia: More monsters means more people falling prey to them, yet fewer monsters means more conflict between people...
Orologia: Any changes I make to the monster population have to be more localized and done extremely carefully.
Orologia: Otherwise I'd just be making things worse for the entire Sky Realm!
Orologia: Despair gives way to the Otherworlders. And while I can stand against their causality, I cannot intervene in the least!
Orologia: And speaking of, not being able to interfere with Astral power either is its own can of worms.
Orologia: From Akasha to Xolotl, there are too many beings of Astral origin with the power to bend causality.
Orologia: I can't touch them directly, but perhaps I can do something about their whereabouts before the singularity encounters them...
Orologia: Especially Akasha... Thankfully the Astrals left behind the seal on it as a set, which should make things a bit simpler.
Orologia: Hm, just moving it out of the way won't be enough? Then let's see...
  1. I could conceal its existence.
  2. I could strengthen the seal on it.

Choose: I could conceal its existence.
Orologia: The earliest I can delete info of Akasha's existence is around this time...
Orologia: I hope doing so eases the singularity's journey somewhat...
Orologia: I get the feeling the butterfly effect is gonna give me a headache.
Silva: Mephorash, the capital of the Erste Kingdom. That's where I was born.
Silva: To survive on this harsh desert land, I went out hunting every day with my rifle in hand. This was life for me.
Silva: But everything changed when the kingdom turned into an empire.
Silva: In order to expand its territory, the empire began sending troops into neighboring islands.
Silva: And to sustain its ever-growing size, the empire conscripted troops from newly acquired lands. I was one of those conscripts.
Silva: If I wanted to survive, I had to accept that my prey would no longer be mere beasts or monsters.
Imperial Soldier: There's our target! Get her!
Silva: ...!
Silva: I look up to see a figure who's seemingly mastered the extremely rare power of flight.
Silva: In a single breath, she rains down a flurry of arrows from her bow.
Imperial Soldier: Aiiee...
Silva: Fortunately her aim isn't precise. Her remarkable vision is also what makes her eyes extremely sensitive to the light reflected by the snow.
Silva: The empire has long stalled on making inroads on the island ever since she was hired to defend it. But I've started to get a grasp on her weak point.
Imperial Soldier: Ready the flying weapons!
???: !
???: I'll just have to shoot them all down!
???: ...!
Silva: She relies too much on her superior eyesight. If I can take that away for just a second...
Silva: Now!
Silva: I cock my rifle and fire.
???: Ah!
Silva: Even if she reacts fast enough to prevent the bullet from hitting her vitals, she can't dodge it completely.
Silva: Taking advantage of the momentary opening, other snipers point their rifles at her.
Silva: She looks straight at me as she withstands the pain, unleashing a hail of arrows in my direction.
Silva: ...

Choose: I could strengthen the seal on it.
Orologia: Strengthening the seal that mortals eventually place on Akasha may just work out...
Orologia: I hope doing so eases the singularity's journey somewhat...
Orologia: I get the feeling the butterfly effect is gonna give me a headache.
Katalina: Everything is burning down.
Katalina: The academy grounds, the city residents' shops and houses, my estate—Albion is in ruins.
Katalina: The Erste Empire, as part of its expansionist policy, had planned to recruit every Albion student as a soldier.
Katalina: In other words, the whole of Albion would be incorporated into the empire. As Lord Commander, I of course turned them down.
Katalina: As tradition dictates, Albion must remain neutral. Without its neutrality, there is no Albion.
Katalina: Even were that not the case, the power balance in Phantagrande tells us that we cannot comply with the empire's demands.
Katalina: Their response to my refusal was swift and brutal.
Katalina: Massacre—instead of occupying Albion, they would now obliterate it.
Albion Resident: Eep!
Katalina: Haaah!
Albion Resident: Lady Katalina!
Katalina: Evacuate to my estate at once!
Katalina: But is there any point to evacuation? The airship dock is already engulfed in flames, and the entire sky is covered with imperial airships.
Katalina: Even with the power of Luminiera, I am unable to protect every single student and civilian.
Katalina: They've completely overwhelmed us.
Katalina: What should I have done instead?
Katalina: Should I have given in to their demands? Should I have strengthened Albion's defenses?
Katalina: Doing so would have stripped us of our neutral status, removing all fairness from the academy.
Katalina: But before all of this even began...
Katalina: Perhaps Vira, the one I fought for the title of Lord Commander that day, would have served Albion better than I could.
Katalina: I recall thinking that, even, at the time. Perhaps I lack what it takes to be a leader and should have remained a knight...
Katalina: Albion has been reduced to ashes because of my poor judgment.
Katalina: Everything I ever swore to protect is no more...
Continue 1

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 5: ・│・│・・│・ - Episode 3

Orologia searches for a route where the wedges do not develop personalities hostile to mortals. The wedge looks into certain unstable life-forms such as true dragons as a possible point of intervention.

Orologia: A fresh hell awaits no matter how many times I repeat things!
Orologia: It's looking like Akasha has to fall under imperial control, for use in particular by this Freesia person...
Orologia: I hate to let that happen because of all the trouble it brings to the singularity and Lyria, but...
Orologia: Sigh... Why is making things easier for (Captain) such an impossible task?
Orologia: Sooner or later, the other wedges will have fully formed personalities based on feedback from the world.
Orologia: It would be quite distressing if they were to turn out antagonistic toward mortals...
Orologia: Before we reach that point in reality, I must find the routes where that does not come to pass.
Orologia: I suppose I should start by investigating things that seem unstable, that might cause a route to take a dive.
  1. Investigate unstable true dragons.
  2. Investigate unstable life-forms.

Choose: Investigate unstable true dragons.
Orologia: Although the existence of the true dragons helps to offset the Sky Realm's accumulated distortions...
Orologia: They can no longer function as a mere system once they've developed personalities.
Orologia: As much as I wish they would remain true to their original roles...
Orologia: That doesn't seem possible without some effort on my part.
Deirdre: Pure anger fills my entire being.
Deirdre: Before I am completely overtaken by uncontrollable rage, I think back to a pact from centuries ago—a pact that has just been broken.
Deirdre: Every 300 years, I enter a new vessel that is created with the help of the royal family's magical powers. In exchange, I defend Alster Island from monsters.
Deirdre: It is a pact I formed with the first ruler of Irestill, with whom I fought alongside during the War.
Deirdre: Why would the mortals of today be so eager to break a pact that is purely advantageous to them?
Deirdre: That does raise doubt within me, as I face their soldier sent upon the eve of another 300 years.
Deirdre: But such doubts matter little in the face of my soul-wrenching wrath.
Deirdre: I entrusted the root of my being to that pact, and for them to now deny it is to deny my existence.
Deirdre: Mortals are completely oblivious to the fact that I, as a true dragon, am one of the pillars that helps to uphold the Sky Realm.
Deirdre: Their hopelessly blind ignorance is the kindling that feeds the fire of my rage. The voice of reason slowly withers away.
Deirdre: Giving in to my indignation, I raise my voice.
Deirdre: Damn... you...
???: !
Deirdre: Foolish mortal! You are going to pay dearly for thrusting that spear into me!
Deirdre: I unleash a torrent of power at the blond mortal who managed to strike at my core.
Deirdre: My magic rends his body and forcefully slams it into the ground, yet he still breathes.
???: Urgh!
Deirdre: You continue to draw breath... Very well. Then you shall bathe in my blood and spend the remainder of your life as my dragonian!
Deirdre: Follow me, dragonian! Use your spear to punish those who would dare to break the pact!
???: ...
Deirdre: The power I had once used to quell the monsters of the island is now empowering them.
Deirdre: Following behind me and the dragonian is an onslaught of enraged monsters. We wreak havoc on Irestill.
Deirdre: Even with the kingdom and island brought to ruin, my anger will not subside until it extinguishes the fire of my life as well.
Deirdre: This is what it means to break a pact with a true dragon.

Choose: Investigate unstable life-forms.
Orologia: To the Sky Realm, some of the creatures born from War-era technology may have seemed a tad bit shocking.
Orologia: The invention of airships brought about an explosion in the speed of information flow and technological advancements.
Orologia: Even the despised and shunned technology of the Jorha, by simple fact of existing in the Sky Realm, has a chance of getting around.
Orologia: Some of that might be worth keeping an eye on, I bet.
Lennah: What was I doing?
Lennah: Ah yes, I was thinking of putting a smile on people's faces via the flowers I create.
Lennah: I was wavering for some reason, but... I can't remember why.
Lennah: Here you go.
Girl: Flowers and... seeds? No, fruit. Can I really have all these?
Lennah: Of course, just make sure to share. Let's make the world bloom with flowers and put smiles on everyone's faces.
Girl: I will! Thank you, miss!
Lennah: The fruit I bear, when eaten, grants happiness by gradually turning one's body into a tree.
Lennah: Branches sprout forth from the trunk, complete with leaves. Mana is drained from the body to nurture the beautiful flowers that come about.
Lennah: Once the transformation is complete, the mother-tree Jinkazouki—the source of all this power—will welcome them into the family.
Lennah: Inside Jinkazouki, we're all together and all the same. There is no sadness because we never have to say goodbye.
Lennah: Never having to be lonely again, always smiling with each other.
Lennah: Jinkazouki was a vessel created as a means of storing mana for use in battle against the Astrals.
Lennah: Yes, we skydwellers created Jinkazouki, meaning it could not possibly be harmful to us.
Lennah: As one who has been welcomed into Jinkazouki and had my body recreated, I know this from firsthand experience.
Lennah: As much as I wished to remain inside, I don't mind contributing to the greater good and making more friends by spreading the mother-tree's seeds.
Lennah: Teehee. I can't wait until everyone out there is as happy as I am.
Lennah: May you find happiness too amid all the flowers.
Continue 1

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 5: ・│・│・・│・ - Episode 4

While coping with the despair that accompanies each new simulation, Orologia pays particular attention to dangerous weapons and medicines in attempting intervention.

Orologia: Nope, that won't do!
Orologia: Nuh-uh-uh! Letting even the smallest thing slip leads to despair!
Orologia: And that certainly doesn't make things any easier for the singularity.
Orologia: I mean, sure, (Captain) could just power through it all, but everyone deserves a chance at a happy journey!
Orologia: Even if (Captain) should eventually become a king and live every day with nothing but worries, surely there is some room for an easier life before that!
Orologia: A journey where you can partake in life's joys and make many wonderful friends... Surely I can gift you that much!
Orologia: You deserve the best possible route, (Captain)!
  1. Check dangerous weapons.
  2. Check dangerous medicine.

Choose: Check dangerous weapons.
Typical Resident: Eeeep!
???: Farewell, insignificant vermin.
???: What... was I doing?
???: I recall bidding farewell to something, but I can't remember what.
???: As one born into life at a dojo and trained in all sorts of martial arts, I had a purpose.
???: For that purpose, I took hold of this demon blade. And... Right, a blade is meant for cutting things.
???: Cutting. I was going to cut something.
???: I slide my fingers across the handle of the katana as I return it to its sheath. My mind is once again clear of doubts.
???: All I need to do is cut, cut, cut, and cut some more.
???: If I can't remember what I wanted to cut, I can simply cut down everything.
Passerby: Aiiee!
???: Everything...
Passerby: What are you—
???: Shall be cut down!
Passerby: Eeeek!
???: Haha...
???: Yes, this is going well.

Choose: Check dangerous medicine.
Magasin Chief: How's development on the latest product coming along?
???: We are still observing the effects of continued use on the test subjects. So far, it seems we can ignore any differences in efficacy on the four main types of people.
???: Not that there's no difference at all, but the addiction rate skyrockets for all of them after four injections.
Magasin Chief: And three is enough in lucky cases, eh. Not bad at all.
???: Extraction of the necessary components is simple enough. As long as we can secure a steady supply of the base material, entering mass production shouldn't be too difficult.
Magasin Chief: Hah. Sounding pretty confident there, Pharmaceutical Chief.
???: I owe you a debt, and I will make sure it is repaid.
Magasin Chief: Glad to hear it! You're definitely one of the more useful servants I've taken in.
???: A debt of gratitude...
???: After my clan was wiped out, I wandered about on my own until I was captured by traffickers and sold off to the mafia.
???: By using my medicinal knowledge as a survivor of the Karm Clan for ill-gotten profit, I was allowed to lead a relatively comfortable life. That's the "debt" I owe the Magasin.
???: Who is to blame? Those who wiped out my clan? Those who kidnapped me? Those who purchased me? Or myself?
???: There's a group called the Jorha that sell their old secrets to the mafia to survive, not too unlike myself.
???: Though I can't deny the secret sense of joy derived from being able to continue practicing a skill I've honed throughout all my childhood.
???: I've grown accustomed to experimenting directly on people and creating things that may one day destroy their lives.
???: My guilty conscience was lost long ago. What will I grow accustomed to next?
Magasin Chief: Consider these two a gift. New test subjects.
???: I may have had a pathos and wanted to save people at one point, but that's in the past.
???: All I care for now are the things that I create.
Continue 1

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 6: ・│・・・│・│ - Episode 1

In a test run of the interventions, using the best route discovered thus far, the Six Dragons manifest in the Sky Realm with newly formed personalities. They act to "purify" the world, and a panic-stricken Orologia attempts to stop them.

Orologia plays out countless simulations that start from the time immediately following the War, searching for routes where the Sky Realm's ruin can be avoided.
The wedge goes to great lengths to ensure that the least possible amount of strain is placed on (Captain).
Orologia: Like this, like that...
Open it, close it...
Orologia: Sigh... Why is it so impossibly hard to find a decent route!
Orologia: A change as small as a single apple dropping to the ground can lead to catastrophe down the line...
Orologia: At this rate, finding a good route and intervention plan before the War ends in reality is going to be... impossible?
Orologia: Stop! No, no, no! What I've got is still better than nothing!
Orologia: Spreading a rumor in Lancelot's village about how incredibly dangerous monsters are ought to be enough there...
Orologia: And nudging Nehan onto the route where he meets that other kid should—should—change his perspective on those forbidden drugs...
Orologia: Maybe now's a good time to test these changes holistically and make sure nothing happens that drives the world off a cliff later.
Orologia: All together then, here we go! Using the best route so far as the base, I'll just...
Orologia: Here, I think you dropped this.
Boy: Oh! Thank you, miss!
Orologia: It's getting late. You should head home soon.
Boy: Yeah! I'll do that. Buh-bye!
Orologia: Buh-bye!
Orologia: Okay, that should set the flag. Moving on...
Orologia: ...!
???: ...!
Orologia: The wedges just gained personalities?
Orologia: Hold on a sec! The permutations said this wasn't supposed to happen yet!
???: ...!
Orologia: Whoa!
Orologia: Stop, stop, stop right there!
Orologia manifests before the converging rays, preventing the luminous dragon from unleashing them.
Orologia: Oof, that smarts... I'm supposed to keep my vessel weak, and you certainly don't make things easy for me...
???: You're—
Orologia: Orologia, your friendly neighborhood wedge who defines the flow of causality and time!
Orologia: You're White Dragon Radis of the Six Dragons, yes?
Radis: Radis—yes, that is my name. I am the steward of light.
Orologia: I see the world's feedback has led to you developing a personality! As much as I'd like to say congrats...
Orologia: Radis, why would you unleash the power of purification immediately after awakening!
Orologia: Please don't tell me you actually meant to vaporize whole islands and endanger the entire Sky Realm by putting the elements into disarray!
Radis: To purge these polluted skies is my duty. Why do you object?
Orologia: Do you really have to ask?
Radis: Elements in disarray will eventually return to a harmonious state somewhere. So that is not a problem either.
Orologia: You couldn't be more wrong! That's a huuuge problem! I mean—
Radis: ...
Radis: Perhaps due to your exceptional nature among the wedges, I sense bias in your thought process.
Orologia: Now just hold on a second! You've got some nerve talking about me like that!
Radis: Then let us ask those who are my equals.
Radis: Fire Dragon Vrazarek.
Vrazarek: ...!
Radis: Earth Dragon Corvell.
Corvell: ...
Radis: Ice Dragon Wilinus.
Wilinus: ...
Radis: Dark Dragon Evyl.
Evyl: ...
Radis: And lastly...
Elusious: Oh, bother! I, Wind Dragon Elusious, shall answer!
Elusious: Foolish Time Dragon, the time for your judgment has come!

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 6: ・│・・・│・│ - Episode 2

Because of all the despair rampant throughout the skies in this simulation, the Six Dragons have gained personalities intent on purging the world. Seofon appears before them with a plan to recreate it using his own body and power from the boundary, attacking when they refuse to help. The resulting clash leads to world ruin, so Orologia ends the simulation.

Orologia: My judgment? What gives! I know I got my personality earlier than the rest of you all, but...
Orologia: In the end, it just goes to show that I put in extra effort!
Vrazarek: You wanna know what I've been doing with it? Working my tail off!
Vrazarek: Bwahaha! That's what you call work?
Orologia: What! How rude can you be! You have no idea how hard I've been trying to avoid the Sky Realm's ruin!
Elusious: We Six Dragons are the pressure that preserves the Sky Realm. Namely, our existence is what allows the world to remain as it does.
Elusious: Everything else exists in subservience to us!
Evyl: Though I am not without my objections, let us be fair. Tell us, Orologia. Why did you stop Radis?
Orologia: A better question would be how could I not stop Radis! Who knows how many islands would've been blown to bits if I hadn't!
Corvell: Blown to bits. What of it?
Corvell: If needed? Can remake.
Wilinus: Get in our way, and I just might have to eat you.
Wilinus: Hm, I wonder what you taste like... Hahaha...
Orologia: ...!
Orologia: (Under the laws of destruction and rebirth, even the wedges which preserve the world are not exempt from the cycle.)
Orologia: (The codependency between wedge and world is what leads to the formation of personalities.)
Orologia: (Stands to reason these Six Dragons have formed such negative attitudes because of the overwhelming amount of despair clouding the Sky Realm.)
Orologia: (I knew this would happen even in some of the better routes. No point continuing with this particular simulation, I suppose...)
Orologia: (No, I ought to play this out a bit longer just to confirm what happens.)
Radis: Orologia... You've made it abundantly clear that you stand on the side of mortals.
Radis: Yet there is no need for the dominant life-form in the skies to be people.
Orologia: Oh, but there is! There absolutely is!
Orologia: Even as we speak, Astrals, moondwellers, and Otherworlders are vying to take over the Sky Realm and change it to suit their own purposes!
Orologia: Mortals are the only sentient beings in the Sky Realm capable of standing up to them!
Corvell: Frail. Far too frail...
Evyl: If sentience is what shields the world from harm, surely we Six Dragons—with our newly formed personalities—are even better suited to the role.
Evyl: Mortals may as well be specks of dust. At the very least, you want something on the level of true dragons.
Wilinus: True dragons... Are they hot? Or are they cold?
Vrazarek: In a world governed by destruction and rebirth, any changes brought about by outside invaders is simply part of the cycle!
Vrazarek: Furthermore, if the wedge of eternity should ever return from the Astral Realm, it would signify a return to the world as the Omnipotent had originally envisioned it.
Evyl: If the Sky Realm's survival is the goal, you would do better by ensuring the survival of us wedges. Am I wrong?
Orologia: That's—
Radis: Though you exist in all time, it is one mortal in particular that you've paid especially close attention to.
Radis: Perhaps I should begin my purification with this singularity who's corrupted your role as Time Dragon.
Orologia: ...
Radis: Come to your senses, Time Dragon Orologia.
The overflowing mana of the two collides, generating fiery sparks.
Radis: ...!
Orologia: This power... from the boundary...
???: Hate to interrupt a good fight, but...
???: I've got a favor to ask. Hear me out, won't you?
Elusious: The amount of sass on this mortal!
Corvell: Massive. That power...
Vrazarek: The apostle of the one who sits beyond the boundary? Fascinating!
???: Didn't take long to figure out where my power comes from, eh? I'd be impressed if you weren't the Six.
Wilinus: Tasty-looking... Same power as the first...
Radis: You draw power from that which sits beyond the boundary, where all of time is one...
Radis: Rather, you're almost a part of it? A mortal with such a powerful boundary imprint is not a likely occurrence. However...
Evyl: Mortals are limited in what they can do. They are miniscule compared to ourselves.
???: If you guys are so high and mighty, surely it wouldn't hurt to let a harmless little nobody like me say a few words. Right?
Vrazarek: Gwahaha! Well said! Very well, state your business!
???: 'Preciate it. I'm gonna keep this short... Any chance you Six Dragons would like to follow me?
Wilinus: "Follow"? As in become your underlings?
Elusious: What rubbish! Perhaps I should silence that mouth of yours!
???: Relax, cool your scales. It's not such a bad proposition.
???: The Sky Realm is distorted at its very core. I'm sure you're all well aware of the many defects left in this world ever since the Omnipotent created it.
Evyl: Hm... Are you implying that you—or that which sits beyond the boundary—is capable of repairing those defects?
???: Yes. Just look at how warped and unstable this world is. I say we destroy it and build it back better than ever.
???: I can't do that alone, of course, which is where you guys come in. I trust you guys still retain the info on what the Sky Realm was originally meant to be?
Corvell: Records. They remain.
Corvell: But. You are ultimately just a mortal...
Evyl: Your vessel is far too frail to draw enough power for the world's re-creation.
???: Oh, no worries. I'm pretty sure my body is sturdy enough to support the foundation until the creation is done at least.
Elusious: How boisterous!
Elusious: Not even the god of destruction would take kindly to such pompous behavior from he who sits beyond the boundary!
???: Whoa!
Vrazarek: It is within fire's nature to change form at will! As such, I don't mind a reboot of the world!
Vrazarek: But before that! The power of the boundary captivates me!
Wilinus: I wonder what it tastes like... Hehehe...
Evyl: You claim we need the power of the boundary, but we can just as easily use your corpse. There is no reason for us to follow you.
???: That's a real shame... Here I was, hoping we could settle things peacefully.
???: Guess I'll just have to take all the powers and data stored in your personalities by force!
Radis: ...!
Orologia: A full-scale battle between the Six Dragons and the apostle of that which sits beyond the boundary? How will the Sky Realm's distortion respond!
Orologia: I never imagined ruin could come about in this manner...

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 6: ・│・・・│・│ - Episode 3

Between never-ending simulations and endless real-world interventions to reduce despair, Orologia slowly, but surely, begins to wear down.

Orologia: The world's re-creation via the boundary's power...
Orologia: Is this the wish of that which sits beyond the boundary? Or is it the wish of that mortal?
Orologia: It should still be nap time over there, so logic dictates that mortal is the one calling the shots here.
Orologia: Perhaps I should test a few simulations to see the routes he can take.
Orologia: And what's up with the personalities of the wedges!
Orologia: Maybe it's already too late to change them if I'm starting my permutations after the War's end...
Orologia: (Captain)'s power is essential for keeping the Astrals, moondwellers, and Otherworlders at bay.
Orologia: But most other possibilities leading to ruin should be avoidable with my intervention.
Orologia: I'll just have to keep one foot in the real world and the other searching for solutions via simulations.
???: Absolute power can prevent meaningless conflict.
???: As such, I aim to gather the strongest warriors in the skies to form a crew that can act as a deterrent against war.
???: A deterrent, eh?
???: I have my doubts about how effective it'd actually be, but putting together a crew of the toughest badasses in the skies sounds like my idea of fun.
???: Count me in.
???: Thank you. What shall I call you?
???: Let's follow the ordering of the Revenant weapons. The spear is first, and the sword is seventh...
Seofon: You can call me Seofon. And I guess that makes you Anre. Pleasure to meet you.
Orologia: ...
Orologia: (So I see... A meeting between these two gives birth to the Eternals.)
Orologia: (I'll have to make absolutely certain that this encounter happens!)
Nehan: What the—
???: ...?
Nehan: A person... A Draph, perhaps?
Nehan: Odd... When coming here on the skyskimmer, I couldn't find any traces of people living on the island...
Orologia: ...
Orologia: (I suppose this way, they'll be able to find a friend in each other...)
Orologia: (Though I still can't exactly call the first legs of their lives happy ones...)
???: ...
Vyrn: There's our sword master! But what's she doing?
Lyria: She's meditating, I think? Katalina said that samurais do that when they want to concentrate!
Vyrn: Whoa! That must mean she's the real deal!
???: Zzzzz...
Vyrn: Wait... She snoring?
Lyria: I-I think she is.
Orologia: ...
Orologia: This avoids the route where Narmaya gets her hands on a demon blade.
Orologia: Problem is, someone else might end up snatching the blade and fall prey to its curse...
Orologia: Like this, like that...
Orologia: Open it, close it.
Orologia: Intervening here stops that problem from happening in the first place...
Orologia: And then...
Orologia: Next is...
Orologia focuses on searching for ways to avoid the Sky Realm's ruin.
Despite having great powers which exist beyond the boundaries of nature, repeating simulations for what begins to feel like eternity takes a toll on the wedge.
Orologia: Just a bit more...
Orologia: I'm almost there...
Orologia: ...

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Chapter 6: ・│・・・│・│ - Episode 4

A few hours before (Captain)'s collapse from fever, Lu Woh speaks with Orologia, whose current personality is not only nearing its limit—it will soon become a bridge for a nigh infinite number of failed possibilities to encroach into reality. Orologia's solution is to have both personality and failed possibilities destroyed as one.

Hours before (Captain) collapsed from a fever...
Lu Woh meets Orologia on an island created by the Six Dragons.
Lu Woh: Orologia!
Lu Woh: Orologia?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Heeey... Appreciate you coming on such short notice, Luo.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Heeey... Appreciate you coming on such short notice, Luo.
Lu Woh: You look pale, but what else is new? Have you ever considered doing something about that frail vessel of yours?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yeah, but a sturdy me is just bad news for the world, sadly.
Orologia: Besides, I'm just about done being dead on my feet all the time.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yeah, but a sturdy me is just bad news for the world, sadly.
Orologia: Besides, I'm just about done being dead on my feet all the time.
Lu Woh: ...?
I say this nearly every time we meet, but if you want to have a conversation, try saying things in a way others can understand.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Okey-doke! I'll just be borrowing that pocket watch for a second, Luo!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Okey-doke! I'll just be borrowing that pocket watch for a second, Luo!
Orologia takes hold of his pocket watch and adjusts the time on it.
Lu Woh: What are you doing?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: The truth is, I'm at my limits and could spontaneously combust at any moment now!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: The truth is, I'm at my limits and could spontaneously combust at any moment now!
Lu Woh: Your limits? You don't mean...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I do—both mentally and in terms of the possibilities I can hold off. Turns out I went just a wee wittle bit overboard with all those simulations.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I do—both mentally and in terms of the possibilities I can hold off. Turns out I went just a wee wittle bit overboard with all those simulations.
Lu Woh: Please don't tell me we're going to lose the wedge that defines the flow of time and causality!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Nuh-uh. The wedge itself and the Sky Realm are co-dependent and will ensure each other keep on keepin' on.
Orologia: How-wow-wever, the number of potential routes I've gone through has reached a critical mass, and they're on the verge of breaching into reality.
Orologia: Good thing I was already on the case! I got every one of those possibilities all tied up in my current personality—now just to have it tidied up.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Nuh-uh. The wedge itself and the Sky Realm are co-dependent and will ensure each other keep on keepin' on.
Orologia: How-wow-wever, the number of potential routes I've gone through has reached a critical mass, and they're on the verge of breaching into reality.
Orologia: Good thing I was already on the case! I got every one of those possibilities all tied up in my current personality—now just to have it tidied up.
Lu Woh: While it is true that within each wedge the laws of destruction and rebirth act on a micro level to recycle their personality...
Lu Woh: If I'm not mistaken, any other wedge getting involved in the process to wipe yours clean would signify an overstepping of bounds.
Lu Woh: The resulting elemental turbulence would be quite the disaster.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: And that would've been too, if it weren't for those meddling boundary-power-drawers! That I arranged to have show up soon.
Orologia: Breaks my heart to ask it of them, but they'll be the ones doing the actual custodial work on me.
Orologia: While they do, I wanna ask you Six Dragons to hold off any and all possibilities that try to wiggle their way into reality!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: And that would've been too, if it weren't for those meddling boundary-power-drawers! That I arranged to have show up soon.
Orologia: Breaks my heart to ask it of them, but they'll be the ones doing the actual custodial work on me.
Orologia: While they do, I wanna ask you Six Dragons to hold off any and all possibilities that try to wiggle their way into reality!
Lu Woh: You make it sound so easy!
Lu Woh: Wait, Orologia, let me guess... You saw this coming and have already planned everything out to ensure we all come out the other side in one piece?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: You bet your booty! It wasn't easy setting everything up, but I'm feeling pretty confident the Sky Realm is gonna make it, one way or another!
Orologia: The moment your pocket watch strikes twelve is the moment I can no longer bear the weight of all these possibilities.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: You bet your booty! It wasn't easy setting everything up, but I'm feeling pretty confident the Sky Realm is gonna make it, one way or another!
Orologia: The moment your pocket watch strikes twelve is the moment I can no longer bear the weight of all these possibilities.
Lu Woh: Meaning we don't even have any time to consider your request; us refusing to do this is not even a "possibility."
Lu Woh: Ugh, I suppose that's one way of getting some work out of us.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I am real sowwy about it...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I am real sowwy about it...
Lu Woh: No matter... God's slipshod creation of the world is what led to this. You were simply doing what you could to cover up the cracks.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Thanks for understanding, and sorry for the trouble. Hope you can pass that message on to the other dragons for me too.
Lu Woh: I refuse. Tell them yourselves... if you can.
Orologia: ...
Lu Woh: We'll take care of the matter. Farewell, Orologia.
Orologia: Buh-bye, Luo! Say hello to the next version of me you see!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Thanks for understanding, and sorry for the trouble. Hope you can pass that message on to the other dragons for me too.
Lu Woh: I refuse. Tell them yourselves... if you can.
Orologia: ...
Lu Woh: We'll take care of the matter. Farewell, Orologia.
Orologia: Buh-bye, Luo! Say hello to the next version of me you see!
Orologia fades away while rising from the chair, and a serene silence fills the island once more.
Lu Woh's eyes remain briefly fixed on the chair, now absent of the time wedge.

…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Intermission II - Episode 1

In the present, a number of Eternals visit the resting (Captain) aboard the Grandcypher. They offer to guard the ship while Katalina and Rackam go off to run some errands. Just then, Wilnas shows up to warn of an impending crisis and takes off with Wamdus and Galleon.

Meanwhile in reality, (Captain) remains sick in bed as the Grandcypher stays grounded.
Two figures above can be seen descending onto the deck.
Tweyen: Hello, everyone.
Anre: Is (Captain) feeling any better?
Katalina: Tweyen, Anre... Unfortunately, no...
Rackam: Fif and Nehan are checking on the captain at the moment.
Tweyen: A high fever lasting this long is definitely concerning...
Rackam: At first I thought it might give (Captain) a nice break from always firing on all cylinders, but I'm not so sure anymore...
Anre: Yes, we're all worried. I dropped by the Knickknack Shack earlier and picked up some goods.
Any version of Albert (Dark) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Yurius is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Mina is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Continue 1
Anre: This Levin grape juice, when heated with spices, is said to work like a miracle for colds.
Continue 2
Anre: Siero herself gave me some rare herbs that are especially effective for fevers.
Katalina: Every bit helps... Thank you.
Anre: I'll hand the herbs over to Nehan.
Tweyen: Are you two on your way out?
Katalina: As much as we'd like to stay by the captain's side, I have to speak to a client about a job we've already accepted.
Rackam: And I need to go ask the dockmaster for an extension on our stay.
Tweyen: Both important tasks...
Tweyen: We'll keep watch here while you're away. Fif isn't the only other Eternal on the way, I assume?
Katalina: Correct. Earlier—
Io's Voice: Way too much power, Threo! You turned the ice into powdered snow!
Threo's Voice: Hrm... Sorry! Let me try again! Make me some more ice!
Tweyen: I hear Threo's already here.
Katalina: Yes, she's been a big help with the more heavy-duty tasks.
Rackam: All right, we're off now. You guys take it easy here.
Anre: Have a safe trip.
Katalina and Rackam leave the airship to tend to their respective tasks.
Niyon: Ah, Anre, Tweyen. You're here too.
Tweyen: Mm-hm. We visited Eugen earlier, and he gave us a letter to deliver.
Niyon: Eugen? I believe he went back to the last island the crew was on to ask about the local diseases?
Tweyen: Yes, he's hoping to find something that might lead to a cure for (Captain)'s condition.
Tweyen: But at the moment, he can't find anything that induces symptoms matching (Captain)'s.
Niyon: I see...
Anre: By the way, what's Seofon doing over there?
Seofon: Burp... This is a lot...
Niyon: He's eating porridge.
Tweyen: Eating porridge? At a time like this?
Seofon: You see, (Captain) has still been down and out, so the porridge surplus has just kept rising.
Any version of Narmaya (Grand) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 3"

No version of Narmaya (Grand) in crew

Go to "Continue 4"

Continue 3
Seofon: Narmaya wanted to make sure (Captain) would have hot porridge to eat immediately after waking up, so she's been making it fresh over and over.
Continue 4
Seofon: I offered to eat the earlier batches for lunch so they wouldn't go to waste, but then it was too good to stop eating...
Tweyen: Really now, Seofon...
Tweyen: Didn't you promise Lyria that you'd keep the Grandcypher safe while (Captain) is unable to move?
Seofon: Y-yeah, and I'm taking the job seriously! Honest!
Anre: (Captain)'s crew is fairly well known throughout all the Sky Realm.
Anre: If word of the captain's illness spreads, some may seek to take advantage of the situation.
Anre: Be on your guard, Seofon.
Seofon: Already am.
Wamdus: You want to do this... like this...
Fif: Hm... Okay, let me try...
In hopes of curing the captain's illness, Wamdus works with Fif to reduce the excessive mana flow entering (Captain) from the boundary.
Vyrn: I sure hope this cure works...
Nehan: Even if we're able to temporarily reduce the cause of the fever, we still need to deal with its effects on the body...
Galleon: Fallacy.
(I believe "cure" is a bit of a misnomer.)
Galleon: Adjustment.
(The spell Wamdus and Fif are casting right now merely redirects the flow of mana from the boundary.)
Galleon: Persistence.
(So that it can be deposited elsewhere. Like water from a tap, the mana continues to flow.)
Lyria: Elsewhere? Where might that be?
Wamdus: Hm... How do I explain this...
Fif: We made a kind of invisible bag that stores mana!
Fif: But if we fill it up too much... Bam! It explodes! So we can only do this for so long...
Galleon: Warning.
(We must resolve the situation before that happens.)
Wamdus: We'll do our best at that, but we might have to ask for some help on some things. Sorry in advance.
Vyrn: No apology needed. We're all here to make sure (Captain) gets better anyway.
Mugen: Mugen help too if need.
Galleon: Gratitude.
(That is most appreciated.)
Wilnas: Coming through! Coming through!
Lyria: Eep! Wilnas! What a surprise...
Vyrn: You guys are gonna give me a heart attack one of these days with how your portals pop up outta thin air...
Wilnas: Apologies, but we've got one heck of a situation on our hands!
Wamdus: Oh... Has it come to that?
Wilnas: Rather, it will very soon come to that! Which is why we need to act at once.
Galleon: Comprehension.
(Understood. I will go with Wamdus and Wilnas.)
Wamdus: I'll leave things here to you, Fif. I know you can do it.
Fif: Okay!
Mugen: Wamdus, good luck.
Wamdus: See you later.
Vyrn: Never seen the Six Dragons in such a big fuss before. Just goes to show how serious this is...
Cat: Meow...
As if (Captain)'s condition weren't enough, Vyrn and company sense something foreboding about the behavior of the Six Dragons.
Despite the uneasiness of the situation, the cat seems to shrug it all off with a casual yawn.

…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 7: ・│・││・・│ - Episode 1

In a dream, a young (Captain) laments being without a father as Vyrn speaks words of comfort. Orologia arrives to call them home, and (Captain) enjoys their peaceful time shared together.

Surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the forest of Zinkenstill, (Captain) understands that this must be a dream.
Within the dream, a young (Captain) sits on a tree stump, weeping freely as Vyrn speaks kind words of comfort.
Vyrn: I know, (Captain)... I know you're lonely without your dad...
Vyrn: It isn't just that? Are you mad that he left you here by yourself?
Vyrn: Yeah, I get that. It's his fault you're lonely. You got a right to be angry.
Vyrn: The more you care about someone, the madder they can make you, huh?
Yeah... Yeah.
Vyrn: And you're mad at yourself for feelin' that way... I get it, (Captain). I really do. I'm your partner, so I know where you're comin' from!
Vyrn wipes away the tears that come rolling down (Captain)'s cheeks. There seems to be no end to them.
As the child's sobs finally begin to subside, a voice—somehow both familiar and unfamiliar—calls out to them.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you two!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Oh, there you are. I've been looking all over for you two!
Deciding there is no need for undue caution in this dream world, (Captain) looks up at the approaching figure and nods.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Let's head home, shall we?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: ...
Let's head home, shall we?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I baked cookies as a little treat today! We should enjoy them while they're still nice and hot.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I baked cookies as a little treat today! We should enjoy them while they're still nice and hot.
Vyrn: Ooh, then we'd better hightail it back!
Vyrn: Come on, (Captain).
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Yes, it'd be a shame if they got cold.
(Captain), would you like tea or hot milk to drink with your snack?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Yes, it'd be a shame if they got cold.
(Captain), would you like tea or hot milk to drink with your snack?
Drawn to the intentionally cheerful voice, (Captain) stands and takes its owner's outstretched hand.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm really glad you were around to find and console (Captain), Vyrn.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I'm really glad you were around to find and console (Captain), Vyrn.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Being alone when you're missing someone just makes it hurt even more.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Being alone when you're missing someone just makes it hurt even more.
Despite the hand's soothing warmth, (Captain) can't help but voice the sudden question that comes to mind.
  1. I wonder if Dad loves me...

Djeeta is the Main Character

Despite the hand's soothing warmth, (Captain) can't help but voice the sudden question that comes to mind.
  1. I wonder if Dad loves me...

Choose: I wonder if Dad loves me...
Choose: I wonder if Dad loves me...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course he does! The whole reason he left was for your sake, after all.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Of course he does! The whole reason he left was for your sake, after all.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: That being said, I'll have you know I love you just as much!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: That being said, I'll have you know I love you just as much!
Vyrn: Hey, no fair trying to one-up me, Logia! I love (Captain) too, y'know!
Vyrn: And don't you forget it!
Thoroughly cheered up, (Captain) promises to never forget as they head down the road toward their home together.
In this way, the dream continues to pass lazily and peacefully by.

…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 7: ・│・││・・│ - Episode 2

As Shinsha and friends worry about (Captain), elsewhere Scathacha suffers from the influence of the encroaching "failed possibilities" until Fediel arrives and puts her to sleep. Concerned that the other true dragons will be affected as well, Fediel departs to convene with her fellow Six Dragons.

Ugusu: That darn fever still isn't going down, huh. Think (Captain)'s gonna be okay?
Shinsha: I hope so...
Kushina: ...
(I saw they had a healing magic expert and a doctor both come for an examination.)
Ugusu: Oh, I know them! Fif and, uh, Nehan! Mugen's friends, right?
Kushina: ...
(Yeah, those two! He always talks about how reliable they are.)
Kushina: ...
(I'm sure (Captain) will feel better again in no time.)
Shinsha: I'd like to lighten the captain's load as much as possible until the illness passes.
Shinsha: So let's do whatever we can to lend a hand!
You'll help too, won't you, Nectar?
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: Nectar?
Scathacha: Ngh... Aaahh!
Naoise: Scathacha!
Scathacha: The... insolence...
No... No, this isn't my anger!
Naoise: Scathacha? What's happening to you!
Fediel: So I was right! The effects are already beginning to manifest.
Naoise: Fediel? Do you know what could be causing this?
Fediel: A terrible faux pas by our equal. "Failed possibilities" of what could have been are now seeping into the Sky Realm.
Fediel: Since the true dragons are the backbone of this world, I assumed they might be susceptible to the influence of the encroaching alternate routes.
Scathacha: Fedi... Fediel... Please... Stop...
Scathacha: Stop me...
Fediel: You've done well to endure. Rest assured that once my seal is applied, you will be cut free from such transformation.
Scathacha: ...
Placing her hand on Scathacha's forehead, Fediel recites a short incantation, sending the dragon into a peaceful slumber.
Fediel: Hmm. It would be rather tedious and slow to place individual seals on each of the true dragons.
Fediel: Perhaps I should simply put all the creatures of this realm to sleep instead of being selective...
Naoise: The situation certainly sounds serious. Can I aid you in any way?
Fediel: We Six Dragons will resolve this disturbance. You need only be patient until we have fulfilled our duty.
Naoise: ...
Understood. But if you do find yourself in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Fediel: Spoken like a true dragonian. Consider that determination assistance enough.
Fediel: Now then... While causality is still functioning properly, it would probably be wise for me to convene with my equals.

…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 7: ・│・││・・│ - Episode 3

Wilnas, Wamdus, Galleon, Lu Woh, and Fediel decide to ask mortals able to draw power from the boundary to eliminate the failed possibilities along with Orologia. Hoping that Ewiyar can guide Kamuzumi in the meantime, they lure the failed possibilities to their location, which manifest as alternate Six Dragons.

Lu Woh: Ah...
Wilnas: Your wait is over! We have returned!
Wamdus: Heya again, Luo.
Lu Woh: So I see. How fares the singularity?
Galleon: Pity.
(Aside from a high temperature caused by the massive influx of power from the boundary, there appears to be no issue. However...)
Galleon: Regret.
(For a frail mortal, such a fever must be agonizing. It pains my heart to witness.)
Lu Woh: Be that as it may, we will need the assistance of those beings of the Sky Realm with imprints allowing them to draw power from the boundary.
Lu Woh: The heart of Orologia has been broken, and as a result, a large number of simulations—the so-called failed possibilities—are on the verge of bleeding into this world.
Lu Woh: In order to end this threat, we must eliminate those possibilities together with the personality of Orologia, who is inextricably intertwined with them.
Lu Woh: However, any sort of interference between wedges would prove fatal to the Sky Realm in its current distorted state.
Wilnas: A terrible shame. We're reduced to making mortals dirty their hands in our mess.
Wamdus: Seeing as how they'll be facing Logia, the wedge who controls causality, they're gonna need the power of the boundary real bad.
Galleon: Eternity.
(Indeed, as all time exists concurrently on the other side.)
Wamdus: Is Logia the one who sent the boundary's power flowing into the singularity?
Lu Woh: So it seems. Understanding the limitations in place, Orologia took action so as to perish alongside the failed possibilities.
Galleon: Anguish.
(It is truly regrettable that we must place such a burden upon the beings of this realm.)
Wilnas: Had our personalities come into existence even a moment sooner, we may have been able to spare Orologia's as well.
Lu Woh: Orologia knew that just as well as we do, and still judged that this was the best course to put things on.
Wilnas: How lamentable. I would like to tell that fool to rely on us a little more...
Wilnas: However, as usual, Orologia is currently in the state of being everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Lu Woh: Proof that Orologia is still in control. Otherwise, we would not have to look far.
Wamdus: On top of being the first to gain a personality, Logia spent all that extra time inside simulations.
Wamdus: Compared to that, all of our experiences are a drop in the ocean. I'd be tired too.
Galleon: Regret.
(Orologia is yet another victim of the twisted creation of this realm.)
Lu Woh: Perhaps. However, I imagine that workaholic would have still ended up on this path one way or another.
Lu Woh: Finally.
Fediel: And what is that supposed to mean! I've just come from subduing one of the true dragons. I was simply doing my job!
Wamdus: Ah, so the true dragons are feeling the effects too?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Fediel: Yes. As Orologia weakens, the failed possibilities that the wedge has amassed are beginning to seep into this world.
Gran is the Main Character

Fediel: Yes. As Orologia weakens, the failed possibilities that the wedge has amassed are beginning to seep into this world.
Fediel: As beings who influence the Sky Realm and are in turn influenced by it, we wedges and true dragons are particularly susceptible to them.
Lu Woh: Unlike us, the true dragons will be unable to escape the influence of the failed possibilities.
Galleon: Assistance.
(Then it stands to reason that we should begin by providing them relief.)
Wilnas: Should we put the true dragons to sleep and cast a magic circle over the skies to maintain just their functions?
Wamdus: Hmm... Just setting that up would be easy as pie...
Wamdus: But the Grim Basin won't play nice. Since it exists to divide the Sky Realm, it would probably affect the circle too.
Galleon: Concern.
(Given the current situation, there is a high probability that such a strategy will fail.)
Lu Woh: Always these vestiges of the Astrals...
Fediel: The power of separation and rejection lies with Kamuzumi. In his prime, he could have used his ability to control the Grim Basin.
Wamdus: But there's nothing for it now. Kamuzumi isn't a wedge anymore.
Wamdus: If only he could use his pact with the girl of the gate to fish his original self out of the boundary...
Galleon: Hypothesis.
(Ewiyar retains the most power from the time of creation.)
Galleon: Duty.
(I believe she would, in theory, be in the best position to guide Kamuzumi.)
Fediel: But this is Ewiyar we're talking about... We will have to hope that mortals are successful in the endeavor.
Lu Woh: Under the circumstances, I suppose that is our only option.
Wilnas: Indeed. Let us pray that they do well.
Fediel: If a magic circle ends up being out of the question, we will simply have to guide the failed possibilities here, give them substance, and make them manifest before us.
Wilnas: Yes, very good! I, Wilnas, shall take on the manifestations of the failed possibilities!
Galleon: Responsibility.
(Taking all our abilities into account, Fediel and Lu Woh should be the ones to guide them.)
Wamdus: Want me to help out too?
Lu Woh: No... We cannot predict how the manifestations of the failed possibilities will behave.
Fediel: It would be safer to have Wilnas, Galleon, and Wamdus wait in the wings should the unexpected happen.
Wamdus: Okay. Then I'll be on the same team as Wil and Lleon.
Lu Woh: Now then... Let us try to bring the failed possibilities under control as best we can.
Lu Woh: Fediel, come with me.
Fediel: Hmph. I believe it is you who will be coming with me, Lu Woh!
As the powers of light and darkness rage, the foreign strands gradually gathering in the Sky Realm begin to take shape.
Fusing together into an enormous mass, they take on the form of six dragons.
Wamdus: Here they come!
Corvell: ...
Vrazarek: Groooar!
Radis: Graaah!

…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Chapter 7: ・│・││・・│ - Episode 4

Transforming into dragon form themselves, Wilnas, Wamdus, and Galleon fight to suppress their alternate versions. However, the manifestations merely continue to revive due to the breakdown of causality, and the battle rages on with no end in sight.

Wilnas: Well, this is less than ideal. They've taken the form of dragons—and six of them, no less!
Wamdus: Hmm... If these are supposed to be failed possibility versions of us, they're a little bland.
Galleon: Unexpected.
(Their external appearance matters little. More importantly...)
Galleon: Improper.
(Seeking to destroy and rebuild the Sky Realm without regard for the lives that exist here now is unforgivable.)
Wilnas: Yes, of course! But be that as it may, the Sky Realm will undoubtedly be affected just the same if we exert our full power.
Wamdus: Finding a middle ground will be tough. But this is a good chance to show what we're made of.
Wilinus: ...
Galleon: Rejection.
(It seems you seek to consume the elements. But I shall not allow it!)
Transforming into her dragon form, Galleon attempts to grab hold of Wilinus with her enormous paw.
Elusious: Shgaaah!
Wilnas: Whoa now! If we allow them to go unchecked, the islands of this realm will come crashing down!
Wamdus: Playing defense can only take us so far. We'd better hop on the offensive.
Evyl: Keh keh keh...
Wilnas: Hyaaah!
Wilinus: ...
Wamdus: Stop that.
Galleon: Crush.
Wilinus emits a deafening screech as it is flattened by the small island that Galleon creates and hurls its way.
Wilinus: Aaahh!
Wilnas: One down! Who will be next?
Evyl: Keh keh keh!
Corvell: Groooar...
Radis: ...
Galleon: Absurdity.
(For the sake of all lives in the Sky Realm, I shall reduce you to dust.)
From high above the blinding black mist, Galleon's foot stomps down, attempting to crush Corvell with all the force of a mountain.
Elusious: Keee!
Elusious: Gaaah!
Wilnas: What is a flame if it doesn't burn through all it touches!
Wilnas: Hadron Sphere!
Wilnas unleashes a swirling ball of fire which consumes the dragon Elusious along with its cry of anguish.
Fediel: Watch it, Wilnas! The elements are becoming far too unstable!
Lu Woh: Be careful not to destroy the barriers guiding the manifestations of the failed possibilities!
Wilnas: Oh, forgive me. It's quite a challenge to find the right balance.
As Wilnas scratches his cheek sheepishly, Elusious's ashes swirl together, and the wind dragon manifests once again.
Elusious: Shgaaah!
Wilinus: ...
Galleon: Troublesome.
(No matter how many times they are destroyed, they merely revive once more.)
Wamdus: Causality is probably starting to go haywire since Logia's down for the count. And wedges are vulnerable to the influence.
Wilnas: I suppose that serves as proof that these monstrosities were the rightful Six Dragons within their failed possibilities.
Fediel: That blasted Ewiyar. She was entrusted with her role for this very moment. What could she be thinking?
The conflict rages on between the Six Dragons of reality and those born of the failed possibilities.
Due to the breakdown of causality, what should have been a fairly one-sided battle has transformed into a far more arduous task.

…and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Ending - Episode 1

The battle exposes Orologia's core, but it is (Captain)'s hand, not sword, that reaches out. Thanks to (Captain) pulling the core to safety, the rest of the group is able to use Nectar's power to separate the failed possibilities from Orologia and seal them within the boundary. With the crisis at an end, Orologia and (Captain) shake hands and introduce themselves to each other.

Mugen: Haaah!
Mugen's fist smashes through Orologia's scales, and the Seven-Star Sword in (Captain)'s grasp closes in on the dragon's exposed core.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Do what you need to for the sake of the Sky Realm!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Do what you need to for the sake of the Sky Realm!
Recalling Orologia's request, (Captain)'s arm swings back...
Gran is the Main Character

(Captain)'s desperately outstretched fingertips brush the exposed nucleus.
Djeeta is the Main Character

(Captain)'s desperately outstretched fingertips brush the exposed nucleus.
Niyon: No... The sounds coming from both the failed possibilities and Orologia are jumbled together in a chaotic mess.
Niyon: They've already become one. There's no hope of separating them anymore, (Captain)!

    Fediel: No, keep going! Take hold of the core!
    Niyon: What?
    Fediel: Kamuzumi... No, Nectar! The time has come to use your power!
    Nectar: ...!
    Lu Woh: I see...
    Lu Woh: The strong wills that beings of this realm possess can, at times, transcend all limitations.
    Fediel: Yes, this is our chance!
    Wamdus: I get it. If we use the power of separation and rejection to detach the failed possibilities...
    Galleon: Seal.
    (It will become possible to seal them within the boundary!)
    Wilnas: Ah, of course! Just look at how many mortals are connected to the boundary at this very moment!
    Ewiyar: I suppose I have no choice! I shall show you how to use your power!
    With a lofty declaration, Ewiyar jumps lightly onto Nectar's shoulder.
    Nectar: Yes, Ewiyar. Please do.
    Shinsha: Uh-huh! I just need to draw power from the boundary and pass it to you, right, Nectar?
    Nectar: Yes, Shinsha. Whenever you are ready!
    Shinsha: Okay!
    Nodding at Fediel, (Captain) uses the Seven-Star Sword to sever Orologia's core from its draconic shell.
    The Eternals, Six Dragons, and Nectar form a circle around the towering body as it begins to crumble with a thunderous clamor.
    Ewiyar: Now repeat after me!
    Nectar: ...
    Nectar: ...!
    Six Dragons: ...!
    Seox: This light...
    The Revenant weapons held by (Captain) and the Eternals emit a brilliant glow, creating a pillar of light that envelops the enormous dragon.
    Fediel: Farewell, failed possibilities...
    Lu Woh: Fall into eternal slumber within the boundary where all time exists concurrently!
    The great dragon's form shatters as though crushed by the pillar of light, and the remaining fragments are swallowed up.
    Fif: Oh... The power of the boundary...
    Threo: Huh? It's slipping away...
    Wamdus: It's not healthy to stay connected to the boundary for too long. So that's all for today.
    Tien: ...
    As the pillar of light dissipates, Lyria and Vyrn hurry over to (Captain).
    Lyria: (Captain)! You did it!
    Vyrn: Whew! Things were lookin' kinda dicey there for a while, but I guess it's all over now, huh?
    Suddenly, Orologia's core emits a dazzling light and breaks free from (Captain)'s grasp, taking the form of one pasty individual.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Urgh...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Urgh...
    Shaken awake by (Captain), Orologia blinks several times before smiling grimly.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Talk about reckless...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Talk about reckless...
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: It never even crossed my mind that such a thing could be possible with Kamuzumi's power.
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: It never even crossed my mind that such a thing could be possible with Kamuzumi's power.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: I wonder if the strength of will to produce such an unexpected result is what makes the singularity the singularity...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: I wonder if the strength of will to produce such an unexpected result is what makes the singularity the singularity...
    Vyrn: Makes the singularity? I think you're a little off there!
    Lyria: Hehe, I agree. That's what makes (Captain) (Captain)!
    Vyrn and Lyria grin, and the captain smiles back at them just as brightly.
    Gazing at the trio in apparent awe, Orologia exhales and extends a hand toward (Captain).
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: I guess this is "nice to meet you," Singularity. I'm Orologia, the wedge that controls causality and the flow of time.
    1. Likewise! I'm (Captain)!

    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: I guess this is "nice to meet you," Singularity. I'm Orologia, the wedge that controls causality and the flow of time.
    1. Likewise! I'm (Captain)!

    Choose: Likewise! I'm (Captain)!
    Choose: Likewise! I'm (Captain)!
    The moment the pair shake hands, the failed possibilities that (Captain) had glimpsed flashed by once more.
    But they soon fade to nothingness, until all that remain are the memories of a mother's love that Orologia had conveyed.
    Fediel: Well, we somehow managed to succeed in sealing away all the failed possibilities.
    Lu Woh: We are deeply grateful to you all for your cooperation.
    Seofon: Boy, I'm beat.
    Anre: The moment our connection to the boundary broke, I was hit with a wave of fatigue.
    Fif: My body doesn't wanna move...
    Mugen: Fif, you okay? Mugen carry!
    Fif: Thanks...
    Feower: You really are made of different stuff, Mugen.
    Ewiyar: As the fragmented possibilities have merely been sealed away, we may very well be forced to face them again someday.
    Galleon: Conjecture.
    (At the very least, they will possess no power as long as they continue to go unobserved.)
    Wilnas: Whatever happens, we can simply wait to burn that bridge when we get to it!
    Wamdus: So what did we learn? Don't try to do everything yourself, or you'll make a big mess like Logia.
    Vyrn: Yeah... Pretty sure I know someone who could use that lesson...
    Gran is the Main Character

    As Vyrn glances at (Captain), the Eternals turn to stare at Seofon.
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    As Vyrn glances at (Captain), the Eternals turn to stare at Seofon.
    Seofon: Huh? I-I don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about!
    1. I'll be counting on you guys...

    Choose: I'll be counting on you guys...
    Lyria: Of course! And we'll do our best to make sure we live up to your trust.
    In response to Lyria's words and carefree smile, (Captain) thanks her with a sheepish grin.
    Thus, unbeknownst to the vast majority of its inhabitants, the crisis facing the Sky Realm comes to a quiet end.

    …and you. - 0311_I'm Fine, Thank YOU - Ending - Episode 2

    While resting at the food stall Wil's Mess, the Six Dragons lecture Orologia for overdoing things and not relying on them more. Using ingredients provided by the Six Dragons as a thank-you, (Captain) and company cook happily together before setting off into the skies once more.

    With the chaos at an end, (Captain) and company take a well-deserved rest at the food stall Wil's Mess.
    Orologia, however, is forced to sit in the corner wearing a sign that reads: "I overdid it."
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: I really, really caused everyone a lot of trouble this time...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: I really, really caused everyone a lot of trouble this time...
    Lu Woh: Finally something out of your mouth that makes sense. I suggest you reflect on your actions, Orologia.
    Galleon: Introspection.
    (I cannot overlook your decision to impose such a burden upon the beings of the Sky Realm.)
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Well, I mean, you know. I at least made sure to set up a route where everyone could join forces and take me down...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Well, I mean, you know. I at least made sure to set up a route where everyone could join forces and take me down...
    Fediel: And that is exactly the sort of behavior we are trying to discourage.
    Wilnas: Not only that, but you shouldn't be so cavalier about taking everything upon yourself!
    Wamdus: That's kind of our fault too. It's like the girl in blue said...
    Wamdus: We should have made it more clear that it was okay to depend on us.
    Lu Woh: Yes, while it's true that our personalities didn't develop until later, there was still sufficient time before this incident reared its head.
    Galleon: Vexation.
    (I was a little hurt to think that perhaps you did not trust us, Orologia.)
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: What! No, you've got it backwards! I only did what I did because I trust you!
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: What! No, you've got it backwards! I only did what I did because I trust you!
    Fediel: You certainly have a rather peculiar way of placing faith in others.
    Wamdus: Instead of wondering what to do when something bad happens, it's better to prevent it from happening in the first place.
    Wilnas: Well, I believe it's fair to say that Orologia was making every effort to do just that...
    Lu Woh: But we would appreciate it if you wouldn't be so quick to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your ideal.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Yes, sir. There won't be a next time. I swear it from the bottom of my heart...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Yes, sir. There won't be a next time. I swear it from the bottom of my heart...
    Lu Woh: As much as I would like to believe you, I have my doubts.
    Wamdus: If you do find yourself in trouble again, next time make sure to rely on us. Okay, Logia?
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: W-will do...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: W-will do...
    Fediel: Perhaps Orologia simply doesn't understand how to depend on others in the first place.
    Galleon: Acceptance.
    (That does stand to reason.)
    Wilnas: You make a fine point. In that case, Orologia! You should learn the art of reliance by letting us spoil you!
    Lu Woh: Well, that would be one method.
    Breathing a heavy sigh, Lu Woh turns to (Captain) who had been quietly observing the exchange.
    Lu Woh: We certainly placed a heavy burden upon you all. I appreciate your assistance in resolving the matter.
    Wilnas: Yes, you have our thanks! It was magnificent to witness the beings of this realm reaching their true potential!
    Fediel: I have confirmed that the true dragons are no longer feeling any ill effects.
    Wamdus: We brought you some foodstuffs as a thank-you, so feel free to use them.
    Galleon: Apology.
    (Normally we should be the ones preparing the food to express our gratitude.)
    Wilnas: But although we have no issue providing ingredients, I'm afraid our cooking skills are well below those of mortals.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Hey, yes, hello! This dragon can cook! Decently!
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Hey, yes, hello! This dragon can cook! Decently!
    Wamdus: You just sit there and think about what you've done.
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Okaaay...
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Okaaay...
    Lyria: (Captain)! They sent me to tell you it's your turn for a checkup.
    The captain nods and sits down in one of the chairs next to where the Eternals are already seated.
    Fif and Nehan examine the captain to ensure that there are no lingering symptoms resulting from the power of the boundary.
    Nehan: Pulse is normal, no fever, and I don't see any mucosal swelling.
    Fif: Nothing unusual about the flow of mana either! Looks like (Captain)'s okay too!
    Vyrn: So does that mean the boundary's power only takes a toll while it's pourin' in?
    Fif: Hmm, yeah, seems like it. For now anyway...
    Nehan: I'd like to see what happens after a slightly longer period of time... but not all the Eternals are as sturdy as Mugen.
    Niyon: While the power was flowing through me, I felt like I could do anything...
    Niyon: But it was also scary. It felt like my own melody was being overwritten by an enormous sound.
    Tweyen: I finally understand Mugen's fears about losing control on a personal level.
    Tweyen: I'd prefer to avoid using the power of the boundary again unless absolutely necessary.
    Threo: Man, I'm starving. All that power didn't do anything to fill up my stomach.
    Anre: Let's whip up something to eat using the ingredients the Six Dragons gifted us.
    Threo: Make it meat! Lots and lots of meat!
    Anre: Heh. I see you're in the mood for quantity over quality, as usual.
    Mugen: Mugen can cook some. Mugen help!
    Anre: Thank you, Mugen. Then let's begin by carving the meat.
    Tien: Mm. Feower and I should probably be heading home.
    Feower: We can't very well leave our brothers and sisters to fend for themselves.
    Nehan: (Captain) was my last patient. I'll go back instead.
    Feower: Are you sure?
    Nehan: Yes, my work here is done. And frankly, I could use a break.
    Vyrn: Yeah, it must be a lot of work gettin' around while you're still recoverin'. That'd wear anybody out.
    Lyria: Nehan, I don't know what we would have done without you! Thank you so much!
    Nehan: There's no need to thank me. I'm indebted to you, after all. And besides...
    Seox: ...
    Nehan: He's the one who dragged me out here in the first place.
    Seox: Er, well... I just...
    Nehan: Wamdus! A door, if you please.
    Wamdus: Heading back early, Neha?
    Nehan: Yes.
    Wamdus: Got it. I'll make sure to drop by the next time I'm in Stardust Town.
    Seox: ...
    Nehan: What is it?
    Seox: Er... You helped a lot. Thanks.
    Nehan: I see.
    Seox: Well... See you later.
    Nehan: ...
    Seox: ...
    Feower: Hey, at least you got some words out. That's a big win by your standards.
    Seox: I suppose so...
    Tien: Mm. Since we're here, I'll help with the cooking. Anything in particular you're craving, Lyria?
    Lyria: Oh! I'll lend a hand too!
    Shinsha: Is there something I can do to help?
    Ewiyar: I demand that you prepare a magnificent dish and offer it as tribute to me! Girl in Blue, Girl of the Gate!
    Lyria: Hehe. I know you love boiled chicken, Ewiyar!
    Ewiyar: Meow!
    Vyrn: You set the bar pretty low, huh, Ewiyar...
    Nectar: As long as Shinsha is preparing it, that should be sufficient.
    Vyrn: I think that's really just you, Nectar...
    Ugusu: By the way, I was wondering, Ewiyar. Since you're a big, strong dragon and all, why do you go around as a cat?
    Ewiyar: Heheh! My noble splendor renders me worthy of reverence by all creatures far and wide!
    Ewiyar: Cats are basically a religion to mortals, are they not? Thus, I cannot think of a more fitting form!
    Seofon: Hmm, well, your whole essence does kind of scream "cat."
    Ewiyar: Yes, precisely!
    Kushina: ...
    (I get the feeling that wasn't meant as praise... but as long as she's happy, I guess.)
    Ewiyar: Heheh!
    Shinsha: Hehe...
    Nectar: Shinsha? What is it?
    Shinsha: Well... I was just thinking how nice it is that we can all be together like this.
    Nectar: Yes, Shinsha. I feel the same way.
    Seofon: Seriously, I'm glad everyone made it out in one piece.
    Eahta: It seems everything worked out just as you and Anre intended.
    Seofon: Oho? Is that a compliment?
    Eahta: Perhaps.
    Eahta: But Revenant weapons aside, I find it hard to believe that we Eternals all just happen to possess powerful boundary imprints.
    Eahta: Which must mean this was all part of a larger plan.
    Seofon: Maybe, maybe not.
    Eahta: Hahaha. As long as you continue to provide me with a suitable battlefield, I care not about the details.
    Wamdus: I don't know about battlefields, but we just might ask for your help again in the future.
    Lu Woh: It's true that Orologia's simulations are useful for ensuring that the Sky Realm escapes ruin.
    Lu Woh: However, if such calculations are to continue, failed possibilities will inevitably accumulate once more.
    Wilnas: And if that comes to pass, we will need to connect to the boundary and seal them away again!
    Galleon: Concern.
    (The fact that doing so does not fully eliminate the failed possibilities is rather worrisome.)
    Lu Woh: Unfortunately, it is currently the only method we possess.
    Seofon: Well, we Eternals are doing what we can to protect the Sky Realm too.
    Seofon: So if you ever need help, just let us know and we'll be there.
    Galleon: Gratitude.
    (You have my heartfelt thanks.)
    Lyria: Urgh, chopping these onions is making my eyes water like crazy!
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Lyria, um... Here, leave the slicing and dicing to me!
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Lyria, um... Here, leave the slicing and dicing to me!
    Lyria: Are you sure you don't mind?
    Gran is the Main Character

    Orologia: Ab-so-lutely! Think of it as a little extra punishment for the mess I caused!
    Djeeta is the Main Character

    Orologia: Ab-so-lutely! Think of it as a little extra punishment for the mess I caused!
    Tien: Thanks, Orologia. The more we cook, the longer the menu seems to grow...
    Wilnas: I've been observing your methods closely! A simple task such as slicing should be no issue for me!
    Anre: Perhaps we could ask you to tend the fire... Actually, no—we may end up with a raging inferno on our hands.
    Wilnas: Yes, forgive me. I haven't yet mastered controlling the temperature of my flames on the low end.
    Wamdus: If you burn anything, I can be the garbage disposal.
    Threo: I don't mind a little black! Meat is meat!
    Galleon: Excess.
    (One can only hope it is merely a "little"...)
    The sight of everyone cooking cheerfully together fills the captain with a sense of contentment.
    Seeing (Captain)'s happy expression, Vyrn smiles brightly.
    Vyrn: Heh, somehow we ended up with a bunch of crazy dependable friends, huh?
    Vyrn: At this rate, there won't be any time to feel lonely! Isn't that right, (Captain)?

      (Captain) heads over toward Lyria, hoping to join the others in preparing the food.
      One step at a time, the captain continues the long journey to Estalucia together with friends and crew.
      The End
