Aglovale and Tor/Voice

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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Voice for more info.
Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: Debuffed in #General.
Missing ENG translations for: Debuffed in #General.
Missing .mp3 files for: All lines in #General and all lines in #Chain Burst.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit トー「アグロヴァル様の近衛兵騎士、トーと申します。」
Tor: I'm Tor, one of Lord Aglovale's personal guards.
Aglovale: Strong and reliable, isn't he?
Tor: Please, my lord. Your words could cause people to get the wrong idea...
Aglovale: Haha, it seems I'm having too much fun teasing you.
Home Screen トー「アグロヴァル様は幼少の頃から剣の訓練を受けていらっしゃったのですよね?」
Tor: My lord, you were trained in swordsmanship since you were a child, correct?
Aglovale: Yes, that's true. I was trained by a full-time instructor assigned specifically for that purpose. However, I would say that the lessons on leadership with my strict father were far more demanding.
Tor: A childhood far more grueling than I had imagined... Having overcome all of that, it's no wonder you are the person you are today, my lord.
Aglovale: By the way, Tor. Do you have siblings?
Tor: Yes, I do. Although in my case, I have both a younger brother and a younger sister.
Aglovale: Oho? I see. You're also your family's eldest son. No wonder you've got a good head on your shoulders despite your age.
Tor: My lord, are you perhaps fond of those that are younger than you?
Aglovale: Hm? What brought this up?
Tor: Well... you treat both Captain and I in a very friendly manner, my lord.
Aglovale: Oh... it's not something I've really thought about. Perhaps it's because I find you both to be... endearing and easy to talk to, I suppose.
Add to Party トー「本日もよろしくお願いいたします。」
Tor: I'm looking forward to working with you again today, my lord.
Aglovale: Be sure to watch closely how the Lord of Frost gets things done.
Aglovale: It's time to depart, Tor.
Tor: I'm honored to be accompanying you, my lord.
Aglovale: I'll be counting on you, my personal bodyguard.
Tor: My lord, please stop teasing me...
Uncap アグロヴァル「お前を取り立てて良かったと思っている。引き続き励むが良い。」
Aglovale: I'm glad I promoted you to the rank of right-hand man. Keep up the good work.
Tor: Of course, my lord. I vow to do whatever it takes to meet your expectations.
Journal トー「アグロヴァル様の近衛兵騎士、トーと申します。」
Tor: I'm Tor, one of Lord Aglovale's personal guards.
Aglovale: Strong and reliable, isn't he?
Tor: Please, my lord. Your words could cause people to get the wrong idea...
Aglovale: Haha, it seems I'm having too much fun teasing you.
Same as Recruit.
アグロヴァル「トーは優れた状況把握力を持ち、道理を弁えている一方で、思いも寄らない発想を見せる。彼奴の話を聞いていると、大抵の問題はなんとかなる気がしてくるのだ。不思議な男だな。」 Aglovale: Tor has the impressive ability to evaluate any situation he's in while staying entirely rational. Contrary to his rationality however, he does come up with surprisingly unconventional ideas. Whenever I listen to him, somehow it just feels like everything will turn out alright. What a strange man he is.
トー「いかなる状況に立たされようと、アグロヴァル様は的確に正答を導かれます。お傍に仕えれば仕えるほど、その聡明さと実証的な判断力にただただ驚かせるばかりです。」 Tor: Lord Aglovale is someone who is able to deduce the correct solution to anything regardless of the situation he's in. As I continue to serve my lord, I often find myself impressed by his wisdom and pragmatic decision making skills.
EM Lvl Up アグロヴァル「目標達成だ。想定より早かったな。」
Aglovale: You've managed to meet your goal much quicker than expected.
Tor: I'm honored to hear that, my lord. I shall continue to put forth the effort to complete the tasks you have for me.
EM Perk Lvl Up トー「コツを掴めたようです。」 Tor: It seems I'm getting a better grasp of this.
アグロヴァル「トーは一生懸命だな。」 Aglovale: Tor's always giving everything his best.
トー「流石はアグロヴァル様ですね。」 Tor: Nothing short of what one would expect of Lord Aglovale.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack アグロヴァル「はあっ!」 Aglovale: Ha!
トー「まだです!」 Tor: I'm not done just yet!
アグロヴァル「ほっ!」 Aglovale: Hmm!
トー「はっ!」 Tor: Hup!
Enemy Defeated アグロヴァル「こんなものか。」 Aglovale: Was that all you've got?
Skill 1 アグロヴァル「平伏せよ。」 Aglovale: Grovel.
Skill 2 トー「援護します。」 Tor: I'll provide support.
Skill 3 アグロヴァル「我らを止められると思うな。」

Aglovale: It's foolish to think you'll be able to stop us.

Tor: Let's show them what we have up our sleeves.
Either one will play at random.
Support Skill 1 アグロヴァル「ぬるい!」 Aglovale: Too slow!
C.A. Ready トー「この作戦はいかがでしょうか。」
Tor: What do you think of this plan, my lord?
Aglovale: An interesting one it is. Let's test it out right away.
Charge Attack トー「一気に攻めます。」
Tor: Let's finish this in one swoop.
Aglovale: You shall not escape.
Tor: Hah!
Aglovale: Fall to our icy stratagems.
Both: Siegreiche Welt!
Skip Charge Attack 二人「ズィーク・ファレ・ヴェルト!」 Both: Siegreiche Welt!
Damage Taken 二人「ぐっ……!」 Both: Urgh......
Red HP アグロヴァル「下がれ、トー。」
Aglovale: Stand back, Tor.
Tor: Pardon my impertinence my lord, but I refuse. There must be a way out of this situation somehow.
Knocked Out アグロヴァル「ぐっ……!撤退だ……。」
Aglovale: Ugh... Retreat!
Tor: Let's get you medical treatment right away.
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed アグロヴァル「仕切り直しだ。」 Aglovale: Time to restructure.
Join Battle トー「旗色が悪いようですね……。」
Tor: It looks like the odds could be against us...
Aglovale: We'll need to turn the tides at once.
Victory アグロヴァル「見事な策だったぞ。」
Aglovale: Wonderful strategem.
Tor: I'm honored to have been of help.
Turn Start アグロヴァル「出るぞ、トー。」
Aglovale: Get ready, Tor.
Tor: Yes, my lord. I shall approach with caution.
MC Defeats Enemy アグロヴァル「腕を上げたな。」 Aglovale: You've improved.
MC C.A. Ready トー「期待が高まりますね。」 Tor: This looks promising.
MC Red HP アグロヴァル「退き時を誤るな。」 Aglovale: It's important to know when to withdraw.
MC Knocked Out トー「ゆっくりお休みください。」 Tor: Please get yourself some rest, Captain.

Chain Burst

Chain Burst Voice Lines
Applicable Characters Lancelot
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Lancelot and Vane
Any version
Arthur and MordredAglovale and Tor
Chain StartThis line only plays when the game language is set to Japanese. Japanese English Notes Play
Both: We will not let you escape!
Element Chain Japanese English Notes Play
Fire 2 レッドデトネーション! Red Detonation!
3 紅蓮のコラプション! Crimson Corruption!
4 プロミネンスフレア! Prominence Flare!
Water 2 ブルーデトネーション! Blue Detonation!
3 霧氷のイルミネート! Ice Illumination!
4 アブソリュート・ゼロ! Absolute Zero!
Earth 2 アースデトネーション! Earth Detonation!
3 地絶のパルヴァライズ! Quaking Pulverization!
4 ディアストロフィズム! Diastrofism!
Wind 2 エアロデトネーション! Air Detonation!
3 乱壊のテンペスト! Tempest!
4 バーストゲイル! Galeburst!
Light 2 アークデトネーション! Light Detonation!
3 雷電のエラディケート! Lightnic Eradication!
4 アセンション! Ascension!
Dark 2 カオスデトネーション! Chaos Detonation!
3 奈落のフォールダウン! Oblivion Fall!
4 ケイオスタイド! Tide of Chaos!

Character Banter

This character does not have any banter.


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Aglovale: Happy new year.
Tor: We appreciate your continued support and we look forward to working together as well this year.
Aglovale: It seems that in a land far away that it is customary to give money as a New Year's gift. Tor, here's yours.
Tor: I appreciate your kindness, my lord, but I can't possibly accept this. You already shower me with favoritism on a daily basis...
Aglovale: Very well then... Treat it as expenditure for market research instead. Purchase something you fancy, and report to me accordingly.
Tor: I suppose declining any further would just be a disgrace to your name... I shall make use of this gift with great care, my lord.

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Aglovale: Happy Valentine's Day.
Tor: I sincerely hope that your feelings reach those you hold dear, Captain.
Aglovale: Speaking of Valentine's, some people confess their feelings to a loved one on this occasion... Tor, have you been confessed to before?
Tor: Yes... during my childhood...
Aglovale: Oh? Tell me more about it.
Tor: It's really not all that interesting— Um, my lord...? Pardon me, but why are you leaning over with such intense curiosity...?

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Aglovale: Happy White Day.
Tor: A return gift has been prepared, so please come by Wales Castle anytime.
Aglovale: It is said that the customs we practise came to be by the hands of merchants. To make profit out of a day for return gifting is indeed a wise business strategy.
Tor: An excellent merchant is one who knows how to greatly please our clientele while making a profit, or so I've been taught by my teacher.
Aglovale: The fact that you have that ingrained in you is excellent. I wouldn't have appointed you your current position otherwise.

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Aglovale: Happy Halloween.
Tor: Would you like to have some pumpkin-flavored treats, my lord?
Aglovale: It is said that tonight is when souls return from the underworld... I do wonder if that's really the case...
Tor: My lord, are you perhaps still feeling troubled about your parents...?
Aglovale: No, I've long gotten over it so I'm fine now. However... I can't help but wonder what kind of expression they'd show us if they really did return...
Tor: I am sure they'd be smiling if they were to see you as you are today, my lord.

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Aglovale: Happy holidays.
Tor: May you have a wonderful holiday.
Aglovale: Tor, are you sure you don't want to go home for the holidays?
Tor: Thank you for your concern, my lord. However, this year my family members are all busy, so I settled with just sending them presents.
Aglovale: It's not easy to have your family members all get together once everyone's grown up, isn't it? Presents, though... Perhaps I shall prepare one for my brother.


This character does not have any outfits.