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About Status Effects
Glossary | Quick Navigation | Field Effects | Overeffects

Certain status effects, when being reapplied after already reaching their usual maximum level, will activate Overeffects.

Bounty Overeffects

When a foe's BountyItem drop rate is boosted
lvl is at 9 or higher, further attempts to raise it have a chance to apply lvls of Surplus BountyAdditional item drop rate is boosted

The Surplus BountyAdditional item drop rate is boosted
effect provides a chance, based on its lvl, to roll for one additional treasure chest as loot, selected at random from the standard loot chests (wooden, silver, gold) able to drop in that battle. The probability of this increases with each lvl of Surplus BountyAdditional item drop rate is boosted

Surplus BountyAdditional item drop rate is boosted
becomes more difficult to apply as its lvl rises, with each lvl having a lower chance of successfully being applied than the previous lvl. If lvl 10 is reached, the chance to roll for an additional chest will be 100%. (The roll for the chest to drop may still fail however, in which case the additional loot won't be obtained.)