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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit シスだ。十天衆……そんな名称など、ただの飾りに過ぎん I'm Seox. "Member of the Eternals"... a title like that is nothing more than decoration.
Home Screen 十天衆には望んでなった訳ではない……。しつこい奴がいてな It's not as if I wanted to become an Eternal... A certain persistent man talked me into it.
カルムの郷に眠る財宝……?知らんな A treasure hidden in the village of Karm...? I don't know anything about it.
あの男も……こうして空を駆けているのだろうか I wonder... is that man soaring through the skies like this, too?
あッ……なんの、よう、だ Ah--! What... do you... want?
Add to Party 待ちわびたぞ I got tired of waiting.
いいだろう Good.
任せろ Leave it to me.
Uncap 俺の力が必要か? Do you require my power?
Journal シスだ。十天衆……そんな名称など、ただの飾りに過ぎん I'm Seox. "Member of the Eternals"... a title like that is nothing more than decoration. Same as Recruit.
なッ……なにすんだよぉっ Wh--! What are you doing?!
時は満ちた The time is ripe.
EM Lvl Up この力を、誇りに I will wield this power with pride.
EM Perk Lvl Up いいんじゃないか Not bad at all.
クックックック……いいぞ Heh heh heh heh... Good.
フッ Hmph.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ! Ha!
いくぞ! Let's go!
でやぁぁっ! Deyaa!
Enemy Defeated 他愛もない Child's play.
Skill 1 衝動は止められぬ! These urges can't be stopped!
Skill 2 図に乗るなよ Don't push your luck.
Skill 3 時は満ちた The time is ripe.
C.A. Ready 受けきれるか Think you can handle this?
Charge Attack 断ち切る!天地虚空夜叉閃刃! Tear them to shreds! Void Claws: Terminus!
Skip Charge Attack 天地虚空夜叉閃刃! Void Claws: Terminus!
Damage Taken
Red HP なぜだ…… Why...?
Knocked Out 馬鹿な…… Impossible...!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
What a shameful sight...!
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed すまない…… Thank you...
Join Battle 俺の力が必要か? Do you require my power?
Victory 他愛もない…… Child's play...
Turn Start 愚かな How foolish.
MC Defeats Enemy そこまでだ That's as far as they go.
MC C.A. Ready 見せてくれ、お前の力を Show me your power.
MC Red HP この程度ではないはずだ! It's not supposed to go like this!
MC Knocked Out 馬鹿な…… Impossible....

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 今の俺を見たら、あの男は何を言うだろうか...。今は話したいことが、たくさんあるような気がする I wonder what that man would say, if he were to see me as I am now...? I get the feeling we'd have much to discuss.
己の背負いし咎など百も承知だ。忘れられるわけもない。この手は血まみれで...だがそれでも、俺は... I'm well aware of the hundreds of sins I carry on my back. There's no way I could forget them. My hands are stained with blood... But even so, I still...
今になって思えば、六崩拳の声は、俺の心にわだかまっていた闇を映したものだった Thinking about it now, the voice of the Six-Ruin Fist merely reflected the darkness that lurked in my own heart.
Add to Party ああ、わかった。 Got it.
行くぞ。 Let's go.
俺を呼んだな。 You called for me.
Uncap 我が闘争、修羅の如く! May we fight as fiercely as the titans of old! This is the same line used for one of his journal entries, as well as his third skill.
Journal 我が闘争、修羅の如く! May we fight as fiercely as the titans of old! Seox is referencing asuras, demigods who fight the gods in Hindu and Buddhist mythology.
落ち着いたら、一度カルムの里に行ってもいいか?一族の弔いを...俺はしなければならないからな Once things settle down, is it alright if I head back to Karm for a little? I... should give the others from my clan a proper burial.
お、おい!調子にのるなよ、もう仮面は外さ...あ、や、やめ... H-hey! Don't get carried away! Stop trying to take off my ma--ah! Q-quit it--!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 沈めっ! Down you go!
でやっ! Teya!
はっ! Ha!
Enemy Defeated 終わりだ It's over.
Skill 1 恐怖しろ Tremble in fear.
Skill 2 その身に刻め Etch this into your very being.
Skill 3 我が闘争、修羅の如く! May we fight as fiercely as the titans of old!
Skill 4 恐怖せよ。六崩の定道が如何なる滅却を齎すかを Tremble in fear--the Six-Ruin Path will bring forth destruction in all its forms!
C.A. Ready 覚悟はいいな I'm ready.
Charge Attack 全て呑みこむ!三千一穿明王破斬! Devour everything! Three Thousand and One Talons!
Skip Charge Attack 三千一穿明王破斬! Three Thousand and One Talons!
Damage Taken くっは……! Guh...!
Red HP 無様だな... How unsightly...
Knocked Out ここで、終わるのか... Is this really where it ends...?
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
What a shameful sight...!
This is the same as his non-uncapped line.
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed すまない…… Thank you... This is the same as his non-uncapped line.
Join Battle 共に戦おう Let's fight together.
Victory ふん、造作もないな Hmph. Too easy.
Turn Start 貴様の爪は、届かない…… Your claws won't reach me.
MC Defeats Enemy そこまでだ That's as far as they go. This is the same as his non-uncapped line.
MC C.A. Ready 見せてくれ、お前の力を Show me your power. This is the same as his non-uncapped line.
MC Red HP この程度ではないはずだ! It's not supposed to go like this! This is the same as his non-uncapped line.
MC Knocked Out 俺の力はこの時のためにある My power exists for times like these.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 戦いに善も悪もない。ならば、俺は信念の元に力を振るおう。大切なもの、守りたいものを守るために。 Combat isn't inherently good or evil. In that case, I'll use all my strength to fight for what I believe in. To protect what's precious to me, to fight for what I believe is worth protecting.
ナッ、ナ…だ、 団長っ!何をー⁈ …っ、精神も鍛えろと言われても、いやっ…その…とにかく一度…返してくれぇー! Wh... Wha-- C-captaaain! What're you...?! You're saying I should also hone my mind? Still... Ah, um... Whatever, please just give it back...right nooow!
俺は決めたんだ。この命尽きるまで共にいくのだと。だから俺は…この先に何があろうとも、進む道は決して間違えたりしない。 My mind's made up. Until the day my life flickers out, we will walk together. Because then... No matter what transpires after this, at least the path I choose to follow will be no mistake.
Add to Party ああ、行こう。 Yes, let's go.
お前に傷はつけさせん。 I won't let them put a scratch on you.
守ってみせる。全てを。 I'll protect it. All of it.
Uncap この信念、貫き通してみせる! These beliefs... I'll see them through!
Journal 俺はこの力を否定したりはしない。持って生まれたからこそできることが…俺にしかできないことあるはずだ! I won't reject this power. It's precisely because I was born with it that there has to be something... something only I can do!
例え同類と言われても、俺が歩んできた道も、魂も、この体も、あいつとは違う!俺だけのものだ。 Even if they say we're cut from the same cloth... The path I've walked, my spirit, my flesh... These are mine alone. I'm nothing like them! Final two English sentences swapped for coherence. 同類 is the same as the name for Transcend Episode 2, where it's called Accomplice. Both themes are touched upon, referring both to Seox's bloody past and the fate episodes with the gauntlet accusing him of the same.
あの男は、どこまで見通していたのだろうな… That man... just how much did he foresee... Refers to the main character's father.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack てやぁっ! Hiyah!
潰す! To bits!
眠れ! Rest in peace!
Enemy Defeated 永劫に眠れ! Sleep for eternity!
Skill 1 手加減無しだ。 I won't be holding back.
Skill 2 恐れるものは無い! There's nothing to fear!
Skill 3 深淵の力をここに。 The power drawn from the void is with me.
Skill 4 恐怖せよ 六崩の定道が如何なる滅却を齎すかを! Cower. The Six Ruin's divine will shall rain down certain destruction. same as 5★, alternate translation. 六崩 is the same as the Six Ruin from the Six Ruin Fist. 定道 relates to divine will, that which has to transpire as it's a set course.
Support Skill 1 逃がさん! You won't get away.
Support Skill 2 砕けろっ! Crumble!
C.A. Ready 終わらせる…! I'll end this...!
Charge Attack 三面六臂の絶技、思い知るがいい! 神髄・鬼面阿修羅! Witness the faces of unmatched multifacetedness! Essence of a Demonic Asura! 三面六臂 sourced from buddhism; Lit. Buddha's 3 faces and 6 arms (allowing incredible versatility).
Skip Charge Attack 神髄・鬼面阿修羅! Essence of a Demonic Asura! Official charge attack name.
Damage Taken ここまでとはっ…! Not like this...!
Red HP 倒れるものかっ…! As if I'd go down...!
Knocked Out すまない…団長… I'm sorry... Captain...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 反撃開始だ! Our counteroffensive starts now!
Join Battle 俺の力が必要か。 Do you require my strength?
Victory この信念、誰にも折らせはせん。 Nobody will shake my beliefs.
Turn Start すぐに片付ける... I'll clean this up swiftly...
MC Defeats Enemy よくやった。 Great work.
MC C.A. Ready ここはお前に譲ろう。 I'll let you handle this.
MC Red HP 一度体勢を整えるべきだ。 We need to get you fixed up ASAP.
MC Knocked Out 後は任せろ。すぐに終わらせる。 Leave the rest to me. I'll end this soon.

Chain Burst

This character does not recite chain burst names with other characters.

Character Banter

This character does not have any banter.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう。 Happy Birthday.
そうか。今日がお前の誕生日か。良い一日を過ごせ。 Is that right? Today's your birthday? Have a good day, then.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
バレンタイン……?なんだそれは。 Valentine's...? What's that supposed to be?
俺に、チョコを……くれるだと!?なんだ……いったい何を企んでいる… You're... giving me chocolate?! Why...? Just what are you planning...?
感謝の気持ち、だと…ならば俺からも、お前にチョコレートをくれてやろう! To express your gratitude, you say... In that case, I'll give you chocolate right back!

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


Inconnu Tenebreux

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 力は誇示するものではない、責任が伴うことを知る。そんな闘技大会になればいいがな Power isn't just something to show off; one must also acknowledge the responsibility that comes with it. It would be nice if this tournament did the same.
今の俺は漆黒の断罪者、それ以上でもそれ以下でもない。おい!名前を呼ぶんじゃない団長! Right now, I'm the Pitch-Black Punisher: nothing more, nothing less. Hey! Don't go calling me by name, captain!
皆、俺が誰だか気づいていないようだな。変装の才能があったとは俺自身が一番驚いて、ぅあ!さ!触んな!あぃっ!や...やめろぅ It seems no one has realized who I really am. That I had such a talent for disguise... no one was more surprised to discover it than myself--ack! D-don't touch me! Eek! C-cut it out...!!
Add to Party 俺を呼んだか You called for me?
俺には闇がよく見える I can see in darkness just fine.
馴れ合いっている場合ではないが… This isn't a case of conspiracy, but...
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 遅い! Too slow!
沈め! Now fall!
Enemy Defeated 安らかに眠れ Rest in peace.
Skill 1 墓標を立ててやろう I'll send you to your grave.
Skill 2 後悔先に立たず、か? No use crying over spilt milk, huh?
Skill 3 俺の力を舐めるな! Don't underestimate my power!
Skill 4 恐怖せよ。六崩の定道が如何なる滅却を齎すかを Tremble in fear--the Six-Ruin Path will bring forth destruction in all its forms! This is the same as his regular line.
C.A. Ready 身も心も修羅となれ Body and mind, become as strife itself.
Charge Attack 贖罪せよ、天地虚空夜叉閃刃! Now, repent! Void Claws: Terminus!
Skip Charge Attack 天地虚空夜叉閃刃! Void Claws: Terminus!
Damage Taken っ…なかなかやる Ugh.... not bad.
Red HP っ…まだ...倒れる時ではない I'm not about to give in just yet...!
Knocked Out 俺の屍を超えていけ…! Leave my corpse and keep going...!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 清らかな心持ちだ My mind has been refreshed.
Join Battle 漆黒の断罪者…見参 The Pitch-Black Punisher... has arrived.
Victory この世は弱肉強食だ In this world, it's survival of the fittest.
Turn Start 深淵に屠ってやろう I'll send you straight to hell.
MC Defeats Enemy そこまでだ That's as far as they go. This is the same as his regular line.
MC C.A. Ready 見せてくれ、お前の力を Show me your power. This is the same as his regular line.
MC Red HP この程度ではないはずだ! It's not supposed to go like this! This is the same as his regular line.
MC Knocked Out 馬鹿な… Impossible.... This is the same as his non-uncapped line.

Mask Bleu Clair

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen シエテめ…この服は渾身の力作と言っていたが、あまりに仮面が目立ち過ぎる……まぁ、着心地は意外に悪くないが That damn Seofon... He said it took a lot of painstaking work to make this outfit, but this mask stands out way too much... Well, at least it's comfortable to wear.
リングネーム?ああ、今は漆黒の断罪者ではなく、マスク・ブルクレーで…って、そもそもリングネームなんて無い! My ring name? Ah, this time it's not the Pitch-Black Punisher, but Mask Bleu Clair... wait, I never had a ring name to begin with!!
俺にこんな派手な仮面は似合わな…あぁっ…!団長、やめっ…じ、自分の部屋で外すからっ…! This gaudy mask doesn't suit me at all—aah! Captain, cut it out—I-I'll take it off in my room, thank you—!
Add to Party 行くか… Heading out...?
力を貸そう I'll lend you my strength.
マスク・ブルクレーと呼ぶんじゃない…! Don't call me Mask Bleu Clair...!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 甘い! Weak!
くらえ! Eat this!
ふんっ! Hmph!
Enemy Defeated こんなものか Is that all you've got?
Skill 1 10秒数えてやる I'll give you 10 seconds.
Skill 2 俺の動きに隙など無い My moves leave no openings.
Skill 3 茶番は終いだ The gig is up.
Skill 4 恐怖せよ。六崩の定道が如何なる滅却を齎すかを Tremble in fear--the Six-Ruin Path will bring forth destruction in all its forms! This is the same as his regular line.
C.A. Ready 見せてやろう… I'll show you...
Charge Attack 泡沫と消えるがいい!崩天舞踏閻魔砕拳! Disappear as bubbles on the water's edge! Fiendcrusher Fist!
Skip Charge Attack 崩天舞踏閻魔砕拳! Fiendcrusher Fist!
Damage Taken ぬうっ…少しはやるようだ Ugh... it seems they're not half bad.
Red HP くくっ…これも見せ場か…! Heheh... Now it's really showtime..!
Knocked Out くっ…この屈辱は必ず晴らす…! Guh... I'll be back to reclaim my dignity...!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 恩に着る…! I'm in your debt..!
Join Battle マスク・ブルクレー、推参… Mask Bleu Clair, arriving unexpectedly.
Victory 覚えておくがいい、この水縹色の仮面を… You'd do well to remember this pale cyan mask...
Turn Start 俺を相手にしたこと、後悔するぞ You'll regret making an enemy of me.
MC Defeats Enemy 流石だな As I expected of you.
MC C.A. Ready ふん…ここで昂るか… Hm... Are you getting excited about this...?
MC Red HP まだ膝をつく時ではないだろう! This isn't the time to be on your knees yet!
MC Knocked Out 休め…後は俺が片付ける Rest up... I'll be the one to finish this.