Helmholtz (Earth)

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Class Champion Weapons
Can be uncapped to 4★Can be uncapped to 5★
ID 1040811100
JP Name ヘルムホルツ
Release Date 2019-11-22
4★ Date 2019-11-22
5★ Date 2019-11-22
Other Sites gbf-wiki
(Japanese wiki)
GameWithKamigameHuiji Wiki
(Chinese wiki)
A tool which came directly from the underworld. When the infernal executioner plucks the two-headed dragon's whiskers, the creature's roar explodes from this box in twisted fury, heralding all sinners' impending judgment. Even quivering in fear, the gathered sinners toss their heads to the music, presenting their necks in ecstatic submission to their fate. Beg, sinners, for judgment, pain, and the sweet release of death.
Charge Attack
Pentatonic Dyad Massive Earth damage to a foe.
Gain AmpedHype lvl increases each turn / Ends upon taking DMG (Max hype lvl 4)
Weapon Skills
Shredder's Nature When main weapon: 1 FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
to all allies at battle start.
Shredder's Essence This is the essence of greatness. Gain its power by using emblems.
  Alternate skill 1: Use Emblem of Humanity to pick this skill:
Shredder's Humanity When main weapon: Boost to all allies' critical hit rate and DMG cap based on their number of FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
  Alternate skill 2: Use Emblem of Divinity to pick this skill:
Shredder's Divinity When main weapon (MC only): 50% boost to charge bar gain when all allies take DMG while MoshAt end of turn: Foes' charge diamonds fill by 1 if a charge attack has been used / 40% boost to all allies' charge bars if a special attack has been used
Field effect
Local status effect
is in effect.
  Alternate skill 3: Use Emblem of Devilry to pick this skill:
Shredder's Devilry When main weapon (MC only): 50% Bonus Earth DMG effect while Jet to JetDeals multiattacks / Absorbs all allies' charge bars and boosts caster's charge bar at end of turn (Can't be removed)
is in effect.
Base Reduction Materials
Note: This is the amount you get for a 5★ uncapped weapon.
Weapon VersionsThis weapon has alternate versions.

5★ Class Champion Weapons

Gameplay Notes

Shredder's Humanity

  • Boosts allies' critical hit rate and DMG cap based on their number of FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
Lvl Status Critical Up DMG Cap Up
1 FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
~20% / 50%~20% chance of dealing 50% more damage. 5%
2 FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
~30% / 50%~30% chance of dealing 50% more damage. 8%
3 FeedbackMultiattack rate is boosted based on number of Feedback / Can withstand lethal DMG by consuming 3 Feedback when HP is 25% or above (Max: 3 / Leaves 1 HP / Can't be removed)
~40% / 50%~40% chance of dealing 50% more damage. 10%

