Valentine's Day/Receive/SSR Characters

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SSR Characters

Name Link Present Text
Aliza Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's!
Right, here we go... This chocolate is for you, Captain.
Huh? You... weren't expecting this? I can make chocolate just fine, you know!
You thought I was just some kung-fu klutz? Well boo to that!

Amira* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Here, take this. A woman from the chapel gave it to me. She told me not to eat it myself, but to give it to someone special instead. So take it. Make sure to leave some for Mother though. Stare... It looks so good... I'll have some too!

Andira* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Hehehe. Look! i made chocolates for you! i made them with my grandpa, so they aren't as fancy as some other ones... But they're filled with happiness and cheer! So... be sure and enjoy them, okay?

Anila* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Oh boy... I made a few too many sweets. I'm not sure if it suits your tastes, but you'll have a bite, won't you? Heheheh! It's a Valentine's Day surprise! Look! They're chocolate ram treats! It's the perfect combination of sweet chocolate and cute rams! Now hurry up and take a bite! Open wide and say ahhh...

Anthuria Link #1 #1

H-Happy Valentine's. I made some chocolate for you... You'll accept them, won't you? T-thanks. I'm going to feed them to you, so say aaah. Urgh... I knew it... This is super embarrassing!

Arriet* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Oh, (Captain), I made some chocolates for you. Would you like to have them? I put a serenade into the chocolates. How? Hehe, well... I'll let you find that out yourself.

Arulumaya (Holiday) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). These chocolates are for you. They're not handmade or anything, but I hope you like them.
I've heard that chocolates are a love drug. Supposedly one bite is all it takes to fall in love.
Hm? What about my chocolates?
Heheh... I wonder. Would it be inconvenient for you if they were? Or perhaps...

Arulumaya* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). These chocolates are for you. They're not handmade or anything, but I hope you like them.
I've heard that chocolates are a love drug. Supposedly one bite is all it takes to fall in love.
Hm? What about my chocolates?
Heheh... I wonder. Would it be inconvenient for you if they were? Or perhaps...

Beatrix (Themed) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

H-here. Take this.
Don't get any weird ideas now. I just wanted to give you some chocolates, that's all.
L-like I said, it doesn't mean anything! Don't get the wrong idea! R-really!
Um... But if you do like them... just ask and I'll make more for you anytime...

Beatrix* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

H-here. Take this.
Don't get any weird ideas now. I just wanted to give you some chocolates, that's all.
L-like I said, it doesn't mean anything! Don't get the wrong idea! R-really!
Um... But if you do like them... just ask and I'll make more for you anytime...

The chocolate's ready, (Captain). I made it especially for you.
I really went out of my way to make sure I got the taste just the way you like.
Huh? No, I'm not giving these to you out of obligation! How could you say that after all the hours I put in?
Argh, I can't believe this! Just eat it, already! Eat! Eat!

Black Knight (Grand Series) Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Here. Take this. As a token of my thanks... and just that.
Did you hear me? I said that's all it is. What are you grinning about?
Good grief. If you don't wipe that grin off your face I'll take back the gift!

Cagliostro (Halloween)* Link #1 Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day!
I made some sweet, tasty chocolate just for you, (Captain)!
I hope you like it...

Cagliostro* Link #1 Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day!
I made some sweet, tasty chocolate just for you, (Captain)!
I hope you like it...

(Captain), (Captain)! I whipped up some chocolate just for you!
Today's Valentine's, right? I know it doesn't look all that great, but...
No, wait...
This is preposterous!
How could I—the genius, the goddess of alchemy—possibly fail such a simple culinary task.
Allow me to try again. Ahem, tell me, (Captain), how would you like to be handed your chocolate?

Carmelina * Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake I always get the best crowd reactions on Valentine's Day! Especially from couples!

By the way, I've got something for you! It's chocolate! Thanks for always being there for me!

Catherine Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's.
Look. I made this. They're special chocolates; handmade just for you.
So then... Do you want them?
Hehe. Well then, I suppose you can have them. But I'm sure they're going to make someone jealous. Hehe...

Cerberus Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Cerberus:Happy Valentines Day!
Mimi: You! This is yours! Because it's Valentines's Day, woof!
Coco: We wanna say thanks! It was ruff, but we made it ourselves!
Cerberus: Doesn't it look delicious? But how we made it is a secret! Now say ah!
Mimi: Woof, (Captain) really ate it! And stop with the pampering! Makes me wanna arf!
Coco: Bow wow, that was easy! The contract is complete! (Captain)'s return gift must be three million times better!
Cerberus: Teeheehee... I can't wait!

Charlotta (Halloween)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

I wish you a most happy Valentine's Day! I-I actually tried making chocolates of my own, so ah... I would very much appreciate it if you would... er... s-share them with me, (Captain). Would that be acceptable?

Charlotta* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

I wish you a most happy Valentine's Day!
I-I actually tried making chocolates of my own, so ah...
I would very much appreciate it if you would... er... s-share them with me, (Captain). Would that be acceptable?


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
Heheh... I put a lot of effort into these chocolates!
This should give you an idea of exactly how much I've grown in the past year!
By the way, (Captain)... While it makes me plenty happy to see you enjoying the chocolates...
Why do you look at me with those doting eyes? It's like you think I'm a child in need of protection...
I am a very mature adult, so cease this childlike treatment of my person at once!

Christina Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's!
This is for you. It's Valentine's Day after all.
Don't look so scared, sweetie. Are you asking for the whip? Or asking me out?

Clarisse Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Hey, (Captain). Um... These totally not-super-special chocolates are for you... Like, they're no big deal or anything...
Just... just don't eat them in front of the others, okay? I don't want them to find out I gave them the boring chocolate...


Hey. So you remember last year when I gave you those chocolates?
Did you like them?
You did? Phew... What a relief...
You're in luck because I made you some more!
They're even better than last year's batch! I won't mind if you shove 'em all in your face!

Clarisse (Holiday)* White Chocolate Cake
Danua (Summer)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Today's Valentine's Day, and Danua has something she wants to give you, (Captain)!
She gave it her all to make 'em! I helped out too! Go ahead. Eat up!

De La Fille (Summer)* Link #1 Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

So you know how today is Valentine's? I thought I'd try making some chocolate.
But hey, don't get the wrong idea now! I'm only doing my duty as royalty by partaking in the affairs of the common people!
Ugh, as if any of that matters! Here, take my chocolate already!
W-well? How do they taste?
I made them myself, so they might no look as nice as the ones you find in fancy gourmet shops...
You like it? Really? Teehee, you're making me blush...

De La Fille* Link #1Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

So you know how today is Valentine's? I thought I'd try making some chocolate.
But hey, don't get the wrong idea now! I'm only doing my duty as royalty by partaking in the affairs of the common people!
Ugh, as if any of that matters! Here, take my chocolate already!
W-well? How do they taste?
I made them myself, so they might not look as nice as the ones in fancy gourmet shops...
You like it? Really? Teehee, you're making me blush...

(Captain)? All that chocolate in your hands can only mean one thing...
That you have quite the sweet tooth. You're in luck, (Captain). This is for you.
What is it, you ask? Why, it's chocolate of course! I can see the craving in your eyes!
What? You're actually not craving chocolate? Oh, yes you are! It's written all over your face!
Come on, be honest with yourself! Tell me you want this chocolate!
See, that wasn't so bad, was it? It pays to be true to your feelings sometimes.

Feena* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Blecch... Sorry, (Captain). I know it;s hard to imagine, but even Feena the Great screws up sometimes...
I got the salt and sugar shakers mixed up and... Well, let's just say even a goblin wouldn't eat this mess.
Y-you're still gonna eat it? I have no idea what's gonna happen to you, yao know... Well, your choice. And thanks.

(Captain)! Guess what this is!
Woo-hoo! All finished! Feena's all-natural chocolate!
Heheh! Anything's a piece o' cake when Feena the Great's on the case!
How's it taste? Delicious? Scrumptious?
Of course it is! Hope you're ready for more next year!

Ferry* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Hi, (Captain). I tried making chocolates today since it's Valentine's Day. I think I'm pretty good at cooking, but this is my first time making chocolate. It makes sense though, right? My pets can't have chocolate, and for a long time I never had anyone else to give it to. It's my first try, but I did put a lot of heart into it so... I hope you really enjoy them.

Forte Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Humph. The world certainly is abuzz today. What a foolish celebration. But when I see you, I can't help but feel a little excited myself. You're a strange one, (Captain). This isn't like me at all... But I had to do something for you. Take this. It's a gift from the heart.

Hallessena Link#1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Choc-o-late! That's what I made! Heeheee! Lyria told me to make some yesterday, so I made 'em. They're crazy beautiful! Look, look! I call 'em Love Suicide Sweets. They're cool to the max! And don't forget crazy! Now open wide! Whaddya think? Aren't they delicious? Crazy delicious to the max! Heeheehee!
Heles (Summer) Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day! This candy is a token of my gratitude to you. Hehe. I often used to make treats like this for teatime with Naoise and my brother. I'm reasonably confident in my confections, but everyone has different taste. I hope that this candy matches yours.

Heles* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day! This candy is a token of my gratitude to you. Hehe. I often used to make treats like this for teatime with Naoise and my brother. I'm reasonably confident in my confections, but everyone has different taste. I hope that this candy matches yours.

Io (Grand Series)* Io's Chocolate #1

Cho-chocolates? Why would you expect something like that? Don't be silly! I do have some, though. But I'm only giving them to you because I have to!

Io (Summer)* Link #1 Link #2 Io's Chocolate #1

Cho-chocolates? Why would you expect something like that? Don't be silly! I do have some, though. But I'm only giving them to you because I have to!

Izmir Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

(Captain), do you like chocolate? Oh, good. Well then, here. Enjoy. No, I want you to eat it here. I want to watch you savor it. Is that okay? Hehe. Oh, that makes me so happy. You always heed my requests, (Captain). I like that. Open wide! Hehe. Was it good? Oh dear. Was I watching you too much? I'm afraid I can't help myself. I gave some chocolate to Vyrn earlier. It's funny, you know. You both said the same thing. You two really are close.

Jeanne d'Arc (Dark) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

I made this candy especially for you. it that surprising? Ahaha, you're blushing. You can be so cute sometimes, you know...

Jeanne d'Arc (Light)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day. This chocolate is my appreciation for all your hard work. Oh, and this one? It's for Vyrn. Can you give it to him?

I hope you enjoy these sweets I made for you, (Captain). I wanted to thank you for all your effort.
You're okay with sweets, right? Good.
That's right, I made these myself. Surprised? Fighting isn't my only area of expertise, you know.
I'm often called upon to take up arms in order to protect the people.
But for once it was fun to hold a spatula instead of a sword. It's been a while, haha...

Juliet Link #1 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Um, (Captain)? Can I speak with you for a moment?
I made this chocolate for you! I don't know if it's to your liking, but...
Oh, you do like it? That makes me so happy!
Actually I sprinkled in some of the guardian spirit's power!
Heeheehee. May you be protected by the spirits, (Captain).

Katalina (Grand Series)* Link #1 Link #2 Katalina's Chocolate #1

Happy Valentine's!
These chocolates are from me. They're a token of my appreciation! Here!
What's the matter? You're trembling! Do you like my homemade chocolates that much?

(Captain)! Happy Valentine's! Here are the chocolates you've been waiting for.
They're a sign of gratitude for everything you've done for us. Won't you accept them?
Hmm? What's the matter? No need to be shy...
Or maybe you'd prefer that I feed them to you.
Gulp. If it's a request from the captain, then I guess I have no choice...
Okay, open wide!

Korwa Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

All the girls in the crew look like they're getting ready to run away. Even the smooth talkers are going to have trouble today. Hm? you look like you want something. Bwahaha! Don't worry, I have some chocolate just for you. How do you expect me to resist? Those chocolate are all for you, so enjoy them!

Lady Grey* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day. This is the first time I've ever given anyone other than my husband and son such a present.
And it's been so long since I've made chocolate, so I can't guarantee the taste either...
Huh? You like it? Whew, that's a relief.

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). Here, why don't you have some chocolate?
Oh, really? It makes me so happy to see you savoring their taste!
So you're wondering how I instill in them that special flavor you won't find anywhere else?
Hehehe, mum's the word on that one.
Then again, I suppose I could make an exception for you, (Captain).
The secret... is experience.
Hehehe.... What a deliciously juicy secret, wouldn't you say?

Lecia (Grand Series) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

So I made some chocolates, but Monika ate about half of them already. But she said they were really good, so... So... if you could tell me what you think of them, I'd really appreciate it!

Lennah Link #1 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Oh, there you are, (Captain)!
I have a Valentine's present for you too...
Hee hee... I hope you like it.
Just getting to see your smiling face is enough to fill me with joy, (Captain).

Lilele* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh, I know that face!
You've been hoping for a little something from me, haven't you!
Well, you're going to get it! Take it as thanks for all the kindness you've shown me!
But before that! I have dedicated a song to you...
Operation: Love Chocolate

Happy, happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
It's that time of the year again when love is in the air.
But in the midst of that sweet fragrance in the air, don't forget that there's always a touch of bitter in the mix.
So before we get to the chocolate, get ready for Lilele on the stage! Sweet Valentine's live!
I'll never stop singing and never stop bringing smiles to those who listen!
I call this one Chocolate Love Bomb.

Lily Link #1 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Um, hey, look! I made some chocolate! This one's for you! This is my first time making anything like this, so they might taste a bit funny... But, (Captain), I hope this makes you and Lyria really, really happy! You like it? Yay, yay, yay! I'll make you an even bigger box of chocolate next year!

Magisa* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Valentine's is such a bother. Every year, I'm pestered by girls who want me to say a few magic words and bring love into their lives.
Huh? Does it work? Heheh... Are you asking for a test run, (Captain)?

Making this chocolate was quite the toil and trouble. Won't you have a bite?
Hehe... Don't worry. Even though I know all about love magic and aphrodisiacs...
Pure, innocent me would never use them on you. But in my imagination, anything goes...

Mahira Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Hey, (Captain). I made some chocolate shortbread. Here, have some.
I really poured my heart into these, you know. I built a brick oven, put in the charcoal, and even set up an automated cooking device...
Hmm? That's right. I made a baking machine. I'm just the teensiest bit proud of it.
And the shortbread came out all right, I guess. Here, take some.

Melissabelle Link #1 Fluffy Pancakes #1

Happy Valentine's, (user)
I ground up some cornmeal and made you pancakes. They should go great with chocolate sauce
Corn is a fantastic source of energy, so eat up and grow strong!
O-of course I didn't put any of my hair there! Don't even joke about that.
Geez. Keep this up and I'm calling off Valentine's pancakes entirely.

Melleau* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day!
Do you want some chocolate? It's homemade by Sachy!

You smell sweet...
Is that chocolate in your hand?
I see... Actually I've got some chocolate too.
Sachy made it. So I thought I'd give it to you.
How about... we sit here and eat this chocolate and that chocolate together?
Hm? It's all right with you?
Heh-heh, aren't you a sweetie...

Metera (Fire)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's! I bet you're expecting some chocolate, huh? A piece of cake for a culinary genius! Now then. Say aaah!

Metera (Wind)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's! I bet you're expecting some chocolate, huh?
A piece of cake for a culinary genius! Now then. Say aaah!

Hm? What's up, (Captain)? Why the puppy dog eyes so full of expectation?
Pft... Hahaha! Quit sulking! I get it, I get it.
Here. Metera's special chocolates. They're all yours, okay?
Cooking them up was a piece of cake for a genius like me!
And of course... I made them just the way you like them.
Right, right. You want me to feed them to you. Hee hee... Today's special, after all.
Go ahead and open that adorable mouth of yours. Now... say aaah.

Narmaya (Summer) Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

(Captain), (Captain)! Happy Valentine's!
These are chocolates I made just for you!
I hope you like them... Say, (Captain), are you okay eating them by yourself?
How about you sit next to me and I feed them to you?
There you go. Now then, say aah!
Well? How's it taste?
Hee hee... I'll make another batch for you next year.
Until then, my dearest (Captain).

Narmaya* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

(Captain), (Captain)! Happy Valentine's!
These are chocolates I made just for you!
I hope you like them... Say, (Captain), are you okay eating them by yourself?
How about you sit next to me and I feed them to you?
There you go. Now then, say aah!
Well? How's it taste?
Hee hee... I'll make another batch for you next year.
Until then, my dearest (Captain).

(Captain), I made chocolates!
Open wide, now! Say aahh! Do you like them? I'm so glad!
But we could be doing more to enjoy them, don't you think?
Wanna try feeding them to me instead, as a change of pace? I mean, if you don't mind...
Just let me know how you want to eat them, (Captain).

Nemone Link #1 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day! Chocolate... I want some... It's so tasty... Oh, would you look at that! I've got some freshly made chocolate right here! Heeheehee! Let's eat some, (Captain)! I appreciate everything you do for us!


Link #1 Link #2

White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's.
I bought some chocolates for today. Here you go! I trust you heard my wistful, wanting melody earlier?
Oh, don't blush...
These are for you, (Captain).
They're chocolates. The first ones I've ever made.
How does this make you feel? Happy?
You don't need to say anything. I know. I can hear the melody that flows between us.
But I'd like to hear you express it in words.
Are you... blushing?

Petra* Link #1 Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Umm, (Captain)? I made some chocolate and was wondering if you'd like some.
I tried my best making them, so I hope you like the taste.

Razia Link #1 Mixed Chocolate Cake Can you spare a moment for me, (Captain)? Thing is, I made some chocolate. Would you like some? Since it's Valentine's Day, I wanted to give chocolate to the people who have looked out for me. And you fit the bill perfectly. This is my first time making chocolate though. It wasn't easy. I can't tell you how many times I messed up. Don't worry. Vyrn and my subordinates made sure the failures didn't go to waste. They assured me they tasted fine, so you can eat with confidence.
Rosamia Link #1 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Lyria told me it's a Valentine's tradition to eat chocolate, so here I am making some.
Would you like some? Or would you rather have Katalina's chocolate instead?
You know, I used to make Valentine's chocolate for my family as a child...

Rosetta (Grand Series) Link #1 Rosetta's Chocolate Happy Valentine's Day.

What, are you expecting chocolate from me? Hehe. Whatever will I do now? Maybe instead of chocolate, I could give you something even better.

Rosetta (Holiday) Rosetta's Chocolate
Sara* Link #1 Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's! Hum... how do you feel about chocolates?
If it's okay with you, would you like to eat some with me?

Umm, Captain? I... Uhm...
This is for you!
I made these Valentine chocolates with Volenna...
Volenna is really good at making them. They're delicious!
Um, sorry if you're busy...
You love chocolate? Thank goodness!
I poured my heart into making these. I hope you like them, Captain!

Silva* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day! Good work as always. I'd like you to have this since you're always watching my back.
I want you to raise your stamina by enjoying these sweets. Sometimes it's absolutely necessary to take a step back and rest.

Is now a good time, (Captain)? Great, thank you.
I know it's not much, but I'd like you to have this.
It's for your hard work. Well, it's actually deeper than that. More like feelings of gratitude. You're always watching my back, after all.
By the way, do you prefer someone who's a little... flashier? Not really? I see. That's a relief.
I don't know why I'm so nervous all of a sudden. Huh? What do you mean my face is all red?
Look, it's not nice to tease me like that. I just got a little emotional, that's all.

Societte (Fire) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Um.. Happy Valentine's.
So, ah, this is for you... Huh? You want to know why? Oogh... Yer such a tease (Captain).

Societte (Water)* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Um.. Happy Valentine's.
So, ah, this is for you... Huh? You want to know why? Oogh... Yer such a tease (Captain).

H-here. Just like last year.
I made these for you, (Captain).
D-don't ask me why.
You're making me blush... I can't take this...
Ngh... E-eat them slowly, okay? Savor them...

Sophia* Link #1Link #2 Mixed Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day.
Do you... like sweets?
I made some chocolates, but I'm not sure if you'd like them...

Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)!
Well... Let's see... I made some chocolate to give you, but do you like chocolate?
You do? I'm glad... So please take this gift!
I was worried at first, since some people don't really care for sweet treats. But I'm relieved that you're happy to take it!
I hope you enjoy it!

Threo* Link #1 Link #2 There're all sorts of chocolate made at this time of year! And they all look so tasty!

I um, tried making some too... Wanna eat some with me?

Tien* Link #1 Link #2 Rich Hot Chocolate #1

Hm... Chocolates really do require a delicate touch.
I made you this simple cup of hot chocolate, and I hope you'll drink it.
I put my heart and soul into this. Thanks for everything.

To eat is to live.
That's a powerful rule of the world to me.
Hmm... To be hungry is a source of profound sadness.
So being able to give you chocolates like this makes me profoundly happy.
And I'd be even happier if you accepted them with all your heart.
If you're happy... I don't need anything else. You think I'm exaggerating? I wonder...
It's fine if you think that. Just so long as you remember how happy I am right now, (Captain).

Tweyen* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Today's Valentine's, right? Heheh, guess I'll have to work extra hard on these chocolates I'm making!
The whole crew's getting some, so it's not going to be easy!
Oh. Hey, (Captain). Got a second?
So um. I made you something. Things. Chocolates.
I want to give them out to the crew, but... Can you look at this first?
Heheh... These are my decorations. Flowers and such. But I worry about them being too intricate. Too cute, maybe?
I worry they don't fit me as an Eternal. What if people laugh? I'm probably just being weird, aren't I?
Really? Don't worry about giving them out? Wonderful... Let me know how they taste, okay?

Vania* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Heeheehee! Do you know what this is? Open it and see!
Huh? What do you mean why? Don't you know what day it is?
Oh, fine! i guess I'll just spell it out for you!
Today's the day to give chocolates! But not just to anybody--to special people we care about!
I made it just for you, so you'd better eat it all, okay?
I like making chocolate, But you know what? I like to eat it too!
So give me some chocolate too, Bloodkin! Chocolate!
Aww... Now I'm hungry! I wanna chomp on you!

Look what I made, Bloodkin! Chocolate!
Come closer! Stand right next to me! Closer, closer!
It's not like I'm planning to lure you in and bite you—
Oops! It slipped out...
Aww! You tricked me, Bloodkin! I'm going to snack on your neck as punishment!

Vira (Summer)* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Ah... The burning passion I feel can hardly be contained in something so brittle and small as this chocolate.
For Katalina, only the ultimate chocolate can suffice...
Hello, (Captain). I have a very important request to ask of you. As I'm sure you realize, today is Valentine's Day. I wanted to spend the day making chocolates with Katalina... But I need someone to taste test the chocolates... I'll compensate you with the chocolates we make. Hee hee... No reason to decline, is there?

Vira* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Ah... The burning passion I feel can hardly be contained in something so brittle and small as this chocolate.
For Katalina, only the ultimate chocolate can suffice...
Hello, (Captain). I have a very important request to ask of you. As I'm sure you realize, today is Valentine's Day. I wanted to spend the day making chocolates with Katalina... But I need someone to taste test the chocolates... I'll compensate you with the chocolates we make. Hee hee... No reason to decline, is there?

Yuel* Link #1 Link #2 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy Valentine's Day!
Check it out! See these chocolates? I went out and bought 'em just for you.
Wazzat? Course they're store-bought. Making 'em's too much work.
Waddaya mean they're weird looking? All you do is complain.
Look, it was my first time making chocolate, okay? I'm not good at it!
Ack! Wait, wait, wait! I meant some rookie at the chocolate shop whipped it up!
It totally wasn't me! I bought it one hundred percent!
Here, here, open wide!.
You're really enjoying it, aren't ya...
Yoo-hoo! I have chocolate for ya this year too, (Captain)! Hrm? You want to know if they're handmade? Th-that's a secret! Sigh, maybe it was too obvious... I'll have to cover my tracks better next year. Yes, that's right. I made these just for you! Hope ya enjoy them, (Captain)!

Yuisis Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Guys always get so edgy at this time of year.
And they're always tryin' to chat me up.
Hah... Well, personally, I only give Valentine's gifts to people I respect.
I guess you probably figured that.
So, Boss, this for you.
It's chocolates, of course. I wouldn't disrespect you with anythin' cheesy.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever given a Valentine's gift to anyone other than my parents until now.

Zahlhamelina Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Could I speak with you for a moment? Well, you see... Today's Valentine's, and I...
Um... I wanted to know if you would like this...
I'm sorry it's not something cute you might find in a store. I made it myself.
I bet you get all kinds of things from the younger members of the crew.
But, well! I'm glad you're so willing to have this too, hehe.

Zeta (Summer)* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Look, I went and made some! Those Valentine's Day thingamajigs...
There's more to me than just fighting, you know!
Ah... I'm beat.
Oh, hey there, (Captain)!
Hm? What have I been up to? Well, it's Valentine's Day. I've been up early baking.
I'm telling you... it's a real pain! Doing this for another year in a row, and we've got even more crew members now!
All right! I think this'll do for the ribbon. Here, go on and have a treat!

Zeta* Link #1 Link #2 Raspberry Chocolate Cake #1

Look, I went and made some! Those Valentine's Day thingamajigs...
There's more to me than just fighting, you know!


Ah... I'm beat.
Oh, hey there, (Captain)!
Hm? What have I been up to? Well, it's Valentine's Day. I've been up early baking.
I'm telling you... it's a real pain! Doing this for another year in a row, and we've got even more crew members now!
All right! I think this'll do for the ribbon. Here, go on and have a treat!

Zooey White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy, uh... hmm. What day is it again?
Yesterday Lyria told me to make some chocolates, so I did, but...
What was the purpose of that?
Valentines Day, is it? The day you give chocolates to someone special? I guess Lyria was right, then...

Zooey (Summer) Link #1 White Chocolate Cake #1

Happy, uh... hmm. What day is it again?
Yesterday Lyria told me to make some chocolates, so I did, but...
What was the purpose of that?
Valentine's Day, is it? The day you give chocolates to someone special? I guess Lyria was right, then...