Status Effects
About Status Effects
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Skills, charge attacks, and summons can have effects on party members and foes. These include buff effects, which strengthen, and debuff effects, which weaken. Some effects count as both buffs and debuffs. Effects end after enough turns or time pass, or they're cancelled by a character's skill.
General Notes
Number of Buffs and Debuffs
Some characters and bosses have conditional effects based on the number of buffs or debuffs that are active in battle.
- Each buff or debuff description listed under a character's or foe's Current Status Effects count as one buff or debuff respectively.
- Icons displayed on a character's portrait in battle does not necessarily represent the actual number of buffs.
- Buffs provided by Sephira Guidebooks do not count towards a character's total number of buffs.
Stacking Properties
Certain status effects have an unseen stacking frame which determines how identical effects can stack. For example, Miserable MistInflict
25% ATK DownATK is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual and 25% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 25%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Dual on all foes. and Armor Break100% elemental damage to a foe.
Inflict 20% DEF DownDEF is lowered
Strength: 20%Base Accuracy: 80%Duration: 180 secondsStacking: Single. can both inflict DEF DownDEF is lowered
. Since Miserable Mist's frame is "Dual" while Armor Break's frame is "Single", both effects can be inflicted separately on a foe and stack with each other.
Note that although multiple effects can co-exist on an ally or foe, it does not necessarily mean that those effects stack. In cases where the stacking frame is identical, only the strongest effect will typically take precedence.
The duration of most status effects is either expressed in battle turns or real-time seconds. For the most part, effects on the player's party have a turn-based duration.
Foes can have either turn-based or real-time status durations. A foe's turn-based effects typically display the remaining number of turns on its icon. Turn-based status durations tend to be colloquially called "local" effects.
- Buffs
- For example,
ATK UpATK is boosted
,DEF UpDEF is boosted
, andTA UpTriple attack rate is boosted
. - Most buffs can be removed with Dispel effects
- No known cap.
- Debuffs
- For example,
ATK DownATK is lowered
,DEF DownDEF is lowered
, andGravitySpecial attack max charge turn is extended
. - Most debuffs can be removed with Clear effects.
- Special Buffs
- Certain status effects are classified as "special buffs", which are indicated by their skill descriptions in-game, and the status infobox in the wiki.
- Most special buffs have an icon unique to a specific character and their character versions, such as Korwa's
ColHP is restored on every turn / DEF is boosted
.- However, not all buffs with unique icons are special buffs, such as Anila's
Hidden Tiger, Crouching DragonCharge bar gain is boosted /
Debuff resistance is boosted /
ATK is boosted /
Double attack rate is boosted /
Attacks made with elemental superiority have a chance to deal boosted DMG
(Can't be removed)
which is a regular buff.
- However, not all buffs with unique icons are special buffs, such as Anila's
- Special buffs can stack with regular buffs and are subject to normal stacking rules (e.g. additive for normal modifier ATK buffs).
- Special buffs can be active at the same time as other special buffs, but if there are overlapping effects, only the highest effect will apply.[1][2]
- Dual and Single
- Used to indicated whether (de)buffs sourced from character skills stack with each other.
- This terminology was used due to skills that buff/debuff one attribute (Single), were able to stack with skills that buff/debuff two attributes (Dual).
- While this is frequently the case, many exceptions exist now and these terms are currently only used to indicate stacking possibilities.
- Source
- Refers to the source of an effect. Most common sources are Skill, Support Skill, C.A, Summon Call, Summon Aura. Source often, but not always, plays a role in effect stacking.
- Skill refers to Main Character's and other allies' skills.
- Support Skill refers to a character's passive ability.
- C.A. refers to Charge Attack of characters or weapons.
- Summon Call refers to effects taking place after summon has been summoned.
- Summon Aura refers to passive effects granted by a summon.
- Side
- Used to explain how effects stacks with each other.
- Generally, only one effect of the same side can be active at a time. Stronger effects overwrite weaker ones and if you try to apply a weaker effect, while a stronger one is active, you'll get a "NO EFFECT" message.
- Equally strong effects of the same stacking side will overwrite each other and the duration will be overwritten too (not extended).
- Global
- Refers to enemy buffs and debuffs that can be seen by any party in a raid.
- Global status effects are signified by having circle-shaped icon and typically have time-based durations.
- Global effects can be applied or overwritten by any party participating in the raid.
- Local
- Refers to enemy buffs and debuffs that are exclusive to a player's fight such as Ultimate Bahamut's
Ruination RayDeals 3-hit plain DMG to an ally each turn
or Grea'sDracoforce Under Grea's sway / Grea's ATK specs will be boosted upon attacking this foe (Can't be removed)
Local status effect. - Local effects are signified by having a diamond-shaped status icon rather than a circle shape.
- Unlike other buffs and debuffs, Local effects can only ever have turn-based durations.
- If a local status effect is overwritten on a foe, the duration is also overwritten regardless of what the previous duration was.
- Half Turns
- Some buffs or debuffs on this wiki may have a listed duration of x.5 Turns.
- These are applied during the attack phaseThe phase that is immediately after pressing the Attack button of a turn and only affect allies and/or enemies who perform their attack after gaining the effect.
- Refresh and turn-based damage applied during the attack phase which have their effect on the turn transition are also labeled as x.5 Turns.
- For example, a status with the duration of 1.5 turns is technically 2 turns in the game, but this initial duration cannot be normally seen by players. Status durations still count down by 1 at the end of the turn even when applied during the attack phase.
- ↑ Granblue Fantasy: Special Buffs (under Niyon's entry)
- ↑ YewBragior: Special Buffs damage testing