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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: #Happy Birthday.
Missing ENG translations for: #Happy Birthday, and #Happy New Year.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 僕の力が必要かい?ふふっ、それならそばに置いてあげるよ。団長さん Do you need my power? Hehe, if that's so, I'll stay by your side, Captain.
Home Screen 今夜ピアノを演奏してあげようか?えっ、「騎空艇にはピアノが無い」…?まさか、嘘だろ!何てことだ… Should I put on a piano performance tonight? Huh, "There's no piano on the airship"...? Impossible, this has to be a lie! This can't be happening...
人間はヴァンパイアの友になれるのだろうか…?まだ、分からないな… Can humans become friends with vampires? I'm still not sure...
外界は新鮮でとても気に入ったよ。日差しが強い事を除けばだけど… The outside world feels very fresh, I took a liking to it. I wish the sunlight wasn't so strong, though...
Add to Party 準備はできてるよ I'm ready.
行こうか Let's go.
出発しよう Let's depart.
Uncap 団長さんさえ良ければ、いつでも眷族にしてあげるよ。ふふっ、冗談さ!...今の所はね If you wish for it, I can turn you into my Bloodkin anytime. Hehe, I'm just joking. ...For now at least.
Journal ヴァンピィはなんでああ自由なんだろうな。振り回される身にもなってほしいよ、全く I swear, how can Vania be so carefree? How nice it must be to so easily do as you please. Sheesh.
フェルドラク様は優しすぎるんだ。ただ...あの優しさが、いつかヴァンパイアにとって必要になる時が来る。そんな気がするんだ。 Feldrac is too kind... But I get the feeling that this kindness is something vampires will need one day.
ベスは元気にしてるだろうか…?また野菜を喉につまらせてなければいいけど Is Malinda doing well...? I hope it didn't clog up its throat with any vegetables again.
EM Lvl Up 団長さんさえ良ければ、いつでも眷族にしてあげるよ。ふふっ、冗談さ!...今の所はね If you wish for it, I can turn you into my Bloodkin anytime. Hehe, I'm just joking. ...For now at least. Same as Uncap.
EM Perk Lvl Up いいね! Nice!
頑張るさ I'll do my best.
素晴らしい Wonderful.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ! Ha!
やっ! Yah!
こんなものか? Is this all you've got?
Enemy Defeated 造作もないな It was no trouble at all.
Skill 1 塵になるといい I'll grind you into dust.
Skill 2 少し本気を出そう Let's get a little serious.
Skill 3 楽しませてくれよ? Are you enjoying yourself?
C.A. Ready 邪魔だよ You're in the way.
Charge Attack 誇り高き血の力、とくと味わうがいい!ブラッドエッジ! Savor the power of my proud bloodline! Bleeding Edge!
Skip Charge Attack ブラッドエッジ! Bleeding Edge!
Damage Taken ぐあっ… Gah...
Red HP チッ… Tsch...
Knocked Out そんな…僕が…! No... I...!
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 心配ない Worry not.
Join Battle 手を貸すよ、団長さん I'll lend a hand, Captain.
Victory どうだい。僕も中々やるだろ?団長さん What do you think? Did I do well too, Captain?
Turn Start まだ倒れるなよ Still standing, are we?
MC Defeats Enemy 話にならないねぇ Nothing of note, huh?
MC C.A. Ready よろしく頼むよ、団長さん By all means, take care of it, Captain.
MC Red HP 気をつけろ! Be careful!
MC Knocked Out 全く…やるしかないか Sheesh... You've left me with no other choice.

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 誇り高きヴァンパイアであるために、無駄な極力争いは極力控えるようにしないとね。けど、愛する友の為ならば遠慮なくこの血の力を振るうつもりだ。もちろん、団長サンのことさ。フフ…… For the sake of our pride as vampires, it is ingrained in us to abstain from senseless conflict to the best of our ability. However, if it's for a beloved friend, I won't hesitate to wield the power of my bloodline for their sake. Naturally, I'm talking about you, Captain. Heh.
ふと…偶になんだが。本当に偶にだよ。人間の血の味が気になる時があってね。本能かな。特に団長サンといると、特に好奇心が疼くんだ。ンフフ……何故だろうね? I can't help it. Sometimes, just sometimes... I find myself curious about the taste of human blood. Maybe it's instinct. But when I'm with you, Captain, my curiosity begins to burn. Heheh... Why do you think that is?
……ん?牙が気になるのかい?人間に比べれば、確かに珍しいほど鋭利かもしれないけれど……せっかくだ、触ってごらんよ。優しくね。 うっかり噛んで、眷属にしてしまうかもだけれど Hm...? Are you wondering about my fangs? I should have you know, they're much sharper compared to that of humans, but... Just this once, you may touch them. Be gentle, okay? If I were to carelessly bite, you could become my kin.
Add to Party どこへでもついて行くよ I'll go with you anywhere.
わかった、従おう Got it. I'm all yours.
一緒に遊びに行かないかい? Why don't we have some fun together?
Uncap 友と誇りを守り抜こう! I will protect my friendships and pride to the very end!
Journal フェルドラク様のおかげで人間が抱くヴァンパイアのイメージが着実に変わってきている。あの人の努力を無駄にしないよう、僕も誇り高きヴァンパイアとして、気高く振る舞わねばな It's because of Feldrac's efforts that humans are beginning to ease some of their doubts about vampires. So that his efforts don't go to waste, and as a proud vampire myself, I must act with dignity as well.
ヴァンパイアに人喰いというイメージがついたのは…事実、人間を襲うヴァンパイアが過去にいたせいだと聞いたことがある。今はそういう野蛮な者がいないのが救いだな。少なくとも…メドヴェキアには、だが I've heard that the reason vampires are known to attack humans now is the fault of one such individual in our past. Thankfully, there aren't any cretins among us anymore. At least, not in Medvecia... I don't think.
今メドヴェキアは大きく変わりつつあるんだよ。排他的だったヴァンパイアたちは、ヴァンピィやフェルドラク様おかげで考えを改め、人間を受け入れるようになっているんだ。この前なんか街の者がメドヴェキアを観光地にしようと言い出したんだよ。フフ…中々面白い変化だと思わないかい? Medvecia is changing a lot these days. Thanks to Vania and Feldrac changing their minds, even the most averse vampires are opening up to humans now. I even heard the other day that one of the townspeople proposed to open Medvecia for sightseeing. Haha... It's rather funny how things turned out, don't you think?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ふっ! Hup!
ふんっ Hmph.
退け! Move it!
Enemy Defeated 次は誰だい? Who's next?
Skill 1 ンッフフ…… Heheh...
Skill 2 諦めろ Give up.
Skill 3 こんなのはどうだい? How do you like that?
Skill 4 共に乗り越えよう Together, we will prevail.
C.A. Ready ヴァンパイアの本気を見せよう I'll show you what a vampire can really do.
Charge Attack 存分に味わえ! プラウド・ブレイド! Savor it to your heart's content! Proud Blade! This line is split into 2 parts in-game.
Skip Charge Attack プラウド・ブレイド! Proud Blade! Same as 2nd part of Charge Attack.
Damage Taken ぐあぁっ…! Gwah!
Red HP ぐっ 油断… したが… Gh...I was...careless...
Knocked Out やるじゃ…ないか… You're... not half bad...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Tch. How irritating...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Such a pain...
Healed ふっ、お人好しだね Hah. Aren't you so kind.
Join Battle 誇り高きヴァンパイアとして、戦おう! For the pride of my bloodline, I'll fight!
Victory この勝利を捧げよう、団長サン I dedicate this victory to you, Captain.
Turn Start この血に誓おう、友を守ると! With this blood, I swear to protect those I hold dear!
MC Defeats Enemy 僕も後に続こう I'll be sure to follow your example.
MC C.A. Ready 盛大に行こうか! Give them a taste of your glory!
MC Red HP 無事か!? Are you alright!?
MC Knocked Out 後は僕に任せるといい You can leave the rest to me.

Chain Burst

Character Banter


Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Skill 1 ヴァイト「食らえ!」
Veight: Take this!
Vania: Take this! Take this!
Skill 2 ヴァンピィ「おお~!やる気ぃ、出てるねぇ!」
Vania: Woahhhh, you're really serious about this!
Veight: Vania, would you take this seriously too?
Skill 3 ヴァイト「さて…本気で行くぞ!」
Veight: Now, then... I'm going all out!
Vania: I'll go all out too!
C.A. Ready ヴァイト「行くぞ!」
Veight: Let's do it!
Vania: Everyone! Stand back!
Veight: Vania, are you prepared?
Vania: I'm all ready! Don't treat me like a kid!
Charge Attack ヴァイト「誇り高き血の力を!」
Veight: This is the power of our proud blood!
Vania: Show 'em!
Veight: Bleeding Edge!
Red HP ヴァイト「ぐぁっ!くっそぉ…」
Veight: Gah! Shoot...
Vania: Heyyy! I won't let you get away with that!
Veight: I'm sorry, Vania...
Vania: Nuh-uh, don't apologize. Leave it all to me!
Knocked Out ヴァイト「後は頼む…」
Veight: I beg your leave...
Vania: Bullying Veight like that... I won't forgive you!
Veight: Vania, if it's you, I'm sure you can...
Vania: Veight, mhm, I'll finish it!
Join Battle ヴァンピィ「ヴァンピィちゃんのこと守ってねぇ!」
Vania: Protect me, okay?
Veight: Oh dear...
Victory ヴァイト「片付いたぞヴァンピィ」
Veight: It's cleaned up here, Vania.
Vania: Ohhh! Then, here's a headpat for you!
Veight: Whew... Too weak...
Vania: You're strong, Veight!


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Happy Birthday.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバレンタイン Happy Valentine's.
団長サン。もちろん、僕にくれるんだよね? Captain, there's certainly something you'll give me, isn't it?

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピー、ホワイトデー Happy White Day.
僕の部屋においでよ、団長サン。 Come to my room, Captain.
団長サン、君にお礼があるんだ。ぜひ受け取って欲しい。 Captain, I have a present for you, please accept it.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーハロウィン。 Happy Halloween.
お菓子はあるかい?あっても無くてもイタズラはするけどね Do you have any candy? Whatever you do or not, I'm still going to trick you.

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
メリークリスマス Happy Holidays.
団長サン。僕にクリスマスプレゼント、くれるんだよね?フフ Captain, you'll give me a Christmas present too, right? Hehe.
雪、か……初めて見るよ。なかなか美しいな Snow, huh... This is first time I see it. It's very beautiful.


This character does not have any outfits.