Ultima Weapons

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Ancestral | Astral | Bahamut | Class Champion | Cosmos | Dark Opus | Draconic | New World Foundation | Revenant | Rose | Seraphic | Ultima | Xeno

Ultima Weapons are fabled weapons associated with Ultimate Bahamut. These weapons boost ATK and HP for characters that match a weapon specialty, and at their highest level of crafting have three weapon skills that can be customised with Gauph Keys to the user's needs.

The first weapon stage is called Atma. The first skill offers a selection of modifiers including ATK, HP, Stamina, Enmity, Critical Hit Rate, and Attack Rate boosts.

The next crafting stage develops the weapon into a true Ultima weapon. The second skill can be one of several Damage Cap boosts, and can only be obtained with drops from the Impossible version of the Ultimate Bahamut raid. The third skill, only obtainable with drops from Rage of Super Ultimate Bahamut, offers further specialist skill choices for high-level players.

You must be at least rank 80 to craft these weapons. A free Atma Weapon can be obtained from the event What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000.

Multiple Ultima weapons cannot be equipped in the same grid. At 5★, Ultima weapons can be placed in the additional weapon slots of Party Set Extra.

List of Ultima Weapons

See: Weapon Lists/Ultima

Step 1: Obtain a Rusted Weapon

The first step to creating an Ultima weapon is obtaining a level 75 Rusted Weapon. There are three ways of getting these: commonly from the Proto Bahamut raid, uncommonly from the Angel Halo dungeon, and by trading Renown Pendants for them at the Shop. If you run Angel Halo, it's recommended to run it on Very Hard.

A rusted weapon can be uncapped by combining 4 copies, but you can also buy Steel Bricks from the Casino to fully uncap it.

Step 2: Create an Atma Weapon

What Element Should I Make the Atma Weapon In?

See also: Advanced Grids#5★ Ultima Weapons

As all skills on Atma and Ultima weapons affect allies of any element, the element choice is not especially important. Any Atma/Ultima weapon can be used in any grid, so the element only matters for main weapon or auxiliary weapon purposes. And although Ultima weapons become very powerful at 5★, their charge attacks remain old and outdated. As a result, most Ultima weapons are only used as a "last resort" main weapon when an element lacks strong farmable weapons to use with a certain class, or sometimes to free up grid space in a setup that won't charge attack.

When deciding on which Ultima Weapon type to make, it's always best to consider what would benefit the teams that you use the most. Every player has different preferred teams and playstyles.

The element chosen for the weapon doesn't matter for the most part as Ultima weapons are rarely used as mainhands, which is the only thing that would be affected by that choice. Check out the chart below in case you need some light guidance on which one to make.

Hover over special icons to show specific usage cases.

Ultima Type Commonly Used In Recommended Element

Ultima Sword

Ultima Dagger
N/A Not recommended.

Ultima Spear

Ultima Axe

Ultima Staff
Ultima Type Commonly Used In Recommended Element

Ultima Gun
Used primarily in high-end Hraesvelgr burst setups.
Can be used in Relic Buster  Blitz RaidInstantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine CellConsumed upon normal attacks and using skills (Can't be removed / Max: 5)
burst setups.

Ultima Claw
Can be used in Luchador burst

Ultima Bow
N/A Not recommended.

Ultima Harp
Can be used in Rising Force charge attack setups

Ultima Blade

Primarily used in Narmaya (Grand) burst setups.


To create an Atma weapon, you must first create a relic from a level 75 Rusted Weapon. To create a relic, go to the Shop > Weapon Series > Ultima Weapons > Atma Recollection, then look for the weapon type you wish to craft. In addition the following items are needed to create a single relic. These depend on the element you choose for your weapon:

Creating the Weapon

After creating a relic, the following materials are required to upgrade the relic into an Atma weapon. These also vary depending on the element chosen (Dark requires both Water and Earth trial fragments; Light requires both Fire and Wind):

You can currently only obtain Ultima Cores by hosting and clearing an Ultimate Bahamut raid of either difficulty for the first time, by trading in Ultima Units or Cloud Commendation at the Shop, or from the event What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000. Thus, you can only have a limited number of Atma Weapons in your inventory. However, reducing an Atma weapon allows you to regain its core.

Step 3: Create an Ultima Weapon

An Atma weapon at level 100 and weapon skill level 10 is required to create an Ultima weapon. Note that increasing an Atma weapon's skill level is equivalent to that of a Bahamut Weapon. These materials are needed to forge an Atma weapon into an Ultima weapon, some of which correspond to the weapon's type and element.

Uncapping Ultima Weapons

To unlock the third weapon skill, Ultima Weapons need to be upgraded to Level 200.

Note that Ultima Weapons uncaps cannot be skipped with Damascus Ingot or Gold Brick.

4★ Uncap Materials

5★ Uncap Materials

Trade Gauph Keys

Gauph Keys can be found and traded for with materials under Shop > Treasure Trade > Power-Ups > Skill Items > Gauph Keys.

Gauph Keys

  • Gauph Keys modify the skills of an Atma or Ultima weapon.
  • Skill levels are kept the same whenever a Gauph Key is used.
  • These skills can be changed at any time by using another Gauph Key. The previous Gauph Key's effect will be overwritten.

Standard Gauph Keys

  • Each of the following keys costs Meteorite ×5 to purchase.
  • These keys modify the first skill of an Atma or Ultima weapon.
  • By default, the first skill grants ATKEX modifier and HP to party members who have the same weapon specialty.
  • This skill only affects party members who have the same weapon specialty.
  • Using a Gauph Key will add an additional effect to the first skill. This effect can be changed at any time by using another Standard Gauph Key. The previous effect will be overwritten.
Key Skill Icon Skill Skill Lvl 10 Skill Lvl 15 Skill Lvl 20
Base Effect
(Applies to All Keys)
Big boost to allies' ATK and max HP
  • 15% ATKEX modifier
  • 10% HP
  • 20% ATKEX modifier
  • 15% HP
  • 25% ATKEX modifier
  • 20% HP

Gauph Key of Will
Massive boost to ATK
  • 10% ATKEX modifier

Gauph Key of Strife
Big boost to allies' multiattack rate
  • 20% TA
  • 20% DA
  • 22.5% TA
  • 22.5% DA
  • 25% TA
  • 25% DA

Gauph Key of Vitality
Massive boost to allies' HP
  • 10% HP

Gauph Key of Strength
Big boost to allies' ATK based on how high HP is
  • Up to ~13% ATK13% at 100% HP,
    4.6% at 60% HP,
    2.87% at 40% HP,
    2.3% at 25% HP, and
    0% when below 25% HP.[1]
    Normal Stamina modifier
    based on how high HP is
  • Up to ~17.79% ATK based on how high HP is
  • Up to ~20.40% ATK based on how high HP is

Gauph Key of Zeal
Big boost to allies' ATK based on how low HP is
  • Up to ~30% ATK3.75% at 75% HP,
    10% at 50% HP, and
    ~30% at 1% HP
    Formula is [2 * x^2 - 5 * x + 3 * Base], with Base being 10% at SL10.[2]
    Normal Enmity modifier
    based on low HP
  • Up to ~37.5% ATK based on how low HP is
  • Up to ~40.5% ATK based on how low HP is

Gauph Key of Courage
Big boost to allies' critical hit rate when superior element
  • 15% / 50% Critical Hit15% chance of dealing 50% more damage.
  • 17.5% / 50% Critical Hit17.5% chance of dealing 50% more damage.
  • 20% / 50% Critical Hit20% chance of dealing 50% more damage.

Ultima Keys

  • These keys modify the second skill (Soulless Passage) of an Ultima weapon.
  • Only Ultima weapons have this skill.
  • There is no default second skill. A Gauph Key must first be used to unlock an effect.
  • This skill affects all party members. There is no special requirement for its effect.
  • This skill can be changed at any time by using another Soulless Passage Gauph Key. The previous effect will be overwritten.
  • The effect does not stack with Dark Opus Weapon's Guiding Revelation skill if both of them affect the same cap.
Key Skill Icon Skill EffectValues given are at skill lvl 10 Trade Materials

Gauph Key α
Boost to one-foe attack DMG cap 10% Ultima Unit ×7

Legendary Merit ×2

Gauph Key β
Boost to skill DMG cap 50%

Gauph Key γ
Boost to charge attack DMG cap 15%

Gauph Key Δ
Boost to chain burst DMG cap 50%

Gate of Omnipotence

  • These keys modify the third skill (Gate of Omnipotence) of an Ultima weapon.
  • Only lvl 200 Ultima weapons have this skill.
  • There is no default third skill. A Gauph Key must first be used to unlock an effect.
  • This skill can be changed at any time by using another Gate of Omnipotence key. The previous effect will be overwritten.
Key Skill Icon Skill Effect Trade Materials

Gauph Key Ena
Boost to all allies' DMG cap 10% Ultimate Memory ×7

Legendary Merit ×15

Gauph Key Dio
Boost to all allies' healing cap 50%

Gauph Key Tria
AmplifyMultiplier: Seraphic all allies' superior elemental DMG
Note: Does not stack with Seraphic Weapons, but can be used to replace them and free up a crucial weapon slot in your grid.

Gauph Key Tessera
Boost to all allies' charge bar gain 10%

Charge Attacks

Atma Weapons

All Atma weapons have the same charge attack: All allies gain 25% elemental ATK Up for 3.5 turns.

Ultima Weapons

All Ultima weapons have the same charge attack: All allies gain 30% elemental ATK Up and 30% DA UpDouble attack rate is boosted
Strength: 30%
for 3.5 turns.

