Secret Gear

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The Assassin and Tormentor classes uses various kinds of secret gear in battle. You must set up your secret gear beforehand in order to use it battle.

To set your secret gear, go to the area by tapping Secret Gear button on the Party or Classes screen, while in the Assassin or Tormentor class. You can set up to 8 types of secret gear for each party. You can't switch or use another party's secret gear settings while in battle.

Secret gear access buttons

Secret gear can only be used a certain number of times during battle, and consumed after it is used.

Secret gear will not be consumed in Trial Battles.

Quick Reference

Paralyzing Needle
Inflict ParalyzedCan't attack
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
on one enemy.
Max: 3
Sleep-Inducing Needle
Inflict SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Duration: 3 turnsTakes 25% more damage
Local status effect
on one enemy.
Max: 3
Petrifying Needle
Inflict StoneCan't attack and receives big DMG
Duration: 30 secondsTakes 120% more damage
on one enemy.
Max: 2
Extending Powder
Boost a foe's mode bar.
Max: 10
Tranquilizing Powder
Inflict Break Boosted (Time)Break mode time is extended
and Break Boosted (DMG)DMG needed to switch to normal mode is boosted
on one enemy.
Max: 10
Deceleration Powder
Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
on one enemy.
Max: 10
Fatal Dagger Overdrive
Gain 20% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 1 turn
and 280% Assassin's Aim (Overdrive) (1 time)ATK is boosted for foes in Overdrive
Strength: 280%Multiplier: Assassin2/3 effectiveness when used with Charge Attack
Max: 5
Fatal Dagger Break
Gain 20% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 1 turn
and 280% Assassin's Aim (Break) (1 time)ATK is boosted when foe is in break mode
Strength: 280%Multiplier: Assassin2/3 effectiveness when used with Charge Attack
Max: 5
Stalling Knife
Inflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
Duration: 60 seconds
on one enemy.
Max: 5
Restore 30% of one ally's HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Max: 10
Bandage +
Restore 30% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Max: 5
Smoke Bomb
Gain Mirror Image (4 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Max: 10
Smoke Bomb +
All allies gain Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Max: 10
Throwing Knife
500% damage to one enemy (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Max: 10
Assassin's Blade
Gain 50% Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 50%Duration: 5 turns
Max: 10
Rune Dagger
300% damage to one enemy (Damage cap: ~500,000) and remove 1 buff.
Max: 10
Plain DMG to a foe based on 5% of its current HP (Damage cap: 1,000,000).
Max: 10
Reduce one enemy's Overdrive bar.
Max: 10
Motivating Draft
All allies gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Multiplier: NormalDuration: 5 turns
and 10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: 5 turns
Max: 20
Runner's High Draft
All allies gain 50% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns
Max: 5
Runner's High Draft +
All allies gain 50% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns
and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
Max: 3
Recharging Draft
Gain Charge Bar +100%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 100%
Strength: 100%
Max: 5
Burst Draft
Gain 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
Max: 3
Burst Draft +
Gain 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
and 10% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 1 turn
Max: 3
Strengthening Draft
All allies gain 20% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns
Max: 3
Apocrypha Draft
All allies gain 30% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
Max: 3
Apocrypha Draft +
All allies gain 30% C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 30%
and 10% C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 10%
Max: 3
Recharge Draft
Gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time)Charge attack reactivates (1 time)
Max: 2
Anti-Fire Linen Cloth
All allies gain 25% Fire CutFire DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsFire Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Anti-Water Linen cloth
All allies gain 25% Water CutWater DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsWater Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Anti-Earth Linen cloth
All allies gain 25% Earth CutEarth DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsEarth Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Anti-Wind Linen cloth
All allies gain 25% Wind CutWind DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsWind Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Anti-Light Linen cloth
All allies gain 25% Light CutLight DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsLight Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Anti-Dark Linen cloth
All allies gain 25% Dark CutDark DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsDark Damage Cut.
Max: 10
Shrouding Cloth
All allies gain Shield (1500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1500Duration: Indefinite
Max: 10
Twill Coat
All allies gain 50% DMG CutTaking 50% less DMG
Duration: 1 turn Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
Max: 5
Flaming Cocktail
500% elemental DMG to foe and raise SingedHP is lowered on every turn based on Singed lvl (Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Max: 10
Frozen Cocktail
500% elemental DMG to foe and raise GlaciateMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Max: 10
Poisonous Cocktail
500% elemental DMG to foe and raise ToxicosisHP is lowered on every turn based on Toxicosis lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Max: 10
Electric Cocktail
500% elemental DMG to foe and raise ThunderstruckMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Max: 10
Inflict 50% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 50%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 50% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 50%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 100% DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Strength: 100%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 100% TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Strength: 100%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, and AutophagonHP is lowered on every turn (Can't be removed)
Strength: 50,000Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
on all foes.
Max: 1
Extinction Spirits
Gain Extinction SpiritsATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff resistance is boosted (Can't be removed)
Strength: 30% ATKPerpetuity modifier / 100% DEF / 100% DA / 50% TA / 100% Debuff ResistanceDuration: Indefinite

Max: 1
All allies gain UnchallengedNext DMG received will be ineffective
Duration: 1 turn
Max: 1
Agastia Crystal
5-hit plain DMG to random foes based on 10% of their current HP (Damage cap: 999,999 per hit) and remove 5 buffs from all foes.
Max: 1
Spada Illusoria
10-hit elemental DMG to random foes and boost Fated Chain bar by 100%.
Max: 1
Equilibrium Slicer
All allies gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented
Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 100,000)Duration: 1 turn
and DMG Mitigation (10,000)DMG taken is lowered by a fixed amount
Strength: 10,000Duration: 1 turn
Max: 1

List of Secret Gear

Icon Name Max Effect Cost
Throwing Knife 10 500% damage to one enemy (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Smoke Bomb 10 Gain Mirror Image (4 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Smoke Bomb + 10 All allies gain Mirror Image (2 times)Next one-to-one attack received will be ineffective
(Effect removed on next all-foe all-ally attack)
Paralyzing Needle 3 Inflict ParalyzedCan't attack
Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
on one enemy.
Sleep-Inducing Needle 3 Inflict SleepCan't attack and takes big DMG (Ends upon taking DMG)
Duration: 3 turnsTakes 25% more damage
Local status effect
on one enemy.
Petrifying Needle 2 Inflict StoneCan't attack and receives big DMG
Duration: 30 secondsTakes 120% more damage
on one enemy.
Assassin's Blade 10 Gain 50% Bonus DMGDeals bonus DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
Strength: 50%Duration: 5 turns
Bandage 10 Restore 30% of one ally's HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Bandage + 5 Restore 30% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Extending Powder 10 Boost a foe's mode bar.
Tranquilizing Powder 10 Inflict Break Boosted (Time)Break mode time is extended
and Break Boosted (DMG)DMG needed to switch to normal mode is boosted
on one enemy.
Deceleration Powder 10 Inflict DelayReduce a foe's filled charge diamonds by 1
on one enemy.
Motivating Draft 20 All allies gain 10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)ATK is boosted while active (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Multiplier: NormalDuration: 5 turns
and 10% DEF Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)DEF is boosted while active (Stackable)
Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: 5 turns
Fatal Dagger Break 5 Gain 280% Assassin's Aim (Break) (1 time)ATK is boosted when foe is in break mode
Strength: 280%Multiplier: AssassinDuration: 1 turn 2/3 effectiveness when used with Charge Attack
and 20% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 1 turn
Fatal Dagger Overdrive 5 Gain 280% Assassin's Aim (Overdrive) (1 time)ATK is boosted for foes in Overdrive
Strength: 280%Multiplier: AssassinDuration: 1 turn 2/3 effectiveness when used with Charge Attack
and 20% ATK UpATK is boosted
Strength: 20%Multiplier: NormalDuration: 1 turn
Stalling Knife 5 Inflict GravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
Duration: 60 seconds
on one enemy.
Shrouding Cloth 10 All allies gain Shield (1500)Next ATK received will be ineffective for a fixed amount
Strength: 1500Duration: Indefinite
Recharging Draft 5 Gain Charge Bar +100%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 100%
Strength: 100%
Anti-Fire Linen Cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Fire CutFire DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsFire Damage Cut.
Anti-Water Linen cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Water CutWater DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsWater Damage Cut.
Anti-Earth Linen cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Earth CutEarth DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsEarth Damage Cut.
Anti-Wind Linen cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Wind CutWind DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsWind Damage Cut.
Anti-Light Linen cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Light CutLight DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsLight Damage Cut.
Anti-Dark Linen cloth 10 All allies gain 25% Dark CutDark DMG is cut 25%
Duration: 5 turnsDark Damage Cut.
Burst Draft 3 Gain 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
Burst Draft + 3 Gain 30% C.B. DMG UpChain burst DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
and 10% C.B. DMG Cap UpChain Burst DMG Cap Boosted
Strength: 10%Duration: 1 turn
Runner's High Draft 5 All allies gain 50% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns
Runner's High Draft + 3 All allies gain 50% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turns
and TA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
Duration: 3 turns
Apocrypha Draft 3 All allies gain 30% C.A. DMG UpCharge attack DMG is boosted
Strength: 30%Duration: 1 turn
Apocrypha Draft + 3 All allies gain 30% C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 30%
and 10% C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
Strength: 10%
Strengthening Draft 3 All allies gain 20% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
Strength: 20%Duration: 3 turns
Blowgun 10 Reduce one enemy's Overdrive bar.
Rune Dagger 10 300% damage to one enemy (Damage cap: ~500,000) and remove 1 buff.
Twill Coat 5 All allies gain 50% DMG CutTaking 50% less DMG
Duration: 1 turn Damage Cut reducing damage taken for all elements.
Warning! Does not work for Plain Damage!
Leiomano 10 Plain DMG to a foe based on 5% of its current HP (Damage cap: 1,000,000).
Recharge Draft 2 Gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time)Charge attack reactivates (1 time)
Flaming Cocktail 10 500% elemental DMG to foe and raise SingedHP is lowered on every turn based on Singed lvl (Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Frozen Cocktail 10 500% elemental DMG to foe and raise GlaciateMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Poisonous Cocktail 10 500% elemental DMG to foe and raise ToxicosisHP is lowered on every turn based on Toxicosis lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Electric Cocktail 10 500% elemental DMG to foe and raise ThunderstruckMultiattack rate is lowered based on lvl (Max: 10 / Can't be removed)
lvl by 1.
Autophagon 1 Inflict 50% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 50%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 50% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 50%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 100% DA DownDouble attack rate is lowered
Strength: 100%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, 100% TA DownTriple attack rate is lowered
Strength: 100%Duration: 6 turnsLocal status effect
, and AutophagonHP is lowered on every turn (Can't be removed)
Strength: 50,000Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
on all foes.[2]
Extinction Spirits 1 Gain Extinction SpiritsATK is boosted / DEF is boosted / Double attack rate is boosted / Triple attack rate is boosted / Debuff resistance is boosted (Can't be removed)
Strength: 30% ATKPerpetuity modifier / 100% DEF / 100% DA / 50% TA / 100% Debuff ResistanceDuration: Indefinite
Drachenschild 1 All allies gain UnchallengedNext DMG received will be ineffective
Duration: 1 turn
Agastia Crystal 1 5-hit plain DMG to random foes based on 10% of their current HP (Damage cap: 999,999 per hit) and remove 5 buffs from all foes.
Spada Illusoria 1 10-hit elemental DMG to random foes and boost Fated Chain bar by 100%.
Equilibrium Slicer 1 All allies gain Supplemental DMGDMG dealt is supplemented
Strength: 1% of foe's max HP (Damage cap: 100,000)Duration: 1 turn
and DMG Mitigation (10,000)DMG taken is lowered by a fixed amount
Strength: 10,000Duration: 1 turn
