Radiance of the Eternal

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An Eternal's Radiance is a collection of bonuses that can be unlocked to permanently strengthen them.

Eternals that have been transcended to level 110 and obtained the corresponding trophy can unlock their Radiance. Participating in a Records of the Ten event is not a requirement to unlock Radiance, but Terra Adamant is currently only obtainable from Records of the Ten, which is used to unlock Radiance level 5.

Eternals can raise their Radiance level by consuming treasures.

From Radiance levels 1 to 4, Radiance bonuses will be unlocked and the Eternal will gain boosts to various stats. At Radiance level 5, the Eternal will learn a special new support skill.

How to access the Radiance of the Eternal screen

Radiance Materials

Required materials are based on the Eternal's element and weapon type.

Radiance Lvl 5

Eternals That Can Unlock Radiance

More Eternals will gain access to Radiance of the Eternal in future updates.