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Players can obtain new weapons and summons in the Draw menu. There are two draw categories: Premium and Ticket/Other.


The Draw button changes during 6% SSR rate up Gala banners.

Premium draws are guaranteed to be of Rare (R), S Rare (SR) or SS Rare (SSR) rarity. The Japanese term for "Premium Draw" is "Legend Gacha" (レジェンドガチャ), and players may refer to it as such.

The standard Premium draw rates are as follows.

  • : 3%
  • : 15%
  • : 82%

The Premium tab includes the following draw types:

Current Promotions

There is always a draw promotion that increases the rates of summons, elements, or specific character weapons. All draw options in the Premium tab are affected by current draw promotions. Current draw rates can be checked by navigating to the desired Premium Draw section and tapping the Draw Rates button.

When certain rarities are guaranteed, this skews the listed draw rates. The best example of this is when checking draw rates for a 10-part draw; the list of items only includes SSRs and SRs, and SRs are listed at 97% versus SSR's 3%. This only applies for 1 draw out of the 10. The remaining 9 draws will follow the normal draw rates, i.e. 82% R, 15% SR, 3% SSR.

Ongoing promotion banners can be found on the Current Promotions section of the Main Page.

Premium Gala

During Premium Gala (known in Japanese as Legend Festival or Legfest), SSR rates are doubled to 6%, so it is generally recommended to save all tickets and Crystals for a Gala. Premium Galas generally appear towards the end of every month and last for around 4 days. Grand characters and the 12 Generals are only available during a Premium Gala.

The 12 Generals (also referred to as Zodiac characters) are obtainable for the year they are introduced. They are then removed from the Premium Gala character pool at the end of the year, and return to the pool after roughly another year. For example, Anila was introduced in 2015, was unavailable in 2016, and became obtainable again in 2017. Note that even in years they are available, not all 12 Generals will be available in each Premium Gala. If the one you want is not available in a Premium Gala banner, it may come back in another.

Grand Characters

12 Generals

2015 (Sheep)

2016 (Monkey)

2017 (Rooster)

2018 (Dog)

2019 (Boar)

2020 (Rat)

2021 (Ox)

2022 (Tiger)

2023 (Rabbit)

2024 (Dragon)

2025 (Snake)

When can I expect [Zodiac] to reappear?

Next in Rotation (Predicted)This is a guess based on previous months and the predicted character is not guaranteed to appear!: Vikala (February)

  • The Current Year's Zodiac (Indala) will be available in every month up to and including November's Premium Gala.
  • The Previous Year's Zodiac (Payila) will not be available at all until next year.
  • Older Zodiacs rotate in order of release. For example, if (2018) was this month, (2019) would be next month, and (2020) would be the month after that.
  • Since 2019, all Zodiacs except the Previous Year's Zodiac are sparkable during one of March's anniversary banners.

Flash Gala

A Flash Gala (known in Japanese as Grande Fest) has a 6% SSR draw rate like a Premium Gala, but the draw pool includes a separate selection of Grand Series characters. This event generally occurs in the middle of each month, lasting the same amount of time as most limited-time draws.

Cerulean Sparks

Example of a set of "sparkable" characters for a Christmas banner.

For every draw made in the Premium section, you will receive 1 Cerulean Spark. Until the end of the current draw promotion, you can exchange 300 Cerulean Sparks for any item in the current exchange list. In other words, for every 300 draws within a promotion period, you earn one guaranteed pull from the exchange list. In the Cerulean Sparks section of the Draw page, there is a listed start and end date for when the current promotion ends.

"Sparking" is a colloquial term for when players get 300 Cerulean Sparks and guarantee drawing a character they want.

If you do not spend your Cerulean Sparks before the end of the promotion, and have less than 300, they will automatically be converted into Cerulean Stones, which can be exchanged at the Shop for various items. If you manage to collect 300 Cerulean Sparks within a promotion, you will not lose your Cerulean Sparks when the promotion ends. Instead, you will be barred from drawing further until you spend your Cerulean Sparks on an item from the current exchange list. The exchange list will not update when the promotion ends, locking you into a decision within the current promotion.

Star Premium Draw Sets

Example of a typical Star Premium Draw Set announcement.

Occasionally, there will be limited Star Premium Draw sets in the Premium Draw tab which are paid promotions that offers a guaranteed weapon or summon from a small pool as well as a random item.

  • Must be purchased with 3000 MobaCoin, or 3000 GranBlue Coin, cannot use tickets or Crystals. (Max 1 purchase per promotion)
  • Purchasing a set will perform a 10-part draw on the current draw banner and then award the guaranteed weapon or summon for a total of 11 Cerulean Sparks.
    • The promotion specifics may change during the promotion period, which may or may not reset the purchase limit.
    • Sometimes, a different element or weapon type will have a rate up for each day of the promotion period. The purchase limit does not reset each day in these cases.

These promotions are colloquially known as "Scamcha". The name is a combination of "scam" and "gacha" due to how players often feel "scammed" when they do not get their desired SSR item especially after seemingly good odds.

Collab Draw

Example of a Collab Draw header displaying an option to swap to regular Premium Draw banners.

A limited-time Collab draw is available during certain periods. Certain items that appear in these draws will differ from those available in other draws (e.g. Collab character weapons only appear in the Collab draw).

Crystal, Premium Draw Ticket, Premium 10-Part Ticket, and MobaCoins can be used in Collab draws.

Collab draw banners run concurrently with normal Premium draw banners, including Gala banners.

Aureate Sparks

  • Aureate sparks are exclusively accumulated from Collab Draws.
  • Trade 300 aureate sparks for an item on the Available Items list.
  • Once you have accumulated 300 aureate sparks, they must be traded before you can draw or use a ticket.
  • An item obtained with aureate sparks will be at lvl 1 and skill lvl 1 with no plus mark bonuses.
  • If you have 300 aureate sparks when a draw ends, you can trade them for an item on that draw's Available Items list.
  • If you have fewer than 300 aureate sparks when a draw ends, they will be converted to cerulean stones and appear on the Crate screen.

Events with Collab Draws


Classic Draw Header

Classic I

Premium SSR characters and summons that were released between March 10, 2014 to March 9, 2016 can be obtained from the Classic I draw banner and can no longer be drawn from the Premium draw banner as of March 10, 2022.

Kaguya (Summon), Lucifer, Bahamut, Grand Order, and summons from the Optimus Series are available from both Classic I and Premium banners. Premium SR and R characters and summons released prior to March 10, 2024, can also be drawn in both banners.

Classic II

Premium SSR characters and summons that were released between March 10, 2016 to March 9, 2018 can be obtained from the Classic II draw banner and can no longer be drawn from the Premium draw banner as of March 10, 2024.

Halluel and Malluel (Summon), Thor, Bonito and summons from the Genesis Series are available from both Classic II and Premium banners. Premium SR and R characters and summons released prior to March 10, 2024, can also be drawn in both banners.

Vermilion Sparks

For every draw made in a Classic Draw or Classic Draw II, you will receive 1 Vermilion Spark for that respective draw. Until the end of the Classic draw promotion, you can exchange 300 Vermilion Sparks for any item in the corresponding Classic exchange list. If you have 300 Vermilion Sparks when the current Classic draw ends, you can trade them for an item on the Available Items list.

If you have fewer than 300 Vermilion Sparks when a Classic draw banner ends, they will be converted into Cerulean Stones, which can be exchanged at the Shop for various items. Similarly, if you have more than 300 Vermilion Sparks, those in excess will be converted to cerulean stones.

Vermilion Sparks are unique to each Classic Draw banner and are not shared between banners.


Some characters, weapons, and summons are only obtainable from Premium Draw during certain holiday or seasonal periods within a year.

Seasonal availability periods occur twice a year. The next availability period is roughly 5-7 months after the intended season, which are colloquially referred to as "off-season" banners.

Spark Milestones

Items can be obtained once a certain number of Cerulean Sparks or Vermilion Sparks are accumulated in the Premium or Classic draw.

Sparks Item
50 Intricacy Ring ×1
100 Gold Moon ×1
150 Silver Moon ×10
Earrings (Random Element) ×1
200 Spark Perk SSR Weapon Ticket ×1
250 Half Elixir ×100
Soul Berry ×100
300 Trade for a sparkable item!
  • As you accumulate sparks, the above items will be sent to your crate.
  • Cerulean Sparks accumulated from the Premium draw and Vermilion Sparks accumulated from the Classic draw will be counted separately.
  • Sparks will continue to accumulate and items will be sent to the crate even after 300 sparks have been accumulated and traded for an item on the Available Items list.
  • The above items will continue to be sent to the crate with each 50 Vermilion Sparks accumulated, even after 300 Vermilion Sparks have been accumulated from the Classic draw.
  • If the number of sparks held is reduced to zero due to the draws being updated, the sparks counter will also be reset.


Rupie Draw

Players can use the Rupie Draw once for free each day. After the free draw, you can draw an additional 100 times for 100 rupies per draw. This resets daily at 05:00 JST (12:00 PST). Most rupie draws will be low-rarity weapons, summons, and various treasure. It is possible to obtain R characters, and even SSR characters, but the probability is extremely low.

The Rupie Draw pool is not affected by current draw promotion rate ups and does not contain Limited characters.

As of May 17, 2022, it is possible to draw all 100 draws at once. Roughly half of the draw results are now basic treasures. Similar to event drawboxes, all items are now sent to the time-limited crate, the animation is skipped for a list and the draw settings now include auto-sell/reserve/upgrade options.

As of July 22, 2024, it is possible to draw both the Daily 1 Free Rupie Draw and the 100 Daily Rupie Draws at once.

Ticket Draw

Draws using tickets in this section depend on the ticket itself. Most tickets have a pre-determined, static draw pool that is unaffected by current Draw promotions. Tickets with specific dates in its description or name will only contain weapons and summons that were available in the game before the defined date. Additionally, tickets in the Ticket/Other tab do not generate Cerulean Sparks.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of tickets used in the Ticket Draw section:

SR/SSR Draw Ticket

The SR/SSR Ticket (not to be confused with the SR/SSR Weapon Ticket obtained through certain promo codes or other similarly named tickets) specifically uses the current Draw banner pool which includes Premium Gala and Flash Gala banners.[1]

SSR Draw Ticket

SSR draw tickets draw these items:

  • SSR weapons
  • SSR character weapons
  • SSR summons

These tickets can draw the SSR items that appear in the Premium draw and Classic draw, and Vintage Weapons. They can't draw limited-time items, or items added after you received the ticket. They might draw items that have appeared in previous draws.

Character Weapon Draw Tickets

Character weapon draw tickets don't include Premium draw-only character weapons that unlock yukata, Valentine, summer, Halloween, holiday, Grand, and Twelve Divine Generals series characters. Weapons that didn't appear in the draw at the time the ticket was released can't be drawn from that character weapon draw ticket.

Akhu (Abby (Promo)) and Longinus (Naoise (Promo)) originally appeared in the Mobage Invite-a-Friend promotion, but can be drawn from character weapon draw tickets.

Two types of items can be drawn with character weapon draw tickets from Sep 2014 or later (including the Beginner's and Novel tickets):

  • Characters that you don't have.
  • Uncapping items for characters that you have.

How Character Weapon Draw Tickets Work:

  • Step 1: Rarity selected
First, a rarity is selected at these probabilities:
R (82%), SR (15%), SSR (3%)
  • Step 2: Weapon selected
After a rarity is selected, a weapon of that rarity is selected. If you already have all character weapons of that rarity, there you will receive an uncapping item instead.
  • Step 3: Item received
You will then receive the character weapon or character uncapping item based on the rarity of the weapon ( Codex, Animus Codex, or Starspawn Grimoire for R, SR, or SSR respectively)

Duplicate character weapons can be drawn with tickets from Aug 2014 or earlier.

Summon Draw Tickets

Summon draw tickets can draw summons that appear in the Premium draw and Classic draw. They can't draw limited-time summons, or summons added after you get the ticket. Summon draw tickets you get from trading valor badges draw summons with plus bonuses. Each rarity of summon has a different likelihood of appearing: R (82%), SR (15%), SSR (3%).

Duplicate copies of summons may appear.

Spark Perk SSR Weapon Ticket

This ticket will draw an SSR character weapon that appeared in the Premium draw prior to December 31st, 2021. Vintage Weapons and character weapons that unlock Seasonal, Grand, Zodiac, and other special series' characters can't be drawn with this ticket.

Beginner's Draw Set / Surprise Ticket

The Beginner's Draw Set is a one-time offer that appears for new accounts for 1 week, then, if not purchased, once a month for a week at a time. Once purchased, it will not reappear again. The Surprise Ticket is essentially the same deal, except the pool of available weapons and summons is from when the Surprise Ticket promotion is made available, not when the account was created. Surprise Tickets generally appear every 2 months, and each instance of the Surprise Ticket is unique, so players have the option to purchase it every time it appears.

Refer to each promotion's specific article for more information.

Plus Mark

Weapons and summons from Draws have a chance to come with a +1 on it. See Plus Mark for more information. Occasionally, there is a promotion where every Premium draw will come with a +1.



  1. In-game help: "SR-SSR draw tickets draw either an S rare or an SSR rare item that is in the current Premium draw." http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#help_detail/11/5/143