Ichigo Hitofuri

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Grand Weapons
Ichigo Hitofuri
Can be uncapped to 4★Can be Awakened
Level 1 42 454 400%
Level 100 214 2900 450%
Level 150 257 3512 500%
Character UnlockObtaining this weapon unlocks a character.
Drawing additional copies beyond the first will instead earn a Gold Moon.
Cain (Grand)
Unlock Uncap
4★ Complete Cain (Grand) Lvl 45 Fate Episode "For Those Who Matter"
ID 1040910000
JP Name 一期一振
Release Date 2018-05-31
4★ Date 2019-04-26
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
A slasher of demons, there is beauty in every stroke of its blade. Though the swordsmith's life may come to an end, his creation will never rust away. Loved by the powerful and a companion to the masterful, this sword is used to make its wielder's lifelong dream a reality.
Charge Attack
Serration Wave Massive Earth damage to a foe.
All allies gain 30% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 30%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 2.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
Additional effect at 4★:
50% chance to gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
Weapon Skills
Terra's Might II Big boost to earth allies' ATK
▼ 120 Upgraded at level 120 to: Upgraded at level 120 to:
Terra's Might III Massive boost to earth allies' ATK
▶ 150 Unlocks at level 150: Unlocks at level 150:
Mountain's Stamina Medium boost to earth allies' ATK based on how high HP is
Sword Master Skills
Effect Cooldown Duration Cost
Awaken All allies gain 20% Earth ATK UpEarth ATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 5 turns
10TAs Sword Master / 8TAs Glorybringer / 6TAs Master Lvl 30
5T -
Resonance Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
5T - Costs 2 energy
Attack Gain ATK Up (Stackable)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable)
Duration: 1.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 1 turn remaining.
After 4★: Instead deal ~35% Bonus Earth damage.
- 1.5T Costs 1 energy
Defend Gain Water DMG LoweredWater DMG is lowered
Duration: 2.5 turnsWater DEF Up. Not a Damage Cut.
Reduces Water damage taken on a multiplier
separate from Damage Cuts.Applied during the attack phase.
On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
- 2.5T Costs 4 energy
4★ Uncap
Rupies ×100,000
Base Reduction Materials
This weapon should not be reduced or used as fodder.
Unlock Requirements Awakening EXP Materials Max Awakening EXP
Raise to lvl 150 2000
Lvl Multiattack Healing
2 TA +5% Heal Cap +10%
3 DA +20% Debuff Res. +10%
4 TA +5% Heal Cap +20%
Total DA +20%
TA +10%
Heal Cap +30%
Debuff Res. +10%
Earth Grand Weapons

