Katalina (Grand)/Voice

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Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit さあ、共にイスタルシアを目指そう! Now then, let us go to Estalucia together!
Home Screen ルリア、この空にはまだまだ君の知らない出来事が溢れているぞ Lyria, this sky is still overflowing with things you don't know about yet.
Not only is it easy to move freely in this armor, its strength is also nothing to sneeze at.
Lyria, Captain, everyone-- thank you.
私は仲間を守るためにこの剣を振るおう I swing this sword to protect my comrades.
Add to Party 行こう Let's go.
準備万端だ All preparations complete.
よろしく頼む Whenever you'd like.
Uncap 我が剣よ、今こそ It is time, my sword!
Journal 覚悟はいいか? Are you holding up okay?
カタリナ=アリゼ、参る Katalina Aryze, present.
全力で迎え撃とう Let's attack with all our power.
EM Lvl Up 私は仲間を守るためにこの剣を振るおう I swing this sword to protect my comrades.
EM Perk Lvl Up よし! Okay!
順調だな Very well.
どうだ!? How's that?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 遅い Slow!
無駄だ Pointless!
たぁ Taa!
Enemy Defeated さらばだ Farewell.
Skill 1 邪魔だてするなら容赦はせんぞ If you get in our way, I won't forgive you!
Skill 2 ここを切り抜けるぞ Here we cut through!
Skill 3 大丈夫、私が傍にいるさ It's okay, I'm right here beside you.
C.A. Ready 我が剣よ、今こそ It is time, my sword! Same as her uncap.
Charge Attack 氷の華と散り行くがいい。グラキエス・ネイル Go, scatter and fall with the icy flower. Blades of Diamond! In Japanese, the name of the attack is Glacies Nail (glacies being Latin for ice)
Skip Charge Attack グラキエス・ネイル Blades of Diamond!
Damage Taken
Red HP ここまでか… Is this it?
Knocked Out 一旦引いて体勢を立て直すぞ Temporarily withdrawing to regroup.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ふぅ…感謝する Phew... Thank you.
Join Battle よく頑張ったな。ここからは私に任せろ You did well. Now, leave it to me.
Victory これは皆の勝利だ。ありがとう This is everyone's victory. Thank you.
Turn Start 腕が鳴るな Ready to show my skill.
MC Defeats Enemy いいぞ、その調子だ That was well done.
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out 少し休め Rest a bit.

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 私は守り続けよう。己を、そして己が守りたいと思った者達を I will keep protecting you, and those you always wanted to protect.
私にだって、右も左も分からない新兵の頃はあったさ。そこから鍛え、教わったことが、今の私を作っているんだ Even I was once just a fresh recruit who didn't know left from right. From there, my training and education made me who I am today.
ミュルグレスは美しい剣だが、どこか寂しさを感じるな。まるで、在りし日の彼女を見ているようだ Murgleis is a beautiful sword, but it feels lonely, somehow, like I'm looking at her as she once was.
Add to Party ああ、任せてくれ Yes, leave it to me.
君たちは私が必ず守る I will absolutely keep you safe.
ルリアも一緒で構わないだろうか You don't mind if Lyria comes too, do you?
Uncap 掴んだ守るべきものを、私はもう離しはしない! I have those whom I must protect, and I will not let them go!
Journal ガラテアの指導は厳しかったが、しかしそこで積み重ねたもののお陰で、今こうしてルリアの手を取ることができるんだ Galatea's guidance was strict, but it's because of all of those lessons that I can hold Lyria's hand as I do now.
まさか私がミュルグレスを受け継ぐことになるとはな。この剣に恥じぬよう、これからも大切なものを守り続けてみせるよ I seem to have inherited Murgleis. I will not be ashamed of this sword, and I will continue to protect those who are important to me.
あの鎧を失ってしまって、ルリアには申し訳ないことをしたな…。今度罪滅ぼしに美味しいデザートのあるカフェにでも連れて行こうか I just can't apologize enough to Lyria for losing that armor... To make up for it, how about I take her to a cafe that has lots of nice desserts?

Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack やっ Yah!
邪魔だ! Out of the way!
これで! Here!
そこだ! There! Used for the follow-up attack from Blue Radiance
見切った! I see everything! Used for the follow-up attack from Blue Radiance
甘いな! Too soft! Used for the follow-up attack from Blue Radiance
Enemy Defeated ここまでだ It ends here.
Skill 1 悪いが、退いてもらう Sorry, but could you give up now?
Skill 2 これも、彼女に教わった事だ Here's something else she taught me.
Skill 3 私の研鑚は伊達ではないぞ! All my work wasn't just for show!
Skill 4 私には、守るものがある! There's someone I have to protect!
C.A. Ready 守るべき者の為に This is for those I have to protect.
Charge Attack 護り抜く、私の全てで! アイシクル・ネイル! I will defend with all that I am! Blades of Frost! In Japanese, her charge attack is called Icicle Nail. This is also the name of her SR charge attack (before final uncap).
Skip Charge Attack アイシクル・ネイル! Blades of Frost!
Damage Taken 何だと…! What!
Red HP まずい…! How clumsy...
Knocked Out 彼女に顔向けできないな I won't be able to look her in the eye...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Ah... What should I do?
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed ありがとう。ここから挽回しよう Thanks. I'm getting better.
Join Battle 後は引き受ける。休んでいてくれ I'll handle everything else. Go and rest.
Victory 誓ったからな、護ってみせると Just as I promised, I'll protect you. Watch me.
Turn Start もう、何も失わせはしない! I can't lose!
MC Defeats Enemy ははっ、流石だな Haha, just as expected.
MC C.A. Ready 残りは任せるとしようか Should I leave the rest to you?
MC Knocked Out 私がついていながら…すまない Even though I was here... I'm sorry.

Character Banter


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
誕生日おめでとう。 Happy Birthday.

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
これを……私に? ああ、そうか! 今日はホワイトデーだったな。 This is... for me? Oh, I remember now! It's White Day. Official translation taken from 1st White Day cutscene.
こうしてホワイトデーにプレゼントを渡されるのは、妙に新鮮だな…… You know, there's something nice about receiving a gift on White Day. Official translation taken from 1st White Day cutscene.
アルビオンに居た頃なんかは、ホワイトデーはいつも、プレゼントを渡す側だったんだ。 When I was living in Albion, I was always the one giving gifts on White Day. Official translation taken from 1st White Day cutscene.
チョコをくれた子には、極力手料理で返したかったんだが、何故か別のものの方が好まれてな…… I worked so hard to cook something for the girls that gave me chocolate. But they each liked something different. Official translation taken from 1st White Day cutscene.
ともあれ、ありがとう。君からの気持ち、大切にさせてもらうよ。 Anyway, thank you. I'll be sure to treasure your gift. Official translation taken from 1st White Day cutscene.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーハロウィン! Happy Halloween!
トリック・オア・トリートー! Trick or Treat!

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


Festive Corselet

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen あ、あまりじろじろと見つめないでくれ。ガラじゃないのは重々承知だ。へ?似合っていて見惚れた、だと?なっ、いっ、いつからそんな歯の浮くような台詞を言うようになったんだ君は!ま、まあ、褒められて悪い気はしない……。あ、ありがとう D-don't stare at me so hard. I know perfectly well that there isn't a gala. What did you say? It suits me, and you just can't take your eyes off me? Wha-- Wh-when did you start saying obnoxious like that? We-well, I guess it isn't such a bad feeling, to be complimented like that. Uh, thanks.
ぉおい、何をしているんだ止めないか!マントをめくるのはよせ!え?何?聖夜のプレゼントはどこだって?はぁ……。まったく、聖夜だからと浮かれすぎだ。やんちゃが過ぎるぞ Hey, stop it! What are you doing? Don't flip up my mantle! Huh? What? Where's your Christmas present? Sigh... Seriously, you're getting far too merry, just because it's Christmas Eve. You're entirely too naughty!
ヴィーラに「聖夜のお祝いに」と衣装替えを頼まれたんだ。いつもとは雰囲気の違う騎士の格好だと言っていたから引き受けたんだが、ま、まさかこんな、ハレンチな衣装だとは思わないじゃないか!くっ……。これのどこが騎士だと言うんだ!鎧ですらないぞ! Vira asked me to change into this "as a Christmas present" for her. She said it would be a knightly outfit with a character very different from my usual. But I never thought it would be something this--this shameless! Sigh... What about this could you call "knightly?" It isn't even armor!
Add to Party 聖夜の安寧は、私が守る I will protect the tranquility of Christmas Eve.
空気が澄んでいて、気持ちがいいな It feels nice when the air is so clear.
こ、こんなに肩を出すことになるとは…… I never thought I'd have to b-bare my shoulders like this...
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 遅い! Too slow!
てぁっ! Teyah!
ふっ! Hoo!
Enemy Defeated 宴もたけなわだな…… This party is in full swing.
Skill 1 一気にカタをつけるぞ! I'll settle this right here!
Skill 2 よい時間を。メリークリスマス! Enjoy yourselves. Merry Christmas!
Skill 3 聖なる夜を、君を守ろう I'll protect this holy night, and I'll protect you.
C.A. Ready 祈っても遅い! It's too late to pray!
Charge Attack 聖夜に氷の祝福を!グラキエス・ネイル! Ice's blessing be upon this holy night. Blades of Diamond! "Glacies Nail" in the Japanese
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken
Red HP っくしゅっ!あぁ……聖夜に風邪などひきたくないな…… Ugh... I don't want to get a cold on Christmas Eve...
Knocked Out 油断した……!衣服のせいにしたくはないが、無念だ…… How careless... I don't want to blame the clothes, but I'm so embarrassed...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle 聖夜だからと言って、浮かれすぎるなよ You're being far too merry, even if it is Christmas Eve.
Victory 今夜は早く休むといい。なぜかって……良い子は、早寝するものだからだ! Feel free to go to bed early tonight. Why...? Because going to bed early is what good children do!
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen ビィ君愛好会、会員番号1番! これは私の誇りだ I'm Member #1 of Vyrn Lovers Anonymous! It is my proudest achievement!
ビィくーん! どこにいるんだー? ビィくーん?


 あっ団長! 私のビィ君がどこへ行ったか知らないか?
Vyrn! Where aaare youuu? Vyrn?

Strange, I can't see Vyrn anywhere.

Ah, Captain! Do you know where my Vyrn went?
ビィ君を改造して思い通りにしたい I want to reshape Vyrn any way I like!
Add to Party ああ、行こうか Ah, shall we go!
ビィ君も一緒か? Is Vyrn going too?
ビィクンビィクンビィクンビィクンビィクン…ビィキューーン! Vyrnvyrnvyrnvyrnvyrn... VYYYRRRN!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ぐらっ! Grand!
ぶるっ! Blues!
ぐらぶるっ! Grand Blues!
Enemy Defeated ビーーーーくーーーーん!! VYYYYYYRRRRRRN!
Skill 1 ビィ君への熱い想い…思い知るがいい! My burning emotions for Vyrn... Know them!
Skill 2 冷静に対処しよう。そして、ビィ君を探しに行こう We'll deal with this calmly. Then we'll go search for Vyrn.
Skill 3 大丈夫、ビィ君がいれば問題ない It's okay, if Vyrn's there, there's no problem!
C.A. Ready ビィーーくーーん! VYYYRRRN!
Charge Attack カタリナ「ビィくぅーん!! よ~しよしよしよしよしよし…」
Katalina: VYYYRRRN! Aaa-woowoowoowoowoo...
Vyrn: Gyaaaaa!
Skip Charge Attack いよぉ~しよしよしよし… Aaa-woowoowoo...
Damage Taken ビィー! くほっ! Vyrn! *Cough*
Red HP くぅ…不覚を、取ったか… Ugh... Did I make a mistake?
Knocked Out 最期に…ビィ君を…なで、た…かっ…た… In my last moments... I... wanted to... pet... Vyrn...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 助かるよ…あと、ビィ君はどこだろうか You saved me... Well, now that that's over, where's Vyrn?
Join Battle ビィくーん! 出ておいでー? Vyyyrn! Where are youuu?
Victory カタリナ「いよぉ~しよしよしよしよしよしよし…」
Katalina: Awo-wowowowowowo...
Vyrn: Gyaaaaa!
Turn Start 愛くるしいビィ君はどこへ行ったんだ? Where did you go, my lovely little Vyrn?
MC Defeats Enemy ビィクーン Vyrn!
MC C.A. Ready ビィ君の気配は感じるのだが… I can sense Vyrn's presence, yet...
MC Red HP ビィ君!? Vyrn!?
MC Knocked Out ビィー、くん… V... Vyrn...

Luck Be a Lady

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 集中……集中するんだ……空気に呑まれてはいけない……そう、いつでもポーカーフェイスで……

 ひぅ!? いつから……そこに? あっ、そ、そうだな。

Concentrate... concentrate... Don't be swallowed up by the atmosphere... That's right, always keep your poker face-- Huh!? H-how long have you been there? Ah, i-is that so.

When you get nervous like this, you let the other guy see right through you.

Haaaaaa... Okay, I'm fine now. Thank you.

 ちゃんとルールの予習はしてきたか? なっ!? してないだと!?
 うっ、ううん! カジノとは戦いの場。攻めるだけではなく、引き際を見極めるのも、

As long as you do this, you should be able to win. In short, first of all, you have to come up with your strategy.

Have you properly learned all the rules? No? You say you haven't!?
Um, ahem! The casino is a battlefield. You do not only attack, you also have to know when to cut your losses,

as part of a long-term strategy. Now, let's go!


Lyria picked this dress out for me... Well, if that's the case, this should be appropriate for a place where grown-ups mingle, right?

Since I never get the chance to do this kind of thing, now that I'm trying it on,

it feels so wonderful and glamorous.
Add to Party ルールは理解した。さあ、行こう I know the rules. Now, let's go.
勝つ。その気持ちが大切だ Victory-- that feeling is very important.
き、綺麗……? ごほっ、んんっ! …あ、ありがとう P-pretty...? Ah, ahem! ... Th-thank you.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack ベット Bet!
コール Call!
レイズ Raise!
Enemy Defeated ショーダウン! …ふふっ、まだ続けるか? Showdown! Haha, will you keep going?
Skill 1 チェック! さぁ、どう出る? Check! Now, what's your move?
Skill 2 手札を切ろうじゃないか Now, let's trump your hand, shall we?
Skill 3 勝利の女神はこちらに微笑んだ The goddess of victory smiles this way!
C.A. Ready ガットショット、来た! Got a gutshot! A gutshot is usually an inside straight draw; in Japanese, it can also refer to a "hit," or getting the exact card you need to complete a hand.
Charge Attack ポーカーフェイスもそこまでだ! グラキエス・ネイル! That was my poker face! Blades of Diamond!
Skip Charge Attack
Damage Taken
Red HP 動きにくい等と言ってられないな They didn't tell me that it would be hard to move around...
Knocked Out 勝負所を見誤ったか Did I misread the room?
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle 勝負とあらば受けて立とう! If there's a challenge, I accept!
Victory 挑んだ相手が悪かったな Well, that was a pretty bad opponent.
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out

Water Lily Kimono

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen この服はなかなか着付けが難しかったんだが、その甲斐はあっただろうか? Putting this on was pretty difficult, but how does it look?
らしくないかもしれないが、新年の装いに身を包むと、私でも浮かれてしまうな。  似合っているだろうか? This might be unusual, but when I put on a New Years outfit, it makes me feel really festive. Does that make sense?
この髪飾り、実は結構気に入っていてな。意外か?  普段は鎧に身を固めていても、こういう趣味くらいはあるさ I'm happy that this hair ornament is really pretty. Surprised? I usually wear my armor, but I do like this sort of thing.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack てぇ!
無駄だ Useless!
Enemy Defeated
Skill 1 正月気分はここまでだ The New Years spirit ends now!
Skill 2 無理はするなよ Don't overwork yourselves.
Skill 3 ここは私が切り開こう I'll cut a path here.
C.A. Ready 朱の空に散れ Scatter into the red sky.
Charge Attack 破魔の一閃、受けるがいい。アイシクルネイル! Take this, the flash of exorcism. Blades of Frost!
Skip Charge Attack
Red HP やはり、裾が邪魔に… Like I thought, the hem is getting in the way...
Knocked Out どうやら、浮かれてしまっていたようだ It looks like I was feeling too festive...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Join Battle
Victory はは、なかなか幸先がいいじゃないか Haha, this is a pretty good omen, isn't it?
Turn Start
MC Defeats Enemy
MC C.A. Ready
MC Knocked Out