Unite and Fight

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About Crews
Crew-related Events: Unite and Fight | Dread Barrage

Unite and Fight, also known as Guild Wars (GW) in the English-speaking community, is the only competitive event in the game. During a Unite and Fight event, crews battle against various bosses and attempt to gain more honor than their competitors.


For Everyone

For New Players

Notable Rewards

About Unite and Fight

Unite and Fight is a large-scale event where crews battle powerful bosses for honors to place high in preliminary rankings. The top 36,000 crews from preliminary rankings earn a place in the event finals.

If multiple crews have the same honors score, rankings will be determined by which crew earned said honors first.

Crews will be assigned to Tier A, Tier B, or Tier C for finals and will compete against a crew within their tier. A crew must battle bosses during finals and earn more honors than the opposing crew in order to win. If two opposing crews earn the same amount of honors during the finals, both crews lose.

Daily Bonus

You can get the following items by accessing the Unite and Fight event page once a day:

These will be directly added to your items' totals.

Daily bonuses will be updated every day at 7 a.m. (JST).

There will be no daily bonuses during Final Rally.

Unite and Fight Restrictions

During Unite and Fight events, all crews are subject to restrictions on the following behaviors:

From the start of the event until 7 a.m. (JST) of the day after Final Rally ends:

  • Strike time can only be changed once.
  • Crew members can't leave.
  • Crews can't disband.
  • Crew members can't be discharged.
  • Crew members can't accept scout requests from other crews.

Each day of finals between 7 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. (JST):

  • Crew roles can't be changed.

In addition, it is not possible to start new quests or join raids if there is one or more unviewed result on the Pending Battles screen. This restriction ends at 7 a.m. (JST) of the day after finals battle 4.

Unite and Fight Items

Unite and Fight items can only be obtained and used in Unite and Fight event battles. Only a certain number of each item can be brought into a Unite and Fight battle.

Unite and Fight Items Usable per Battle:

Up to ninety-nine of each Unite and Fight item can be used in Final Rally.

Unite and Fight items obtained in the current Unite and Fight event can't be transferred to future Unite and Fight events.

Unite and Fight Treasures

Treasure items earned during a Unite and Fight event that are used to start raids don't carry over to future Unite and Fight events.

Items earned from the start of the preliminaries until the end of the interlude will be carried over to finals.

The number of treasures held resets after the end of the event.

Battlefront Gear

Battlefront gear, a category of class outfits from Unite and Fight, can be unlocked by accumulating a certain number of honors in the event. Additional gear stages that allow their look to be changed, also unlocked with event honors, are planned for future updates.

The same number of honors accumulated in Unite and Fight battles is counted toward unlocking battlefront gear. It isn't necessary to equip a particular battlefront gear in battle to accumulate honors.

Battlefront gear will be unlocked by accessing the event screen after the required number of honors have been accumulated. Gear can be unlocked even after Unite and Fight has concluded by accessing the Home screen.

Honors obtained from finished or pending battles after finals battle 4 has concluded will not count toward unlocking battlefront gear.

Honors accumulated toward unlocking battlefront gear will carry over to the next run of Unite and Fight, but those accumulated in excess of the limit that can be held won't be counted.

List of Unite and Fight Outfits

Unite and Fight Draws

  • The token draw will be available after selecting the Revenant weapon included in the drawboxes.
  • Players who already have all ten Eternals can choose a Revenant weapon, crystallized core, new world quartz, damascus pinch, or summon as their drawbox reset item. (This only includes Eternals listed in the Character Map.) If the tenth Eternal is unlocked during the event period, these items can be set from that point.
  • You can change your chosen reset item any number of times. After drawing your reset item for the first time from the token draw, you can change your reset item when resetting a drawbox.
  • The summon, crystallized core, new world quartz, and damascus pinch can be set as the reset item until drawbox #45.
  • If the summon, crystallized core, new world quartz, or damascus pinch is selected as the drawbox reset item for drawbox #45, a Revenant weapon must be set as the reset item for drawbox #46 and thereafter.
  • It's possible to choose whether to draw 10, 50, or 100 items at once using tokens. The default is 100 items.
  • The number of tokens required for the token draw varies among drawboxes.
    • Drawbox #1–45: 2 tokens
    • Drawbox #46–80: 4 tokens
    • Drawbox #81 and beyond: 6 tokens
  • The token draw animation will be skipped when doing multiple draws at once regardless of the skip settings. The animation will play, however, when drawing character weapons for the first time or when drawing a drawbox reset item.
  • Items falling under the criteria set in the EXP reserve feature will automatically be reserved to a lazuline vessel (weapons) or a scarlet vessel (summons).
  • The EXP reserve feature will be prioritized over the auto-sell and auto-upgrade features.
  • When weapons with skills are auto-reserved, skill lvl points of the same rarity will be stored in the craftsman's anvil.
  • Filtered items can be automatically sold or used to upgrade an airship when drawn from the token draw.
  • You can't enable both auto-sell and auto-upgrade settings at the same time.
  • Items set to be included in the auto-reserve feature that would surpass the lazuline vessel, scarlet vessel, or craftsman's anvil's skill lvl point limit, as well as those that would surpass the unused tuning point limit, will be sent to the Time Limit tab of your crate.
  • Starting from the 5th drawbox onward, a button will appear that allows you to draw everything from the drawbox at once. It will only appear if you have enough tokens to do so.
  • When enough tokens to draw 101 times or more are held, a button that allows spending all remaining tokens on a drawbox will appear. (This button doesn't allow multiple drawboxes to be drawn from at once.)
  • When the number of tokens to draw 2 or more drawboxes are held, a button that allows you to draw all drawboxes at once will appear.
  • You can change the number of drawboxes drawn at once from the Draw Settings. Up to 20 drawboxes can be drawn this way.
  • All drawboxes except for the last one will automatically reset when drawing 2 or more drawboxes at once.
  • If the auto EXP reserve, auto-sell, and auto-convert settings are not set on the Draw Settings, the auto EXP reserve settings will be applied by default. All items will be reserved, excluding weapons with skills.
If you have recruited all ten of the Eternals, you may also choose Damascus Pinch, New World Quartz, Crystallized Core or the event's SSR Summon as the prize for your draw boxes (first 45 draw boxes only).

Chests of Good Fortune

  • Chests are bonus items that can be opened to reveal one crystallized core and an item at random. The amount of the random item and the probability of which item appears will vary.
  • Chests of good fortune can be opened from the Unite and Fight event screen. Unused chests of good fortune can't be carried over to the next run of the event.
  • When clearing one of the following battles, there will be a set probability that chests of good fortune will drop. Up to 50 chests can be obtained this way per event.
    • Lvl 95 Nightmare (Discoverers only)
    • Lvl 100 Nightmare (Discoverers only)
    • Lvl 150 Nightmare
    • Lvl 200 Nightmare
    • Lvl 250 Nightmare
  • Chests of good fortune can also be obtained from beginner's missions.
    • Chests obtained as mission completion loot won't count toward the monthly limit of obtainable chests.
  • The current number of unopened chests held can be checked on the Unite and Fight event screen. The number of chests displayed on the Individual tab refers to those obtained from battles during the current event.

Obtainable items

Each chest of good fortune will provide the following when opened:

Chest of Good Fortune rewards
Crystallized Core ×1
Random Drop
Eternity Sand ×1 (Low probability)
Ruby Awakening Orb ×1
Sapphire Awakening Orb ×1
Citrine Awakening Orb ×1
Intricacy Ring ×1
Lineage Ring ×1
Coronation Ring ×3
Silver Moon ×1
Bronze Moon ×2
Gold Spellbook ×1
Silver Spellbook ×1
Copper Spellbook ×2
1× SSR point for the Craftsman's Anvil
Legendary Merit ×1
Bright Spirits ×1
Murky Spirits ×1
Crimson Spirits ×1
Azure Spirits ×1
Dawn Anima ×1
Dusk Anima ×1
Weapon Plus Mark ×3
Summon Plus Mark ×3
Lazuline Vessel ×2
Scarlet Vessel ×2
Half Elixir ×1
Soul Berry ×2
CP ×50
Rupie ×10,000

Battle Badges and Honors

You can earn battle badges by defeating monsters that appear in Unite and Fight events. (Battle badges may be earned even if another player deals the finishing blow.)

Total honors refers to the accumulated honors earned during the course of a Unite and Fight event. You can earn a variety of loot by meeting set honors thresholds.

Crew Honor Boost

  • By having the crew honor boost feature enabled, 70% of the honors earned from battles started by a non-crew member during the finals will be added to your crew total. (The honors will be rounded down.) This feature is enabled by default.
  • To disable this feature, go to the Crew screen, tap Crew Settings, and then tap U&F Settings.
  • Permission to change this setting can be given to crew members.

Honors in Unite and Fight

  • Honors earned during Unite and Fight battles are reflected in your crew's total honors. The total honors you earn are displayed on the event screen and update automatically at regular intervals.
  • Honors earned by players that join a crew after the start of the event won't be reflected in their total crew honors until 7 a.m. (JST) of the next day. (Earned honors will still be added to individual honors.)
  • Honors earned after the end of preliminaries won't be reflected in the preliminary results.
  • Honors earned by the discoverer and other members of the same crew in a raid battle won't be added to their total crew honors if the discoverer retreats from the battle. (Earned honors will still be added to individual honors.)
  • 70% of the honors earned from winning raid battles started by a non-crew member during finals will be added to your crew's total honors if Crew Honors Boost is enabled.

Important Note about Finals

  • Honors earned from pending battles won before the start of finals aren't reflected in your crew's total honors. (Earned honors will still be added to individual honors.)
  • Honors earned from battles won between 12 midnight and 6:59 a.m. (JST) won't be reflected in your crew's total honors.
  • Honors earned from pending battles between 12 midnight and 6:59 a.m. (JST) won't be reflected in your crew's total honors.
  • During finals, only honors earned in battles you or your crew start will be reflected in your crew's total honors.
  • Honors earned in battles started by non-crew members that you join as part of a backup request won't be reflected in your crew's total honors. They will, however, be reflected in your individual total honors.
  • No individual honors can be obtained from a battle or a pending battle after finals battle 4 ends.
  • 70% of the honors earned from winning battles started by a non-crew member during finals can be added to your crew's total honors. To enable this feature, go to the Crew screen, tap Crew Settings, and then tap U&F Settings.

Full HP and ATK Boosts

  • It is possible for your party to receive a 30% boost to max HP and ATK for raid battles when your crew is losing in the finals matches. (These boosts will not apply to solo quests.)
  • Once active, the boosts will take effect for all raid battles joined within fifteen minutes. (The effects will last until the end of each battle.)
  • The boosts will not take effect for battles that are started or joined before the activation.

Crew Officer Skills

  • Crew officer skills are special raid battle boosts that can only be activated by officers.
  • Each skill effect has limited duration and can only be activated a certain number of times a day.

First Officer Skill:

  • Can only be activated by the captain or first officer.
  • Gives a 10% boost to DMG cap and a 30% boost to charge bar at battle start when activated.
  • The effects last for one hour. This skill can be activated up to twice a day.
  • The 30% boost to charge bar at battle start won't take effect during strike time.

Attack Ace Skill:

  • Can only be activated by the captain or the attack ace.
  • Gives a 25% boost to ATK when activated.
  • The effect lasts for two hours. This skill can be activated up to twice a day.

Defense Ace Skill:

  • Can only be activated by the captain or defense ace.
  • Gives a 30% boost to max HP when activated.
  • The effect lasts for two hours. This skill can be activated up to twice a day.


  • Can activate any skill of the first officer, attack ace, or defense ace up to twice a day in total.
  • The number of activations held by the captain is shared with the other officers.

Important Notes:

  • The number of activations doesn't carry over to the next day or event. Activations reset each day at 7 a.m. (JST).
  • Boosts will only take effect for Unite and Fight raid battles.
  • Boosts will not apply to solo quests.
  • There's a five-minute waiting period until the same crew officer skill can be activated again. Effects from the same skill aren't stackable, so only the duration will be extended.
  • Boost effects activated before starting a raid battle or when providing backup last for the entire duration of that raid battle.
  • Boost effects activated in the middle of a raid battle aren't reflected in that battle.
  • Crew officer skills only take effect during the battle period when they are activated.
  • Boosts from crew officer skills that are activated during the interlude period will be reset at the beginning of finals battle 1.
  • Crew officer skills can't be used during Final Rally.

Non-Battle Times

  • Honors earned from battles won outside the designated battle periods of Unite and Fight are not reflected in your crew's total honors.
  • In addition, honors earned from pending battles checked outside event battle periods won't be reflected in your crew's total honors or your individual total honors.
  • No individual honors can be obtained from a battle or a pending battle after finals battle 4 ends.

Following Conclusion of Unite and Fight

  • Winning a Unite and Fight battle after the event ends doesn't give honors. Additionally, honors and event items can't be obtained from the Pending Battles screen after a certain amount of time has passed.

Crew Grade

  • Crews are assigned grades according to the amount of honors they earn during preliminaries. From highest to lowest, the nine possible grades are SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
  • Grades are determined by the following two factors:
    • Total crew honors
    • Average honors earned per crew member
  • Crew grades are updated during preliminary results and determine each crew's grade for the next Unite and Fight event. Honors earned during finals don't affect crew grades.
  • Crew grades are automatically updated even if you don't tap the event banner.

Daily Missions

  • Players who don't advance to finals can complete daily missions to earn loot during each day of finals.

Time: Each day of finals between 7 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. (JST)

Important Notes:

  • Requirements must be met for each battle to earn valor badges.
  • If you join a crew that is participating in finals, you will get no daily mission loot for the day you join even if the requirements are met.
  • Loot can be picked up after each day of finals has ended.

Event Boss Battles

Requirements to Start Quests

  • Once you have started a Unite and Fight quest, you cannot start a second one until the quest is cleared, you retreat, or 10 seconds pass.

Quests outside of Unite and Fight won't be affected. This doesn't affect the joining of quests started by other players.

Special Foes

  • There is a chance the special foe Golden Tyrant will appear at battle start in Extreme and Extreme+ battles.
  • Effects that boost rare foe encounters will not increase the probability of Golden Tyrant appearing.

Extreme+ Quest

  • The Extreme+ quest unlocks by clearing the Extreme quest solo within one turn. (The first turn ends when the Attack button appears again after tapping it once.)
  • Players who haven't unlocked the Extreme+ quest can still join it.
  • The boss will have high elemental resistance except against its superior element.

Nightmare Quests

There are lvl 90, lvl 95, lvl 100, lvl 150, lvl 200, and lvl 250 Nightmare quests.

Each Nightmare quest unlocks at a specific time:

  • Lvl 90: preliminaries
  • Lvl 95 and 100: finals battle 1
  • Lvl 150: finals battle 2
  • Lvl 200 and 250: finals battle 3
  • Bosses in Nightmare-difficulty will have resistance to all elements except for the superior element. All other elements will deal less damage than normal.
  • There is no daily limit on the number of Nightmare quests you can play.

Lvl 150/200/250 Unlock Requirements:

  • For lvl 150, clear the lvl 100 Nightmare quest 100 times. For lvl 200, clear the lvl 150 Nightmare quest 100 times. For lvl 250, clear the lvl 200 Nightmare quest 100 times.


  • You must belong to a crew in order to unlock these quests.
  • The lvl 100/150 Nightmare quests must be started by you or a crew member.
  • Battles cleared before joining a crew will not count toward the unlock requirements.
  • Battles that are cleared or checked during each day's tallying period will count toward the unlock requirements.
  • If the lvl 100 Nightmare quest has been cleared 100 times during finals battle 1, the lvl 150 quest will be unlocked at the beginning of finals battle 2.
  • If the lvl 150 Nightmare quest has been cleared 100 times during finals battle 2, the lvl 200 quest will be unlocked at the beginning of finals battle 3.

Backup Requests:

  • You can send backup requests to your crew, friends, and everyone from the lvl 90, 95, and 100 battles. You can only send backup requests to your crew from the lvl 150, lvl 200, and lvl 250 battles.

Bait Chunks

  • Bait chunks are needed to start lvl 90 to lvl 200 battles. 3 beast bait slices can be traded for 1 bait chunk. There is no limit on the number of bait chunks you can trade for during the event.
  • Bait chunks can't be carried over to the next event.
  • You can trade for bait chunks until battle 4 of finals has concluded.

Malicious Clumps

  • Malicious clumps are needed to start lvl 250 battles. 1 malicious clump can be traded for 2 bait chunks up to 500 times during the event.
  • Malicious clumps can't be carried over to the next event.
  • You can trade malicious clumps until battle 4 of finals has concluded.

Solo Victory Bonus

  • Bonus RP and EXP can be earned when a lvl 90, lvl 95, or lvl 100 quest is cleared solo. To earn the bonuses, you must be the discoverer of the quest and be the only player until the battle ends.
  • Bonus RP and EXP are not affected by journey drop boosts or boosts from other promotions.

Prestige Pendants

  • Prestige Pendants can be obtained by defeating a Nightmare boss, regardless of whether you discover or join the battle. You need to deal a certain amount of damage to obtain them.
  • The amount of prestige pendants obtainable differs among each level.

Beginner's Missions

You can get rewards by clearing missions before the end of the event's loot pickup time.

  • Every player is eligible.
  • Both started and joined raid battles will count toward the missions that require you to defeat a boss a certain number of times.
  • Any difficulty will count toward the missions that require you to defeat a boss a certain number of times as long as the boss is of the same name.
  • Tokens and bait chunks from the mission rewards will be added directly to your totals.
  • Missions need to be cleared within the event.

Event Progression

Unite and Fight consist of six rounds: the Preliminary round; then the Finals, a series of four head-to-head rounds; and lastly, the Final Rally, a crew-only raid battle. Unite and Fight is closed from 12 AM-7 AM JST during finals.

Preliminary Round

During this round, raid bosses up to Nightmare 90 are available. All crews participate in a free-for-all for one day, after which the top 36000 crews earn entry to the finals.

Tiers are comprised of the following types of crews:

  • Tier A Crews:
    • Crews that place in the top 8,000 in preliminary rankings
  • Tier B Crews:
    • Crews that place anywhere from 8,001-19,000 in preliminary rankings
  • Tier C Crews:
    • Crews that place anywhere from 19,001-36,000 in preliminary rankings
    • Crews that place in the top 1,000 in runner-up rankings

After this round, all crews are given a ranking based on their performance, with higher ranks getting better discounts for guild buffs.


After the prelims are over, there is a short 7-hour break where the event is inactive, then there is 1 day of interlude, where the event is active but honor gain doesn't count towards the crew.


For each of the next four days, qualified crews will compete against each other in one-on-one matches to see who can obtain more Honor. Nightmare 95 and Nightmare 100 become available from the 1st round, Nightmare 150 from the 2nd round, Nightmare 200 and Nightmare 250 from the 3rd round. As mentioned before, Bait Chunks are required to summon Nightmare 95 to 200 bosses, with the most lucrative Nightmare requiring 20× Bait Chunk. Malicious clumps obtained from these Nightmare bosses are required to summon the Nightmare 250 boss.

At the end of finals days 1, 2, and 3, the top 300 scoring crews in Tier B and top 600 scoring crews in Tier C will be promoted one tier.

Final Rally

  • Final Rally is a special raid battle open to all players. Defeat the Final Rally boss to get super-rare loot.
  • Final Rally runs from 7 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. (JST). Any number of Final Rally battles can be fought during this battle period, but any battle that goes past this battle period will result in a loss.
  • Final Rally battles can be played from the event screen starting from 7 a.m. (JST) the day after finals battle 4 and won't cost AP or EP.
  • Final Rally battles won't appear on the Raids screen. The current battle can be rejoined from the Unite and Fight event screen. Players don't have to fight in a battle they've joined, but they can't retreat from the battle.
  • Up to 99 of each Unite and Fight item can be used in a Final Rally battle.
  • The Final Rally boss's HP will be cut after the first battle.
  • Status effects that generally can't be removed may expire or behave abnormally if no activity is detected for 120 minutes or longer.

Final Rally Boss Levels

The might of the Final Rally boss a crew faces will differ based on total crew rankings.

  • Top 2,500: Lvl 150
  • #2,501 to #5,500: Lvl 120
  • #5,501 to #9,000: Lvl 100
  • #9,001 to #14,000: Lvl 90
  • #14,001 to #18,000: Lvl 80
  • #18,001 to #30,000: Lvl 70
  • #30,001 and below: Lvl 60
  • Players not making finals: Lvl 60

Final Rally Loot

  • Rally loot will be rewarded on the event page after winning a Final Rally battle for the first time. Earnable loot depends on total crew and individual rankings.
  • Players who didn't join a rally battle can still pick up rally loot from the event screen. Loot can be picked up until 5 days and 17 hours after Final Rally ends.
  • Players who join a crew after the rally boss has been defeated for the first time can't pick up rally loot.
  • As Final Rally battles are not hosted, there is no discoverer bonus loot.
  • No honors and tokens can be obtained from the first Final Rally battle. (A small amount of tokens, however, can be earned from subsequent rally battles.)
  • There is no solo victory bonus for Final Rally battles.
  • Dropped loot will differ from subsequent rally battles after the first one. No EXP can be earned from subsequent rally battles after the first one.
  • Final Rally loot will be sent to the Time Limit tab of the crate. Tokens will be added directly to your token total.
  • The amount of tokens included in the rally loot will be based on the total individual honors obtained throughout the event. Players must be ranked high enough to earn loot in the individual rankings and earn at least 17,000 individual honors in a rally battle to earn tokens from the rally loot.
  • SSR draw tickets earned from rally loot can draw character weapons, non-character weapons (Vintage weapons), and summons.
    • The SSR draw ticket will not draw items that are not included in the Premium draw when the ticket is obtained, or from the following limited-time series: Grand, Summer, Yukata, Halloween, Holiday, Divine Generals, Valentine.

Important Final Rally Notes

Once the Final Rally period starts, players can't join or apply for a crew, nor can they scout or approve new crew members until 7 a.m. (JST) of the next day.

History of Important Changes

See: Unite and Fight/Important Changes

Consolidated update notes from each Unite and Fight event. Notes from 2016 and earlier are currently not archived on the wiki.

Event Rewards

Event Missions

Completing missions during the event earns rewards. The missions are as follows:

Event Mission Rewards
Mission Reward
Defeat the Normal or Hard solo battles 5 times Crystal ×50
Defeat the Normal or Hard solo battles 10 times Token ×50
Defeat the Normal or Hard solo battles 15 times Token ×125
Defeat the Very Hard solo battle 5 times Token ×50
Defeat the Very Hard solo battle 10 times Token ×100
Defeat the Very Hard solo battle 15 times Token ×150
Defeat the Extreme or Extreme+ raid boss 5 times Bait Chunk ×5
Defeat the Extreme or Extreme+ raid boss 10 times Bait Chunk ×5
Defeat the Extreme or Extreme+ raid boss 15 times Bait Chunk ×5
Defeat the Extreme or Extreme+ raid boss 20 times Chest of Good Fortune ×2
Defeat the Extreme or Extreme+ raid boss 25 times Chest of Good Fortune ×2
Defeat the Nightmare raid boss 5 times Token ×100
Defeat the Nightmare raid boss 10 times Token ×200
Defeat the Nightmare raid boss 15 times Token ×300
Defeat the Nightmare raid boss 20 times Chest of Good Fortune ×3
Defeat the Nightmare raid boss 25 times Chest of Good Fortune ×3
Reset the token drawbox 1 time Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset the token drawbox 2 times Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset the token drawbox 3 times Premium Draw Ticket ×1
Reset the token drawbox 4 times Premium Draw Ticket ×1

Boss Drops

Battle Badge

Badge rewards are simply earned when the requisite number of badges is collected. You do not spend badges for these rewards.

Battle Badge Rewards
Required Reward
1 Token ×20
3 Tiamat Anima ×5
5 Rupies ×1,000
7 Colossus Anima ×5
9 Token ×20
12 Leviathan Anima ×5
15 Rupies ×2,000
18 Yggdrasil Anima ×5
21 Soul Berry ×1
24 Luminiera Anima ×5
27 SR Weapon 2
30 Celeste Anima ×5
33 Soul Berry ×1
36 Tiamat Omega Anima ×5
40 Token ×20
44 Colossus Omega Anima ×5
50 Angel Wand ×3
52 Leviathan Omega Anima ×5
56 Token ×30
60 Yggdrasil Omega Anima ×5
70 Moonlight Stone ×1
80 CP ×50
90 Token ×30
100 SR Weapon 1
110 Soul Berry ×3
120 Luminiera Omega Anima ×5
140 SSR Summon
150 Celeste Omega Anima ×5
160 Token ×100
170 Rupies ×5,000
180 Token ×150
190 SR Weapon 2
200 Champion Merit ×10
225 Rupies ×10,000
250 Soul Berry ×3
275 Quartz x5
300 Supreme Merit ×5
325 Token ×200
350 Rupies ×15,000
375 CP ×50
400 SSR Summon
425 Premium Draw Ticket ×1
450 Silver Spellbook ×1
475 Quartz x10
500 Coronation Ring ×1
550 Gold Moon ×1

Honor Collection

Collect honor by defeating raid bosses. When specific amounts of honor is accumulated, earn rewards. Harder raid bosses have higher honor multipliers as well as more HP, allowing honor to be accumulated more quickly.

Valor Badges

Valor Badges are a currency that can only be obtained through Unite and Fight or Dread Barrage, and are the main reward for qualifying for Finals and winning Finals matches.

You must belong to a ranked crew by the end of preliminaries in order to earn valor badges with any of the following requirements. (You can't get them for joining a crew after preliminaries have concluded.)

Earned Valor Badges can be exchanged for loot on the event's Trade Valor Badges screen and from Treasure Trade in the shop. Loot will be sent to the No Limit tab of your crate. This doesn't include loot from 1-badge exchange packs.

Earned Valor Badges are usable in future Unite and Fight events.

You earn them in the following ways:

Group Max Requirement Reward Notes
Prelims Get a total of 22,000 crew honors and 1,200 individual honors in prelims Valor Badge ×5
Prelims Get a total of 45,000 crew honors and 2,500 individual honors in prelims Valor Badge ×10
Prelims Get 12,000 individual honors in prelims Valor Badge ×5
Prelims Get 25,000 individual honors in prelims Valor Badge ×10
Prelims Place in the top 300 in the preliminary crew rankings Tier A in finals
Prelims Place anywhere from 301-1,000 in the preliminary crew rankings Tier A in finals
Prelims Place anywhere from 1,001-8,000 in the preliminary crew rankings Valor Badge ×25 Tier A in finals
Prelims Place anywhere from 8,001-19,000 in the preliminary crew rankings Valor Badge ×10 Tier B in finals
Prelims Place anywhere from 19,001-36,000 in the preliminary crew rankings Valor Badge ×5 Tier C in finals
Tier A
Tier A Get a total of 300,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier A finals Valor Badge ×60 per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 1,000,000,000 crew honors, 10,000,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier A finals per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 10,000,000 crew honors, 1,000,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals Valor Badge ×25 per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 100,000,000 crew honors, 2,500,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 150,000,000 crew honors, 3,500,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 250,000,000 crew honors, 6,000,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 1,000,000,000 crew honors, 30,000,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals per finals day
Tier A Get a total of 3,000,000,000 crew honors, 90,000,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier A finals per finals day
Tier B
Tier B Get a total of 200,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×25 per finals day
Tier B Get a total of 35,000,000 crew honors, 360,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier B Get a total of 50,000,000 crew honors, 480,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier B Get a total of 5,000,000 crew honors, 500,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×10 per finals day
Tier B Get a total of 35,000,000 crew honors, 900,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier B Get a total of 50,000,000 crew honors, 1,200,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier B finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier C
Tier C Get a total of 100,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier C finals per finals day
Tier C Get a total of 5,000,000 crew honors, 160,000 individual honors and win a battle in Tier C finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier C Get a total of 1,800,000 crew honors, 150,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier C finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Tier C Get a total of 5,000,000 crew honors, 400,000 individual honors and lose a battle in Tier C finals Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
Individual Place in the top 90,000 in the individual rankings Valor Badge ×100
Individual Place anywhere from 90,001-140,000 in the individual rankings Valor Badge ×75
Individual Place anywhere from 140,001-180,000 in the individual rankings Valor Badge ×50
Individual Place anywhere from 180,001-270,000 in the individual rankings Valor Badge ×25
Individual Place anywhere from 270,001-370,000 in the individual rankings Valor Badge ×10
Individual Player not in a crew advancing to finals: get 250,000 indiv. honors during a finals battle Token ×100 per finals day
Individual Player not in a crew advancing to finals: get 400,000 indiv. honors during a finals battle Valor Badge ×5 per finals day
★ - All available.
✭ - Max in tier B finals.
✧ - Max in tier C finals.
◈ - Not in a crew advancing to finals

Valor Badge Shop

Here are the purchasable badge packs from the event Shop.

Pack Contents Cost Notes
1-Badge Pack
  • Token ×100
Valor Badge ×1 Limit 10 purchases.
Resets each Unite and Fight run.
30-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×30 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
80-Badge Pack Providence Globe ×1 Valor Badge ×80 Resets each Dread Barrage run.
90-Badge Pack Astral Votum ×1 Valor Badge ×90 Resets each Dread Barrage run.
100-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×100 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
100-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×100 Resets each Dread Barrage run.
Extinction Blade Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
Schrodinger Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
Fang of the Dragonslayer Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
Sette di Spade Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
Symmetria Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
Forbidden Agastia Pack Valor Badge ×200 Resets each Unite and Fight run.
275-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×275 Recommended!
Resets each Unite and Fight run.
300-Badge Pack Lapis Merit ×1 Valor Badge ×300 Stock increases (not resets) each Unite and Fight run and each Dread Barrage run.
340-Badge Pack Astral Spiritus ×1 Valor Badge ×340 Resets each Dread Barrage run.
450-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×450
Resets each Unite and Fight run.
500-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×500
550-Badge Pack Valor Badge ×550
Resets each Dread Barrage run.

Purchase Priority

Most players overwhelmingly prioritize packs containing progression items that are difficult or impossible to obtain from sources other than Valor Badges. Among these, priority varies based on each player's goals, account, and stock in other shops.

Other packs are almost never recommended due to their opportunity cost in Valor Badges. See Item Rollback in case of a mistaken purchase.

Final Rally

Requirement Reward Notes
Total Crew Rankings
Place in the top 2,500 in the total crew rankings
Place anywhere from 2,501–5,500 in the total crew rankings
Place anywhere from 5,501–9,000 in the total crew rankings
Place anywhere from 9,001–14,000 in the total crew rankings
Place anywhere from 14,001–18,000 in the total crew rankings
Place anywhere from 18,001–30,000 in the total crew rankings
Place 30,001 or lower in the total crew rankings
Individual Rankings
Place in the top 90,000 in the individual rankings Random Reward Sunlight Stone ×1
(Lucky Loot!)
Sunlight Shard ×3
Place anywhere from 90,001–140,000 in the individual rankings Random Reward Sunlight Stone ×1
(Lucky Loot!)
Sunlight Shard ×2
Place anywhere from 140,001–180,000 in the individual rankings Random Reward Sunlight Stone ×1
(Lucky Loot!)
Sunlight Shard ×1
Place anywhere from 180,001–270,000 in the individual rankings Random Reward Gold Moon ×1
Silver Moon ×5
Place anywhere from 270,001–370,000 in the individual rankings
Place anywhere from 370,001–470,000 in the individual rankings
Place 470,001 or lower in the individual rankings


  English Title Japanese Title Step Description Reward Notes
Road to Victory 初勝ち星 ★☆☆ Advance to finals, and win a finals battle or the Final Rally in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
Unite and Fight Ace 古戦場の闘士 ★★☆ Win 3 finals battles or win 2 finals battles and the Final Rally in the same Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Unite and Fight Legend 古戦場の勇者 ★★★ Win 4 finals battles and the Final Rally in the same Unite and Fight Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Hero 古戦場の英雄 Place in the top 2,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Big Shot 古戦場の豪傑 Place in the top 50,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×50
Unite and Fight Up-and-Comer 古戦場の麒麟児 Place in the top 100,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×30
Unite and Fight Apprentice 古戦場の新鋭 Place in the top 150,000 in Unite and Fight individual rankings Crystal ×10
Are You Saving for Your Future? 戦貨を集めてみませんか? ★☆☆☆☆☆ Get 50,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
Nest Egg Acquired 積み立てコツコツ ★★☆☆☆☆ Get 150,000 tokens in Unite and Fight
Token Collector 戦貨コレクター ★★★☆☆☆ Get 300,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×10
You Don't Know? That's When... 止まるんじゃねぇぞ ★★★★☆☆ Get 600,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Got My War Chest Right Here ウォーブルジョワ ★★★★★☆ Get 1,000,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×30
Ultimate Enlightenment Achieved 悟りの境地 ★★★★★★ Get 2,500,000 tokens in Unite and Fight Crystal ×50

Event History

  • Summon stones and any other pages linked in the table below are for visual representation purposes only. They do not necessarily represent Unite and Fight rewards.
  • For detailed notes from previous Unite and Fight events, see Unite and Fight/Important Changes.
# Dates Boss
Featured Foes Notes
1 June 2014 Dark Light Behemoth
2 July 2014 Fire Water Grendel
3 August 2014 Wind Fire Gugalanna
4 September 2014 Earth Wind Allosaurus
5 October 2014 Dark Light Jack-o'-Lantern Halloween Event: Phantasm Banquet: Unite and Fight
6 November 2014 Water Earth Audumbla
7 December 2014 Light Dark Mahisha
8 January 2015 Dark Light Behemoth
9 March 2015 Fire Water Volcanrio
10 May 2015 Wind Fire Viridian Horn
11 June 2015 Water Earth Aberration
12 July 2015 Earth Wind Tyrannus
13 August 2015 Light Dark Rokujizo,
Piña the Enlightened
Collaboration Event: Cinderella Fantasy: Peace for Lost Souls
14 September 2015 Wind Fire Viridian Horn
15 October 2015 Dark Light Jack-o'-Lantern,
Pumpkin Beast
Halloween Event: Phantasm Banquet
16 November 2015 Light Dark Supergigante
17 December 2015 Water Earth Snowman,
Holiday Event: Winter Duel Tournament
18 January 2016 Dark Light Wicked Rebel,
BehemothCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
Collaboration Event: Slayers Omega
19 March 2016 Fire Water Volcanrio,
GrendelCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
20 April 2016 Earth Wind Tyrannus,
AllosaurusCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
21 May 2016 Water Earth Aberration,
AudumblaCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
22 July 2016 Wind Fire Viridian Horn,
GugalannaCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
23 August 2016 Light Dark Supergigante,
MahishaCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
24 September 2016 Fire Water Volcanrio,
GrendelCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
25 October 2016 Dark Light Pumpkin Beast,
Jack-o'-LanternCrew-only Nightmare version that could be battled only once per crew per Round
Halloween Event: Phantasm Banquet: Carnival of Whimsy
26 December 2016 Water Earth Frostclops,
Snowman*Changes into different forms based on HP
Holiday Event: Winter Duel Tournament: Snowfall Brawl
27 January 2017 Earth Wind Goliath
28 March 2017 Wind Fire Bella Donna
29 April 2017 Fire Water Vespa Regina
30 May 2017 Light Dark Dunkelheit
31 June 2017 Dark Light Cathbharr
32 August 2017 Water Earth Oktopode
33 September 2017 Earth Wind Piasa
34 November 2017 Fire Water Sethlans
35 January 2018 Wind Fire Quetzalcoatl
36 February 2018 Light Dark Fudgey Filly Valentine Event
37 April 2018 Dark Light Typhon
38 May 2018 Water Earth Snow White
39 July 2018 Earth Wind Tezcatlipoca
40 August 2018 Fire Water Zaoshen
41 November 2018 Wind Fire Freyr
42 January 2019 Light Dark Vortex Dragon
43 February 2019 Dark Light Tsukuyomi
44 April 2019 Earth Wind Cybele
45 May 2019 Water Earth Varuna
46 July 2019 Fire Water Hellfire Bonito
47 September 2019 Wind Fire Garula, Shining Hawk
48 November 2019 Light Dark Adramelech
49 January 2020 Dark Light Winter's Claws
50 February 2020 Earth Wind Dogu
51 April 2020 Fire Water Surtr
52 June 2020 Wind Fire Elil
53 August 2020 Water Earth Princess Long Ji
54 November 2020 Light Dark Heimdallr
55 January 2021 Dark Light Tyrannosaurus Nyarlathotep moved to Dread Barrage/July 2022 after reaching Auld Lang Fry PREMIUM Sky-Wide Points goal.[1]
56 April 2021 Fire Water Red Hare
57 July 2021 Water Earth Charybdis
58 September 2021 Wind Fire Owlcat Due to the server issues and resulting maintenance, the schedule was altered by one day with no interlude.
59 November 2021 Earth Wind Mammoth
60 January 2022 Light Dark Artemis
61 April 2022 Dark Light Zirnitra
62 June 2022 Water Earth Hitogata
63 September 2022 Fire Water Hekate
64 November 2022 Earth Wind Nozuchi Special story featuring Tsuchinoko.
65 January 2023 Wind Fire Noire Due to the server issues and resulting maintenance, the schedule was altered by one day with no interlude.
66 April 2023 Light Dark Mars
67 May 2023 Dark Light Immortal Soul Dragon
68 July 2023 Water Earth Bermuda Triangle
69 September 2023 Earth Wind Goldenwing Dragon
70 November 2023 Fire Water Farbigrabe
71 January 2024 Wind Fire Cassiopeia New weapons: Gateway-Star Sword and Fantasia-Realm Harp
72 April 2024 Dark Light God Rabbit Teramax New weapon: Covenant-Ruin Fist
73 June 2024 Light Dark Bastet New weapons: Desolation-Crown Bow and Altruism-Soul Staff
New skin: Honing Seeker: Nova (MC)
74 September 2024 Water Earth Tetragod New weapons: Selfless-Rift Spear and Twinfall-Sky Blade
75 November 2024 Earth Wind Commander of Destruction New weapons: Demolition-Tiger Axe and Oration-Life Katana
New skin: Honing Seeker: Phantom (MC)
76 January 2025 Fire Water Soul Invoker New weapon: Twinpain-Wolf Gun
77 April 2025 Dark Light
