Nectar (Water)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height Unknown
Race Unknown
Hobbies Nothing in particular
Likes Shinsha
Dislikes Trying to remember what Nectar once was
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age ???歳
Height ???cm
Race ???
Hobbies これといってない
Likes シンシャ
Dislikes かつての自分を思い出そうとすること
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy New Year Cutscenes
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Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text
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White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text
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Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text
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Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Self Comes A-Tumblin'

When Nectar begins to behave strangely after the incident with Orologia, Shinsha and friends grow worried. Fediel explains the former wedge is busy processing the information he's absorbed from Orologia's simulated world. Shinsha becomes anxious that Nectar's personality may change from seeing these failed possibilities.

Some time has passed since Orologia was separated from the failed possibilities with the help of Nectar's power.
Nectar, Kushina, Ugusu, and I are on the deck of the ship, basking in the sun.
Ugusu: Ahh! It's perfect weather today!
Kushina: ...
(Yeah! The laundry's going to dry fast!)
Shinsha: Doesn't the sunlight feel nice, Nectar?
Nectar: ...
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha.
Shinsha: Nectar...
Fediel: You there! Dyad!
Shinsha: Eep!
Shinsha: Oh, Fediel! You surprised me!
Ugusu: Geez, Fediel! What's the matter all of a sudden?
Fediel: Girl of the Gate, you and Kamuzumi... Ah, it's a different name now. Are the two of you not a dyad?
Shinsha: Um... Dyad?
Ugusu: A dyad means a mom and a dad!
Kushina: ...
(Or rather, the pairing before they become mother and father.)
Fediel: You do not need to be with child nor be of different gender to pass on the torch. But in any case...
Fediel: I am most interested by this dyad formed by the girl of the gate and the former wedge!
Fediel: Now, I insist on seeing a date!
Shinsha: A d-date? Um, well...
A date! I mean, I've certainly heard of the concept in conversation, but... Nectar and me?
Having never thought about it before, this catches me by surprise.
Usually, Nectar would swiftly say something in my place. But at the moment, he's...
Nectar: ...
Fediel: Hm?
Ugusu: Nectar's spacing out again.
Kushina: ...
(If he were his usual self, he'd have a few words for Fediel by now...)
Nectar: ...!
Nectar: Fediel. I cannot allow you to tease Shinsha any further.
Fediel: I have no intention of teasing! I am serious, from the bottom of my heart. Very serious!
Fediel: You, on the other hand... Hm, I see.
Ugusu: Hey! You figured something out, didn't you, Fediel? It's not nice to keep it all to yourself!
Fediel: Hm? Is there something you do not understand?
Shinsha: You see, Nectar started spacing out like this shortly after the battle against Orologia's dragon form.
Shinsha: And we don't understand why.
Kushina: ...
(It's like he can't stop thinking about something...)
Ugusu: We're kind of worried! Just the other day, he turned gray and started making a lot of copies of himself!
Nectar: ...
Nectar: It's nothing. I'm fine.
Shinsha: But...
Fediel: He's right. Generally speaking, the former wedge is fine.
Ugusu: Generally?
Fediel: He has merely absorbed an immense amount of information on failed possibilities.
Shinsha: An immense amount of... information?
Nectar: I'm still... processing.
Ugusu: Processing?
Fediel: Yes. For example, when you supply food to your stomach, your intestines work to digest it and turn it into nutrients for your body.
Fediel: Naturally, the more food there is, the more time it takes to digest. It is the same in the former wedge's case.
Fediel: At the moment, he is devoting time to digesting the failed possibilities he has absorbed.
Fediel: Just as food digestion diverts energy from other bodily functions, his thoughts and reactions are now busy handling information processing.
Shinsha: So... does that mean that once all of the information has been processed, Nectar will return to his usual self?
Fediel: Of course.
Ugusu: Well, that's good to know! So he's just full from eating a lot!
Kushina: ...
(I see... I'm glad it's not from catching a strange disease!)
Fediel: He may or may not undergo changes after processing this new knowledge, but his vessel will certainly not break.
Shinsha: What changes?
Fediel: I assume he's currently peeking into many of the failed possibilities.
Fediel: There is a chance that witnessing so many of them can impact his thoughts and behavior.
Ugusu: Is Nectar going to turn into a bully because of those failed possibilities?
Fediel: There are times when severe experiences can warp the soul. He may indeed become a malicious individual.
Fediel: Still! A dyad is a bond that can surely overcome even changes of the soul!
Fediel: I'd very much like to see for myself the brilliance of such bonds borne by mortals!
Fediel: Now, Girl of the Gate—a date! You must go on one!
Kushina: ...!
Fediel: What? Why the refusal!
Kushina: ...
(A date's supposed to be something between only two people, right?)
Kushina: ...
(Seeing how distracted Nectar's been, it's too risky to leave Shinsha solely in his care!)
Nectar: ...
Kushina: ...
(There'll be no dating until the information or whatnot finishes processing!)
Nectar: Yes... Kushina's... right. We should... think about Shinsha's safety.
Fediel: Wha...
Fediel: How could this be...
Ugusu: I want to go on a date with Shinsha too! How about I show you a date between me and Shinsha, Fediel?
Kushina: ...
(No can do. You can't push Shinsha's wheelchair on your own, Ugusu.)
Ugusu: Oh yeah, that's true... A date means it'd be just the two of us.
Ugusu: But I really wanted to go shopping with Shinsha...
Shinsha: Hehe. Why don't we all go out for some shopping next time, Ugusu?
Ugusu: Yeah! Let's do that!
Fediel: But that wouldn't constitute a date...
Fediel: Rrg... Kamuzumi—wait, no. You! Hasten with the information processing and show me a real date!
Nectar: ...
Fediel grabs Nectar by the shoulders and shakes him, but as has been the case lately, he doesn't react.
After Fediel leaves, we decide we'll split up to help out with whatever (Captain) needs.
Since Nectar is still lost in his thoughts, we let him stay behind in our room with Shinsha.
Ugusu: I'm off to deliver letters!
Kushina: ...
(I'll go help with the cleaning.
Take care of Nectar, Shinsha!)
Shinsha: Of course! Take care out there, both of you.
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: Nectar...
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha.
I apologize... for my slow reactions as of late.
Nectar: It is not my intention to cause you any ill feelings...
Shinsha: Not at all! As long as you feel okay, Nectar, then I'm all right too.
Nectar: Thank you... for your kindness...
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: ...
Fediel told us that there may be changes in Nectar from observing all the failed possibilities.
Even if that doesn't happen, the fact remains that he'd connected with the boundary through the gate I opened...
And temporarily regained the power he once had as Kamuzumi.
I guess from the start I thought... that we'd be able to stay together forever and had found relief in that.
Nectar's been with me for such a long time... He even made me a promise.
And yet...
There's probably still remnants of him as Kamuzumi somewhere within those failed possibilities.
What if he goes back to being the Kamuzumi he once was, just like what happened during that battle?
Shinsha: ...
If Nectar returns to being Kamuzumi, I suppose that's a good thing. I should be happy.
But... I'm scared.
Could I ever be truly happy for him? Because all I can think about right now is how this will affect me, and I really hate myself for thinking that way.
Nectar: Shinsha.
Shinsha: Oh! What's the matter, Nectar?
Nectar: I will do my best... to speed up the information processing.
Nectar: I'm sorry for making you wait... but please, wait for me, Shinsha.
Shinsha: Of course... Of course I'll wait for you! I'll always be here waiting.
Nectar: Thank you... Shinsha.
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: Nectar...
I reach out my hand in search of Nectar's and grasp it tightly.
The hand that would've given me a kind and comforting squeeze now lies limply in my hold, cold to the touch as always.

Someone, Once Upon a Time

Numerous failed possibilities flow into Nectar. One is of a girl losing all of her friends, and another of her perishing together with the skies upon failing to protect anything. Nectar continues processing all of this information inside himself.

This is a story drawn from among failed possibilities, its time and setting are up for debate.
Though the incident did not actually occur, it had the possibility of occurring.
Shinsha: Ngh... Sniff...
Over the course of the War, skydwellers had created many different kinds of technology to fight against the power of the Astrals.
Among these were ruthless creations that were either sealed away after the War, far from the reach of people, or led to the persecution of those who possessed them.
However, with the fear of the Astrals' return looming above the skydwellers, there were a few who continued to develop such technology.
Jorha—a group of people who went on to form the Sky's Sanctum.
They proceeded to imprison a girl who had the ability to access an endless amount of power from beyond the gate.
Shinsha: Ah... Aah...
The power the girl drew out gave life once more to failed experiments that were on the brink of death.
Then the Sky's Sanctum would once again take away this life mercilessly—and that became the beginning of their downfall.
Shinsha: Everyone...
Shinsha: My friends...
Shinsha: Give them back!
The endless experiments caused the girl much suffering, until her heart finally shattered from losing those she called her friends.
Shinsha: Aaah!
Shinsha: ...
Shinsha: It's so... cold...
Shinsha: I'm so lonely... Where's... everyone?
No longer able to process the reality in front of her, the girl left the destroyed Sky's Sanctum behind, taking her power with her.
She sought out the primal beast of death whom she had once heard of, in order to obtain its power and revive her lost friends.
And yet, in another failed possibility...
Shinsha: ...
The Three: ...
The girl died along with other subjects in an experiment.
In this failed possibility, the shapeless being called Nectar was cut into millions of pieces until it lost its sense of self.
The pieces then absorbed the girl's power, each one bubbling and swelling before multiplying in number.
They filled up the Sky's Sanctum, the snowy island, and finally, every corner of the sky...
Completely ravaged by nothing but gray, the Sky Realm fell to destruction.
Having failed in protecting the girl, the gray matter that was once a wedge died along with the sky.
But by that time, the gray matter no longer remembered what it had wished for in the beginning.

Someone, Once Upon a Time: Scene 2

Nectar sees a possibility in which Shinsha lives peacefully as a normal girl with no special powers. This gives Nectar a suspicion that his encounter with Shinsha is at the sacrifice of Shinsha's potential to have a life of peace; yet, as insolent as it may be, he finds himself still wishing to be with her.

This is a story drawn from among failed possibilities, one that did not come to be.
There once was a girl who never possessed a special power.
She never reached into the gate, and she was never found by the Sky's Sanctum.
Shinsha: Mom! Dad! I'm going out!
The girl had friends that were not shapeless blobs nor animals, and she lived a normal life.
Shinsha: Morning, everyone!
Hey, how did you do on the homework? I didn't really get the last question...
In that corner of the sky, she lived out her life peacefully like any other girl.
She never imagined that shapeless creatures even existed in the skies.
Seeing this, I feel... very...
If I am to meet Shinsha, that means she must be captured by the Sky's Sanctum.
It means that she can never smile under the blue skies, or live peacefully with her family.
I want to be together with Shinsha, even if all of that needs to be sacrificed.
I understand that it is insolent of me to think this way. Yet, I cannot separate this part of me from myself.

Someone, Once Upon a Time: Scene 3

Once the processing is finished, Nectar reveals to Shinsha that his existence may be bringing misfortune to her life. Seeing his distress, Shinsha refutes the idea and tells him firmly that she would still rather be with him. Nectar embraces her, his determination to continue life with Shinsha renewed.

Nectar: ...
Shinsha: Ngh...
Shinsha: Nectar?
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: ...
At that moment, I felt that something was different about Nectar.
I thought... maybe this was the part of Nectar called Kamuzumi.
That's why I couldn't bring myself to say something right away.
Nectar: Shinsha...
Shinsha: Yes... What's wrong?
Nectar: Shinsha... You're...
Nectar: ...
No. This is about me.
Shinsha: I'm listening.
Nectar: I... may be the one who took away your happiness.
Shinsha: Huh?
Nectar's words were like a bolt out of the blue.
He had always been the one who stayed with me, saved me, and protected me.
There had never been any instances where Nectar took anything from me.
Nectar: For example... your eyes.
Nectar: With the power from the gate and my abilities, there may be a way to revive your eyesight.
Nectar: But I...
Nectar: I want to be needed by you.
Nectar: That's why I've never attempted to cure your eyes...
To have my eyes cured?
I can't believe such a thought had never occurred to me...
You've already given me pieces of yourself to replace the body parts I've lost. That's more than enough of a gift.
So please don't fret over the mere possibility of healing my eyes.
Nectar: I... I only focused on myself, and that's why I end up wishing for your misfortune—
Shinsha: That's not true!
Nectar: ...
Shinsha: That's not true at all, Nectar...
Shinsha: You're always here to help me. You were with me back at the Sky's Sanctum, and you're here with me on this ship too.
Shinsha: Please. I don't want you to deny the fact that you've saved me.
Shinsha: Truly... The salvation you've given me is... my treasure...
Nectar: Shinsha...
Shinsha: So... that's why, no matter what, I...
Shinsha: I want to be with you, Nectar. Even if you regain your previous powers or duties...
Shinsha: Even if it's better for you to live out your days for the Sky Realm as its wedge...
Shinsha: I still want to be with you, even if it means getting in the way!
Shinsha: Please, Nectar.
I was being difficult. I was weak, and on the brink of tears.
Nectar: Shinsha...
Still, Nectar embraced me.
Nectar: Shinsha... Shinsha, Shinsha!
Shinsha: Nectar...
Shinsha: Even if... "If," okay?
Shinsha: Even if we don't ever find the Peach Spring Valley or reach it...
Shinsha: As long as I'm together with you, and Ugusu and the others...
Shinsha: As long as we can continue traveling together like this... I will be happy.
Shinsha: So...
Shinsha: So, um...
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha.
Nectar: I will be here with you.
Nectar: If that is what you wish for, then it cannot possibly be wrong.
Nectar: Shinsha.
Shinsha: Okay...
Shinsha: Okay!
Nectar: From now on, I swear I will always...
Nectar: I will always continue to protect you.
Nectar: That is what my power is for!
Something about him changes then and there, though only in the slightest.
But his hand remains cold and gentle.
Shinsha: Together forever... It's a promise.
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha.

Someone, Once Upon a Time: Scene 4

Days later, Nectar and Shinsha go on a date at a cafe, much to Fediel's delight. On their way home, the pair are joined by Ugusu and Kushina. When Ugusu surprises Shinsha with a present, the girl's face lights up with a smile. Nectar finally accepts that no matter what failed possibilities may exist, this reality, too, can bring happiness if he is here to protect it.

Nectar: Shinsha. Please open your mouth.
Shinsha: Okay! Aaah...
Shinsha: Mm! It's delicious!
Nectar: I'm glad to hear that.
Shinsha: Here, you try too, Nectar. I'm sure it'll be even more delicious if we eat it together!
Nectar: Yes, Shinsha.
A date!
Yes! This is it—a date! I knew biding my time would pay off handsomely.
Fediel: Hnnngh!
Kushina: ...
(Fediel's kind of a strange one, huh?)
Ugusu: Fediel! Are you sure you just want to watch? Don't you want to eat cake with them too?
Fediel: This is fine! I would hate to ruin the development of their dyad.
Fediel: I will continue to observe the girl of the gate and the former wedge from here!
Ugusu: All right! Then I'm going to go out to buy something!
Kushina: ...
(What are you going to buy?)
Ugusu: Hmm, I'm still thinking about it! But it's something important.
Kushina: ...
(Oh? Then I'll go too. I'll help you carry things.)
Ugusu: Ooh, thanks, Kushina! You're so nice!
Kushina: ...
(Yeah, yeah. You're not getting anything in return for the flattery, you know.)
Kushina: ...
(We'll see you later then, Fediel!)
Fediel: If only they'd get a little closer to one another... Yes! This chemistry!
Ugusu: Fediel's not listening.
Kushina: ...
(Definitely not. Let's get going then.)
Ugusu: Yeah!
Shinsha: Hehe.
Nectar: Are you enjoying yourself, Shinsha?
Shinsha: Yes, very much so! I was just thinking, I didn't know a date could be this fun.
Nectar: If you're having a good time, then I'm happy.
Shinsha: Are you... not having a good time, Nectar?
Nectar: I am. When I have your undivided attention, Shinsha, it brings me joy like no other.
Nectar: What I mean to say is, I'm having a good time.
Shinsha: Oh? That's good then!
Nectar: Do you feel lonely without Ugusu and Kushina here?
Shinsha: Hm... I'm happy when they're here, of course.
Shinsha: But I know that the two of them are well and having fun. Plus, we'll see one another again after this.
Shinsha: So I'm just really happy that I get to have you all to myself, Nectar!
Nectar: Shinsha...
Fediel's Voice: Aaah! What are you doing!
Fediel's Voice: That was it! That was your chance to do something bold—but you let it get away!
Shinsha: ...
Nectar: It seems we have attracted a rather bothersome onlooker in Fediel.
I'm willing to bet Kamuzumi, or whatever he is now, made a rude quip at my expense. But no matter, for I am generous and tolerant.
I shall let his trivial comment slide. After all, I was able to witness some excellent moments between him and the girl of the gate.
Fediel: I am thoroughly satisfied! Now, I will return to Alster Island and exchange opinions with the Erune lass!
After spending a lovely time alone with Nectar, all that's left is an enjoyable walk back home.
I truly think that as long as Nectar, Ugusu, and Kushina are with me, even something as simple as going home feels like a party.
Nectar: Shinsha, Ugusu and Kushina are here.
Ugusu's Voice: Heeey! Shinsha! Nectar!
Shinsha: Ugusu! Kushina!
Kushina: ...
(Did you have a good time on your date, Shinsha?)
Shinsha: Yes, I enjoyed it a lot!
Ugusu: Huh? Where's Fediel?
Nectar: Fediel left just a moment ago.
Ugusu: Oh, okay!
Shinsha: How did your outing go today? Was it fun?
Kushina: ...
(We walked around so much, I'm exhausted!)
Ugusu: Yeah... I wanted to look for a bunch of stuff...
Nectar: Did you find what you were looking for, Ugusu?
Ugusu: Yup! Kushina, hand it over to Shinsha!
Shinsha: Huh? You want to give it to me?
Ugusu: Yeah! It's supposed to be a present for you!
Shinsha: Wha!
Ugusu: Ta-da! Here you are, Shinsha!
Kushina gently places something in my palm—something metallic with a complex pattern printed on it.
Shinsha: What's this?
Ugusu: Cookies, packed into a cute tin!
Ugusu: The tin's got bumps and dents here and there, so I thought touching it might be fun for you too!
Shinsha: Yes... It is!
Kushina: ...
(You know how Ugusu has a job delivering letters around the ship?)
Kushina: ...
(He said the first thing he'd buy with the money earned was something for you, Shinsha.)
Shinsha: Oh, Ugusu!
Ugusu: Ehehe. That's 'cause I love you a lot, Shinsha! As much as Nectar does, you know!
Nectar: ...
Kushina: ...
(Now, now, Nectar. You've had an entire day with Shinsha, after all.)
Kushina: ...
(Let Ugusu have his moment here.)
Nectar: Kushina...
Shinsha: Ugusu... Kushina... Nectar, too.
Shinsha: Thank you all for such a wonderful day!
Nectar: You're welcome, Shinsha.
Ugusu: Since Shinsha's got such a big smile on her face, today's a great day for me too!
Kushina: ...
(Hehe. I couldn't agree more.)
Ugusu glides down to perch on Shinsha's knee as Kushina pushes her chair.
And that is how this day, so full of happiness, came to a peaceful end for me—for all of us.
I did not need my power as a former wedge, nor the power from the boundary, to bring about such happiness.
That is why, no matter who or what I may have been in the past...
Even if Shinsha may have had a completely different life in a failed possibility...
None of it matters, because together, we can have all the happiness we need.
And I must be here to protect this happiness. That is what I strongly believe.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
青願堂は遠くなりにけり…… The Sky's Sanctum seems so far away now...
スライムの姿をネクタルは情けなく思います I am ashamed of my pathetic slime form.
自在に姿を変えられる力、お役に立てば良いのですが I only hope my ability to shape-shift at will can be of use.
シンシャはネクタルが必ず守ります I will ensure no harm comes to Shinsha.
ウグス、あまり騒いでご迷惑とならないように Ugusu, you'll disturb the others if you don't quiet down.
クシナ、すまないがシンシャの車椅子を頼む Kushina, can I leave pushing Shinsha's chair to you?
クスキ……無事でいると良いが Kusuki... I hope you are safe.
六竜とその同格存在……か…… So I'm... an existence equivalent to that of the Six Dragons...
(主人公)殿に必ずや御恩をお返し致します I swear I will repay (Captain)'s kindness.
(主人公)殿、露払いはネクタルにお任せを Allow me to deal the first strike, (Captain).
