News:GameNews 2023-09-12

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The original update notes in English are located at

Class Balance Changes


  •  Blade Swap IIGain Blade Swap (1 time)Next charge attack switches to the auxiliary weapon's charge attack (1 time / Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
    , 20% C.A. DMG Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG is boosted (1 time)
    Strength: 20%Duration: Indefinite
    , and 10% C.A. DMG Cap Up (1 time)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (1 time)
    Strength: 10%Duration: Indefinite
    (Can only be used when an auxiliary weaponA class specialty weapon of the same element as the main weapon, equipped in the top-left slot of the sub weapon section is equipped.)
    At level 30:
    Also gain Charge Bar +30%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 30%
    Strength: 30%
    • Blade SwapNext charge attack switches to the auxiliary weapon's charge attack (Can't be removed)
      Duration: 1 turn
      changed to Blade Swap (1 time)Next charge attack switches to the auxiliary weapon's charge attack (1 time / Can't be removed)
      Duration: Indefinite
      • Blade Swap duration: 1 turn > Indefinite

Character Balance Changes

Diantha (Summer)

  •  Idol on the BeachRestore 10% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2500).
    All allies gain 10% Bonus Water DMGDeals bonus water DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 10%Duration: 5.5 turnsApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 5 turns remaining.
    and Tlepilli GlowATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed)
    Strength: 30% ATK Up / 50% DA Up / 25% TA UpMultiplier: NormalDuration: 5.5 turnsStacking: Special BuffApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 5 turns remaining.
    Diantha gains Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period
    Duration: Indefinite
    • ADDED Diantha gains Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period
      Duration: Indefinite
    • Tlepilli GlowATK and multiattack rate are boosted (Can't be removed)
      Strength: 30% ATK UpMultiplier: NormalDuration: 5.5 turnsStacking: Special BuffApplied during the attack phase.
      On the next turn, it'll have 5 turns remaining.
      's boost to multiattack rate has been increased.
  •  OnstageGain HypeATK is boosted
    Duration: 3 turns
    All other allies gain 10% C.A. DMG Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)Charge attack DMG is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 100%)Duration: Indefinite
    , 5% C.A. DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 5% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite
    , and Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
    Strength: 20%
    (When caster's HypeATK is boosted
    is 4:

    Restore all allies' HP [Healing cap: 2000].)
  •  Standing OvationAll allies gain HypeATK is boosted
    Duration: 3 turns
    (When caster's HypeATK is boosted
    is 4:

    All allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 time)Buffs can't be removed or shortened (1 time)
    Duration: Indefinite
    • ADDED When caster's HypeATK is boosted
      is 4:
      All allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 time)Buffs can't be removed or shortened (1 time)
      Duration: Indefinite
    • This skill can no longer be copied.
  •  Seaside RevivalChance to dodge all foe attacks while Diantha has HypeATK is boosted
    Upon dodging: Activate  OnstageGain HypeATK is boosted
    Duration: 3 turns
    All other allies gain 10% C.A. DMG Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)Charge attack DMG is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 100%)Duration: Indefinite
    , 5% C.A. DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)Charge attack DMG cap is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 5% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite
    , and Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
    Strength: 20%
    (When caster's HypeATK is boosted
    is 4:

    Restore all allies' HP [Healing cap: 2000].)
    . Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
    Strength: 20%
  •  Summer Flower of FateWhen a Water chain burst activates:
    Extend all allies' HypeATK is boosted
    based on number of chains.
    Cut to debuff durations based on number of chains.
      • 10% boost to double attack rate and 5% boost to triple attack rate for Water allies.
      • When a Water chain burst activates: Extend all allies' HypeATK is boosted
        based on number of chains. Cut to debuff durations.

Grea (Summer)

  •  Cleaving Madness450%Massive Water damage to a foe.
    Deal 100% Bonus Water damage based on foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
    Local status effect
    lvl (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit / Max: 5 hits).
    (Activates twice when a foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
    Local status effect
    lvl is 5.)
      • 450%Massive Water damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Dracoforce Under Grea's sway / Grea's ATK specs will be boosted upon attacking this foe (Can't be removed)
        Local status effect
        .) Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
        Strength: 20%
      • 450%Massive Water damage to a foe. Deal Bonus Water damage based on foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
        Local status effect
        lvl (Max: 5 hits). (Activates twice when a foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
        Local status effect
        lvl is 5).
  •  Mana Agni500% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
    Raise foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
    Strength: 3% (Max: 15%)Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
    lvl by 1 (Max: 5).
    Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
    Strength: 20%
      • 350%-450% Water damage to a foe. Inflict Dracoforce Under Grea's sway / Grea's ATK specs will be boosted upon attacking this foe (Can't be removed)
        Base Accuracy: Guaranteed to land if the foe does not have 100% debuff resistance (10,000% base accuracy)Duration: 4 turnsLocal status effect
      • Water damage to a foe. Raise foe's Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
        Duration: IndefiniteLocal status effect
        lvl by 1 (Max: 5). Gain Charge Bar +20%Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 20%
        Strength: 20%
      • The skill's damage specs have been increased.
  •  DragonheartGain DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
    Duration: 2 turns
    (Grants the same effect to an ally with LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
      • Gain DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
        Strength: Guaranteed TA / 60% / 20% Critical Up60% chance of dealing 20% more damage.Duration: 2 turns
        . (Consumes 30% of charge bar. Grants the same effect to an ally with LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
      • DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
        Duration: 2 turns
        : Triple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG
      • Gain DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
        Duration: 2 turns
        . (Grants the same effect to an ally with LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
      • DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
        Duration: 2 turns
        : Triple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
      • DracostrikeTriple attack rate is boosted / Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG / Supplemental DMG to critical hits
        Duration: 2 turns
        's boost to critical hit rate has been increased.
      • Charge bar is no longer consumed when using the skill.
      • Skill cooldown: 8 > 6 turns
  •  Flame ArtsAgainst foes with Draco ExustaATK and DEF are lowered based on lvl (Max: 5 / Can't be removed)
    Local status effect

    50% boost to ATKMultiplier: Perpetuity, 50% boost to C.A. damage, 20% boost to C.A. damage cap, and 20% Bonus Water DMG effect.
  •  Crescendo WavesWhile LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
    is in effect:

    50% boost to C.A. damage, 30% boost to C.A. damage cap, RefreshRecover HP each turn (Healing cap: 500). effect, and 15% Uplift effect.
    Activate Mana Agni upon the other ally with LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
    's triple attacks.
    • ADDED Activate Mana Agni upon the other ally with LinkageGains Grea's skill and support skill effects (Can't be removed)
      's triple attacks.
      • The healing cap for the Refresh effect has been increased.

Siegfried (Yukata)

  •  Schwarze Faenge450%Massive Wind damage to a foe.
    Activate  Delivrance500% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
    Inflict 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
    Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    (When below 25% HP: Activates twice.)
      • Massive Wind damage to a foe. Gain Black Dragon ClawConsumed upon using Siegfried's skills / Recovers upon using charge attack (Can't be removed)
        Duration: Indefinite
      • Massive Wind damage to a foe. Activate Delivrance.
  •  Delivrance500% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
    Inflict 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
    Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    (When below 25% HP: Activates twice.)
      • 400%-500% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~560,000). Inflict 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
        Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 seconds
        . (When Black Dragon ClawConsumed upon using Siegfried's skills / Recovers upon using charge attack (Can't be removed)
        is consumed:
        Activates twice. Boost 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
        Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
        's base accuracy to 100%.)
      • Wind damage to a foe. Inflict 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
        Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds
        and DEF Down (Stackable)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
        Duration: 180 seconds
        . (When below 25% HP: Activates twice.)
      • The accuracy rate of 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
        Strength: 25%Duration: 180 seconds
        has been increased.
      • The skill's DMG specs have been increased.
  •  Messager1000% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
    Gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
    Strength: 90%-30%Duration: 8 turns
    and Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG
    Strength: 200%Duration: 3 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
    (When below 25% HP: Also gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
    Duration: 1 turn
      • 1000% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000). Gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
        Strength: 90%-30%Duration: 8 turns
        . (Consumes 30% of max HP.)
      • 1000% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000). Gain JammedATK is greatly boosted based on how low HP is
        Strength: 90%-30%Duration: 8 turns
        and Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG
        Strength: 200%Duration: 3 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
        . (When below 25% HP: Also gain Double StrikeAttacks twice each turn
        Duration: 1 turn
  •  L'Ombre d'HierSacrifice 80% of caster's current HP to gain Black Dragon ScaleDEF is boosted / More likely to be attacked / Normal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP / Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted / Cap earth DMG taken at 5,000 per hit (Can't be removed)
    Duration: 5 turns
      • Gain 50% DEF UpDEF is boosted
        Strength: 50%Duration: 3 turnsStacking: Dual
        , Hostility UpMore likely to be attacked
        Duration: 3 turns
        , and Tank-and-Counter (3 times)Counters upon taking DMG
        Strength: 200%Duration: 3 turnsCounter attacks grant 5% charge bar per hit.
        . (When Black Dragon ClawConsumed upon using Siegfried's skills / Recovers upon using charge attack (Can't be removed)
        is consumed:
        Also gain 30% DMG Cap UpMaximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted
        Strength: 30%Duration: 3 turns
      • Sacrifice caster's HP to gain Black Dragon ScaleDEF is boosted / More likely to be attacked / Normal attack and C.A. DMG dealt is partially absorbed to HP / Maximum amount of DMG that can be dealt per hit is boosted / Cap earth DMG taken at 5,000 per hit (Can't be removed)
        Duration: 1 turn
  •  Fate UnregrettedStarts battle with Undying (1 time)Can withstand lethal DMG (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
    Duration: Indefinite
    When below 25% HP before attacking:
    Debuff immunity and buffs can't be removed.
    When below 25% HP at end of turn:
    Activate  Delivrance500% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
    Inflict 25% Wind DEF DownDEF is lowered for wind DMG
    Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    and 10% DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
    (When below 25% HP: Activates twice.)
      • Starts battle with Black Dragon ClawConsumed upon using Siegfried's skills / Recovers upon using charge attack (Can't be removed)
        Duration: Indefinite
        and Guts (1 time)Can withstand lethal DMG (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
        Duration: IndefiniteAlso called "Lethal Attack Dodged"
      • Starts battle with Undying (1 time)Can withstand lethal DMG (Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
        Duration: Indefinite
        . When below 25% HP before attacking: Debuff immunity and buffs can't be removed. Activate Delivrance at end of turn.

Yuel (Summer)

  •  Crimson Dance: Hanaarashi450%Massive Wind damage to a foe.
    Inflict FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Strength: 30% chance to miss, 1% of max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Duration: 2.5 turnsLocal status effectApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 2 turns remaining.
    All allies gain 10% Bonus Wind DMGDeals bonus wind DMG for one-foe one-ally attacks
    Strength: 10%Duration: 3.5 turnsStacking: AApplied during the attack phase.
    On the next turn, it'll have 3 turns remaining.
    (When a foe has FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect

    Deal 999,999 bonus Plain damage.
    Yuel gains Dodge All (1 time)Takes no DMG or debuffs while in effect for a set period
    Duration: Indefinite
  •  Shiranui500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
    Inflict FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Strength: 30% chance to miss, 1% of max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
    and 25% Earth ATK DownEarth ATK is lowered
    Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
      • 300%-400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000). Inflict FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
        Strength: 30% chance to miss, 1% of max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Base Accuracy: 120%Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
        and 20% Earth ATK DownEarth ATK is lowered
        Strength: 20%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
        . (Consumes 10% of charge bar.)
      • 500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000). Inflict FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
        Strength: 30% chance to miss, 1% of max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
        and 25% Earth ATK DownEarth ATK is lowered
        Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 100%Duration: 180 seconds
      • FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
        Strength: 30% chance to miss, 1% of max HP (Damage cap: 50,000)Base Accuracy: 200%Duration: 3 turnsLocal status effect
        base accuracy increased to 200% (from 120%).
  •  Hien: Homuragaeshi4-hit, 100% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~150,000 per hit).
    Inflict 10% Wind DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered for wind DMG (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Duration: 180 seconds
    Gain 20% DA Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)Double attack rate is boosted (Stackable)
    Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: Indefinite
    and 10% TA Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)Triple attack rate is boosted (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite
    (Activates twice against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect
  •  Balmy BreezeRestore 150 + 20% of all allies' HP (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff.
    (When a foe has FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect
    Auto-activates upon charge attacks.)
    • ADDED When a foe has FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
      Local status effect
      Auto-activates upon charge attacks.
  •  ZuigetsuSupplement all allies' damage against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect
    30% boost to Yuel's dodge rate against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect
    Activate  Hien: Homuragaeshi4-hit, 100% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~150,000 per hit).
    Inflict 10% Wind DEF Down (Stackable / Max: 40%)DEF is lowered for wind DMG (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 40%)Duration: 180 seconds
    Gain 20% DA Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)Double attack rate is boosted (Stackable)
    Strength: 20% (Max: 100%)Duration: Indefinite
    and 10% TA Up (Stackable / Max: 50%)Triple attack rate is boosted (Stackable)
    Strength: 10% (Max: 50%)Duration: Indefinite
    (Activates twice against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
    Local status effect
    at end of turn when Yuel didn't take damage.
    • ADDED 40% boost to Yuel's dodge rate against foes with FoxflameSlight chance for attacks to miss / HP is lowered on every turn
      Local status effect
      . Activate Hien: Homuragaeshi at end of turn when Yuel didn't take damage.
  •  Fanning the FoxflamesAt end of turn in which Yuel's HP hits 50% or below:
    Fully restore Yuel's HP and remove all debuffs.
    Ends cooldown for all of Yuel's skills.
    Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
    Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
    No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
    (Consumes Fanning the FoxflamesAt end of turn in which HP hits 50% or below: Fully restores HP / Removes all debuffs / Ends cooldown for all skills / 100% boost to charge bar (Can't be removed)
      • At end of turn in which Yuel's HP hits 50% or below: Ends cooldown for all of Yuel's skills. Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
        Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
        No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
        . (Can't be reactivated.)
      • At end of turn in which Yuel's HP hits 50% or below: Fully restore Yuel's HP and remove all debuffs. Ends cooldown for all of Yuel's skills. Gain Instant ChargeInstantly sets Charge Bar to 100%
        Unaffected by Charge Bar Gain status effects.
        No effect when afflicted with Shorted debuffs or when Charge Bar is above 100%.
        . (Can't be reactivated.)